One of the key players in the Ukrainian scandal is due in court today, where he could have his bail revoked. But why are Republicans so afraid of him? Real Clear Politics Associate Editor A.B. Stoddard joins Stephanie Ruhle with the answer. Aired on 12/17/19.
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Why Are Republicans So Afraid Of Lev Parnas? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Republicans are afraid of the truth. The facts will mean they lose jobs and we can get back to making good decisions for America.
@Rod Allen – Enough, Rod, enough. It is you that is the absolute fool.
Moscow Mitch knows he’s going to lose next re-election and so does Graham so they need Trump to pardon them ALL when they are indicted.
@James Jones Trolls are all out. I had one say to me: “I am sorry your three (3) Masters degrees in Lesbian interpretive dance did not work out. GET A JOB. WELDING and get out of your mother’s basement.” I also saw it repeated later in some comments to other people.” I especially like the one where they say, “Tell me exactly what page of the (name report here) that it says what you are saying. Do your research” That one shows up a lot. Ignore them and move on they are Botts or Trolls. I wrote a word salad of nonsense to one of them, noe response said, “Take a pill.” LOL Pretty funny but NOT funny!
Tom Jones It’s great to be living in these prosperous times. Everyone is working,at least the ones that want to.

@Dave Waldon People have been working since 2009. Go Obama
The buck stops with the person at the top: President Trump.
Cue 1st Amend Yes. I’m glad he’s the top dog

And “the walls are closing in!” again and again. LOL
trump never saw a buck he did not try to steal and put in his pocket
DjT wants the majority of voters to accept his criminal conduct, stay home on November 3, 2020 and to ‘throw the fight’ so that he can continue ‘going into the tank’ for putin’s benefit and his “30 pieces of silver”.
But not going to happen. All the replubicans who voted for him because they couldn’t possibly vote for Hillary see that what she said they are “the deplorables ” we correct are facing reality that she was right all along will not be duped again and he’s only left with his 35% which he can not win with them.
At some point, albeit perhaps too late, a few corporations are going to wake up to the reality that without a strong middle class as purchasers, capitalism will die along with their amassed fortunes. Especially if/when the U.S. petro dollar goes in the tank (thanks to the GOP backing Russian energy). With hundreds of billions of dollars in projected losses, my guess, is that somewhere along the way, some giant corporations with the ability to subcontract to a certain type of entity, will partner to stop Trump and Co., dead in its tracks. Emphasis on “dead.”
Gaetano Vindigni But his numbers are up and the Democrats are down. And the Deporables are United

Sherriee Byrse y’all are so decisional…it scary! I mean how many times we’ll y’all have to be lied to by the democrats& their puppets before y’all will start questioning their credibility?
They are scared that people will find out that the Republicans went to Russia on the 4 th, of July last year
Quentin Garnes Desperate and pathetic
They wanted out of the USA on Independence Day because it went against their beliefs !!
@Some Person When the h did I ever say that?? NOT ! He is NOT above the law… and you are a waste of my time.
@Linda Lauer “it still will not change the outcome that you will see” I agreed. Maybe you should work on your trolling if you’re going to keep trying, you seem to trigger yourself while attempting to edit your punctuation…

True. Jerry Moran of KS attended the Russia trip July 4th, and Lev donated money to the KS GOP.
GOP= Russian assets
That’s cute you still buy that narrative. Is Horowitz also on the Putin payroll? We found the only candidate that sought out, welcomed, and paid for foreign influence was the Dems.
@Team Colby is the way to go Nope, that would be you and Kjell.
@doppler And you need to improve your grade school grammar.
The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the Axe, for the Axe was cleaver and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.” Turkish Proverb
W o W
this Turkish proverb aptly describes Erdogan.
Putin runs the Republican Party and that’s why they’re trying to keep everything covered up nice and tight.
Zionists run both parties
such unreasonable speech pushes Russophobia
Why does trump demand the translator notes to be confiscated during his Russian meetings? Why is Paul Manafort Rick gates and many others in Trumps circle serving prison sentences for Russian related crimes? How can idiots still spew BS saying Trump & Russia is a hoax? These must be the same idiots that believe in flat earth and shape shifting lizard people?
Well, I guess Putin is responsible for a robust American economy – *moron*
Lev Parnas knows where all the GOP’s bodies are buried.
Republicans should revisit the Prevezon case under the Obama administration. I find it really strange that Federal prosecutors in New York announced the settlement with Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, the owner of Prevezon Holdings, on May 12, just three days before jury selection was set to begin in the case.
Under the settlement, none of Prevezon Holdings’ companies admitted wrongdoing.The settlement brings to a close more than three years of court battles by U.S. prosecutors seeking to seize more than $20 million in real estate and bank accounts from Prevezon. This would tie the Obama administration to the case since many of these operatives Including Parnas was in NY at the time.
@Michael Carter LOL Good one. Trump was really slurring his words bad the other day. Scared he is demented or taking Xanax which can cause people to go ballastic, violent and irrational when dosage is lowered. Another Syria on the way? Yes, Afghanistan last night!! Holy crap!
Keep him under guard!
@Joy Phillips good one comrades.. keep deflect to whataboutism… spreading lies with no facts at all.. in fact why just stop there? I remember Obama goes to my hometown, Indonesia couple time, why not ties Obama with radical Islamic Indonesian since he’s been here before? Or Arabs? Surely Obama went to Saudi before, right? And china too, i hear Obama is super Chinese agents and let’s not forget his birth certificate-gate, he is originally from africa, right? Oh boy.. this is what happened if republiCUNTS meddle with commie Russia, just spin everything suits to their narrative.. republiCUNTS = COMMUNIST in christianity suits
pcwcol Started out with his mentor, Roy Cohn, who introduced DJT to Italian & Russian mobs.
No problem, eh?
Time to check EVERYBODY’S endorsement/political contribution sources!
Seriously, I _want_ the FBI to spy on candidates to ensure they aren’t foreign agents.
That’s my idea of them _doing their job_
ALL candidates running for high office.
Forget it! Supreme Court gave us Citizens United (nice name, huh?), where money talks. Big money talks the loudest.
Street Lampey *Republican Senators and Congressmonsters have been paid by Putin through the National Rifle Association so won’t convict Trump. So corrupt!*
Mayor Pete is a Republican
He needs to go!
Parnas seemed to have single-handedly shut down Devon Nunes, and for that alone i like the guy already.
@Patrick Kennedy Nunes is a weird guy and trying to get in on a big payout from Russians too? Not all that money is going to campaigns, a lot going in pockets in cash. Donations to questionable non-profits should be looked at.
@D B He did have a guilty look on his face during the whole House Intelligence hearing.and said some lame stuff to his audience of one (#1). LOL
Let see him shut Trump down and his clowns
Moscow Mitch knows that he’s going down for both his and his wife’s own illegal actions… Moscow Mitch needs trump to stay in power so that Moscow Mitch and wife don’t goto jail….
Charles T This is the last chance for these old guys to rip off every cent they can before the are just another 100 episode Documentary.on the History Channel. Right next to Ancient Aliens and no one will believe THEM either. Do you think some people are in denial because all of this is just toooo insane to believe. I mean, who the heck would do this stuff? Tom Clancey couldn’t make it up. On second thought, he probably could. Especially the Syria 180 in the middle of the night.
Charles T. The senate gets their cocane from Mitch
YUP. Made teh Op-Ed page of the NYTimees back in October/Nov. 2019: I wish I still had this article BUT I’m sure Its on line
Replublican senators in full disgrace to their country
How dare you single out the senators. House reps too.
The republicans are willing to cover up treason and corruption. Those people are despicable, in every possible way.
They don’t like alike a honest
Yes but you have to keep in mind that in their view, Hilary got away with deleting her emails( which everyone on the right and many on the left think would have exposed Clinton foundation crimes) and Benghazi. So they think that two wrongs make a right(wing).
@Ken Fields Until this last few years Kenny I didn’t realize how ignorant and arrogant most men are. Congrats for reinforcing that belief. Now get your head back up there. Stay boy, stay. You’ve lots of company and won’t be lonely. See you on the barricades November 2020.
republicans are just disgusting
and this is how Moscow mitch got his nickname
History will prove Nancy Pelosi right when she accurately described this period we live in with these words ” All roads lead to Putin “.
Say what you want but Nancy is a complete loon .Just the other day one of her finest dropped his pants in Safeway and took a dump on the floor . Ya go Nancy and supporters soon you will swim in it
@Alex Hamilton They will read about her. I’ll make sure of it because I’ll write a book about her.
@Yak Man pathetic troll
Trump is so crooked, when he dies, they’re going to have to screw him into the ground. Why are so many Americans blind to this?? SMH
Tom Karasch they’re not educated
@Cj Murray thank you!
It’s not that they are blind is the bribes and pay offs for votes or to brainwash them to do his dirty work .
M oscow A gents G overning A merica.

M orons A re G overning A merica
@Epoh Ecnatsnoc Also, Morons Are Grifting America, in light of all the self-serving by Trump’s nepotistic family appointments and others who paid their way in.
They are afraid of All the Truth coming out. Some in jail now, let’s see how many more go to jail.
Relax Good I know. It looks like some past administration and FBI will be next

Just because Trump may be acquitted, doesn’t mean that he isn’t guilty!
He will be and he is. Sad but true.
Evidence is clear: acquittal means Putin’s puppets did his bidding
It is all so much worse than almost anyone thinks with this administration.
How bad is it?
I bet this is the biggest Scandal of all times. America has been con by the biggest Con of all times. Got to give it to Trump he Con the United States of America, and brainwashing some along the way.