Now that Julián Castro appears to have qualified for the next 2020 Democratic debate, we take a look at the field of candidates and attempt to figure out what’s next.
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Who’s In, Who’s Out & Who’s On The Bubble For The Next 2020 Debate. – The Day That Was | MSNBC
*My first choice is Bernie Sanders, but I would vote for any of those candidates in place of Trump.*
_No third party, no wasted votes._
@Vincent Strother haahahahaaaahaaaaa but Hillary and her clone creepy Biden can? Stop believing the crap the MSM is putting in your head, educate yourself ffs !
Centrist is a wasted vote
so you better get Bernie Sanders nominated
or you were going to get Donald Trump I’m telling you
Airborne Ranger You’re spouting complete garbage
and I can prove it
because you won’t give me a source
if it was it would go back to Milton Friedman and he has been debunked
you are totally programmed you don’t know anything about Bernie Sanders
he has 1,500,000 individual donors
he is far from washed up
he is the leading candidate
he is the most popular congressman in the entire country
Donald Trump is just the communist for the super rich only trickle down is a lie
Vincent Strother
Bernie Sanders is not even true socialist
even then socialism is not “when the government does things”
It is when the workers take over the means of production
Donald Trump is the communist for the super rich only
and if you believe in trickle down you are really foolish
because Milton Friedman has been debunked
and tax breaks for the super rich went into stock buybacks
Donald Trump economy is crushing
Bernie Sanders wants to give the power back to the people that’s why he has 1,500,000 individual donors
and doesn’t need corporate money like your whores
Vincent Strother
Bernie is already beating Donald Trump in Texas
and he is beating Joe Biden in New Hampshire
and many other states
Bernie Sanders has 1,500,000 individual donors is speaking three times a day
and does not take money from the corporation like your candidate does
your man takes bribery
Trump IS the chaos everyone vote 2020!

Don’t worry liberals, the next 5 years will fly by
Biden won’t motivate the young to vote , nor I suspect will Harris.
@BartJ583 Or… those who vote for the Independent candidate. The days of the two-party stranglehold on American politics is coming to an end.
@Tessmage Tessera
The primaries are the election. Period.
If they go for Biden, we will lose again.
run hillary again.
Yang 2020!!
Can’t wait to see Trump debate the final winner.
I don’t think he will debate! He has broken every norm for a president…I doubt he will want everyone to see just how much he doesn’t know even after four years in the job.
People have proven that they do not care about reason, they just want someone to go up there and be rude while spewing all the lies people want to hear with no real plans on how to get anything done.
So no, it does not matter who debates the orange.
@Tessmage Tessera Haha, you’ll see, sucky video game girl

@Candy JohnsonCanoli You sound like a 4 year old downs kid.
Joe Biden cannot pull it off. He will lose.
@Real Talk76 LOL Good luck with that… there’s always 2024
@Josef Yes, with a Democratic incumbent most likely.
@Jacob Oliver I like Warren, but I don’t know about the Midwest and the South. I’d love a Warren/Harris ticket
, but I don’t think the country ( Esp. big money) would go for 2 women, and a Black woman.
bernie is strongest in the places most essential. bernie is waaaay morr electable than biden
@Howard G I think it’s high time for some women in the highest office.
Although, once again, I think you’re 100 percent correct….
The South and Midwest aren’t ready.
Which is sad.
But anything is possible, my friend. As you said – revolutions are messy.
This election may be messy.
And reality is often stranger than fiction. Anything is possible. Even in America.
I believe in our country.
(But I fear your assessments are correct)
We shall see!
We’re scared of more than just a second term for Trump—we’re scared that the system will continue to devalue, disenchant, and disenfranchise the working poor. The hardest part about persistent poverty is living with the fear, vulnerability, and uncertainty. Less scary is not enough!
You’re scared? need a blanky?
@SuLebo215 He’s a child. Ignore him.
It’s so SCARY!!
Where is my safe spAAACCE?!! HELP ME ANTIFAAA!!

Exactly I’m a Democrat but, I don’t believe Joe Biden can pull it off!!! Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, even Julian Castro I believe can pull it off and I trust them without hesitating one bit.
Dennis Harrell
But that is just not true
many people see Joe Biden just like Donald Trump
and he’s not going to get our vote
he is corporate sponsored corporate owned and he will work only for the corporation
Bernie Sanders has 1,500,000 individual donation people NOT
from corporations
Kevin Tewey Yang is the people’s champ
@Eddy OG yang2020
@The Lazy Philosopher yang2020
We need Bernie
That old bag is so decrepit he can’t even point his finger, it just sort of hangs there supported by his thumb and his weak crybaby supporters.
froglogz I guess you want Donald Trump
Kevin Tewey he’s better than ANY of these far left freaks running for the dem nom.
@froglogz Yeah you have to be a plant. Who would in their right mind be saying crap like you are unless you are rich yourself? Please Biden is already losing his mind….just like Trump.
secular principled? talk about an oxymoron. your candidates other than biden and hickenlooper are communists.
No one is excited about uncle joe, the corporate media can’t help him, senator Bernie Sanders for nomination, period.
I can get behind Bernie but I’m also interested in Marianne Williamson.
You’re probably right though. Sanders.
Remember the country is different from our friends. If you spent any time in the South or the Midwest you should now how they are. You drive 10 mins outside of Chicago or Detroit it’s cow town. Our nation is rural vs urban. I’ve driven across the country and Michigan, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Idaho, AZ, Colorado, Oregon, and the South– thanks to LBJ as well as so many states is so conservative. I think if Fox was outlawed our political sense would be so much better.
@Howard G you are correct.
But Fox is confirmation bias in full effect. If they weren’t doing it….someone else would.
It’s big money.
I live in Louisville, Kentucky.
I know all about being in the heart of Trump country.
Tulsi Gabbard has reached over 2% in 42 different polls, yet the media that the DNC has chosen is not reporting her.
That when u know u getting blackballed
So it’s the poll that picks the president… I got it now. So polls that has nothing to do with whether a person taking the poll can vote or not gets to determine who the candidate for the Left will be? This just seems fishy to me!
Independent donors are real numbers. Polls arent real numbers… And selecting certain polls over others is doctoring numbers even more. We will forever call this the Tulsi rule and it’ll stick in our minds like the 2016 Bernie shafting long after this election.
Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren after the front runners and the rest are either running for a cabinet seat or being propped up by the establishment
No chance Old burnout and Pocahonky. Maybe just retire.
Don’t serve me a sh17 sandwich and expect me to eat it. I will not vote for Biden, Harris or Buttigieg when we still have the champion in our stable from 2016. Run Bernie in 2020 or expect to lose again! Millions upon millions of 1st-time voters, Millennial voters, and Liberal Independent voters will flock excitedly to the Nov 2020 polls for Bernie. — Voter turnout for Bernie in the 2020 General would probably deliver a Democratic Senate majority.
MSNBCannibal theater; Andrea Greenspan VS Mothra
Joe Biden is not our pick. STOP pushing your Joe BS. Joe is just a Dem version of Trump.
Biden is old school pay for play. Research Hunter Biden and Ukrainian energy…corruption.
I think the only candidate who has real solutions for the massive job losses that will hit this country over the next five years is Andrew Yang. If you want an indicator on how fast this will impact working folksy look up Tony Seba, PhD out of Stanford, on technology convergence and disruption.