Why a Democratic landslide could crush the GOP for years to come

As November 3 draws closer, independent political handicappers are revising upwards the likelihood of Joe Biden winning the presidency and Democrats making gains in Congress. In other words, a Democratic landslide could be coming. CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains how this potential wave will crash hardest — and with the most impact — at the state legislative level.

About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.

Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Allison Gordon
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
Video Editor: Steven Sevilla

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Why a Democratic landslide could crush the GOP for years to come


    1. Joe Biden basically lied and contradicted everything he has done, said and stood for over 47 years. Remember folks Trump is not a politician he tells it like it is, Biden is a politician he tells you what you want to hear. No matter if what you want to hear contradicts his last statement then he will just lie.

    2. HEY, CHRIS you got fined at your building for refusing to wear a mask. And the people of South Hampton dont appreciate you telling to wear mask whilst you strut around town without one. Clearly your on your way to being a politician.


  1. “My dear friends: Your vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have to create a more perfect union.” – John Lewis

    1. @Ryan S. Hopefully American will look this up. Biden is the “big guy” & money is funneling from hunter to him. Biden is lying to America & a security risk.

    2. @Sparky Sparky I see a huge class action lawsuit coming for big tech. The executive order signed by the president seems to give way for the FCC to interrupt and define the protections under section 203. It wasn’t intended to give immunity to intentional and abusive censorship because the platform disagrees with the content creators.

  2. You can always count on Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else.

    Winston Churchill

  3. They are very important. This election there has been an outpouring of young people who are voting for the first time, who are reaching out to their peers and also the community they live in to get people to understand the power of their votes at the State level. To know who they are voting for. It’s been amazing to witness and gives me hope for the future. 💜💚

  4. This is the only kind of political news I can take anymore. Is anyone else politically exhausted? Chris, keep doing this format, it works on many levels compared to other news that you’d have to filter through. Peace everybody, get out an vote, or I mean don’t forget to vote by mail. ;^[)

    1. Biden was paid millions from China, Russia and Ukraine. Just wait. This info is coming. the whistleblower has come forward. Biden crime family going down!!!!!!!

    2. 👾Facebook, Twittler, YouTube, MSNBC, CNN,CNBC,NYtimes, Washington post, Fauci, bill gates, Biden, Obama,Hillary,Harris, CUOMO,Pelosi,FBI, CIA, even Republican Bush,,,
      CCP bought off all of USA’s!! USA have already almost become a state of CCP’s!😱CCP infiltrate USA’s system decades,they (and Democrats) believe, if the evil deed is huge enough to cheat people with good will, with top lawyers, they could convince jury to sentence them no guilty. This is their logic! if someone dare to exposes their sins, they will vilify you as a conspiracy theory! That’s why bigtechnology, mainstream media use 230 articles to control and censor speech! and only slander and rumor trump as “white supremacists, racist Russia colludes” can be madly promoted on internet! mainstream media crazy suppression of the sins of real Democrats:👉 till 2012,Obama,Biden provided ccp with a list of 60 of USA’s spies in China in order to his dirty money with ccp, and they 60 people all were killed by CCP! even a woman who had a baby in her belly also was killed! Many people familiar with the Benghazi incident were assassinated by Hillary,Obama,Biden! How many people did Hillary,Obama,Biden killed? how many children have been abused by Hillary,Biden and his son? Obama’s admi spent $50 billion of USA’s taxpayer builded mosques in all of the world to fight Christian and Catholicism! How much of Clinton’s fund
      from the child trafficking organization? More than $ 3 million
      Clinton,Hillary’s daughters wedding cost was come from the Haitian child trafficking organization! Biden’s family even been getting financial aid from CCP since he was 36 years old! The whole of Democrats almost a criminal gang! They have been with many western leaders even Vatican were willing to worship CCP as Pope, in order to achieve globalization— it’s essence is new slavery society, “Elites” first society! That’s why so many riots,BLM,antifa in USA recentl, defund police, use the big data net to control everyone ‘s freedom! get rid of trump–the outside of their PLANS! Behind FB, YouTube,Twittler, BLM is Democrats and Soros, behind them is CCP! But poor Americans,only can be brainwashed as that is only “Russia colludes”!poor Americans,you’re pretty much destroyed by CCP’s Democrats who sell USA only for money ,and you’re still asleep in a “Russian collude” dream! Soros donated $70,000,000 to Democrats in this election, but who is his gold owner and lord? —-CCP! Omg, the funds behind the presidential campaign committee even have CCP’s! Poor Americans, wake up, trump, he is a real brave fighter for USA against CCP!!!!

    3. Yet another Hunter Biden business associate, now three total has come out with direct knowledge of the Biden crime syndicate with eviedence.
      All three have acknowledged that Joe Biden was receiving his cut was aware of the corruption and used his status to make it all happen.
      Biden should withdraw from the race all together. He can not receive security clearence with this looming over him.
      Hate Trump all you want but this can not be ignored or swept under the rug.

    1. Yet another Hunter Biden business associate, now three total has come out with direct knowledge of the Biden crime syndicate with eviedence.
      All three have acknowledged that Joe Biden was receiving his cut was aware of the corruption and used his status to make it all happen.
      Biden should withdraw from the race all together. He can not receive security clearence with this looming over him.
      Hate Trump all you want but this can not be ignored or swept under the rug.

    1. Yet another Hunter Biden business associate, now three total has come out with direct knowledge of the Biden crime syndicate with eviedence.
      All three have acknowledged that Joe Biden was receiving his cut was aware of the corruption and used his status to make it all happen.
      Biden should withdraw from the race all together. He can not receive security clearence with this looming over him.
      Hate Trump all you want but this can not be ignored or swept under the rug.

    2. @Matt Caulfield i thought you were against defunding the police? Defunding the police will happen immidiately if states go broke. by the way. democratic states have been funding red states and there are red states that need funding as well: kentucky for example

    3. @Matt Caulfield I always find conservatives hypocrisy so funny. Trump’s entire life is full of corruption but you don’t care about that. I have no doubt that Joe Biden has flaws and is probably corrupt BUT he is no where near as bad as Trump is.

    1. @Private Private normal decent people do . The more degenerate and anti American the Democrats become ,the more liberals like them .
      These are the people that support men in drag queen hour at kids .and pass laws to legalize pedophilia .
      They are lost . On the road to perdition and want to drag as many as they can with them . Including children .

    1. @jbnathanson All right wing liars including Trump , my fault Individual 1lied . Right wing Republicans propaganda by Rudy Giuliani from Russia with love directly to Trump from Putin .

    2. @Christopher Thomas Ashe You the only one sleepy. Individual 1 got his clock cleaned. Trump spent the night regurgitating Rudy Giuliani false Russian propaganda from Putin .

    1. Biden on the presidential debate saying he wants to replace the oil industry with clean energy lmfao. Does biden not realize oil does countless things oil cannot?

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