An iPhone falls from a plane with the video rolling and survives to tell the tale. CNN's Jeanne Moos reports.
#JeanneMoos #CNN #News
Whoops! Man dropped iPhone from plane while it was filming

An iPhone falls from a plane with the video rolling and survives to tell the tale. CNN's Jeanne Moos reports.
#JeanneMoos #CNN #News
This man’s phone survived but she still broke my heart
@Dude Biden won
@Dude *DUDE* enough already. You’ve had your 50 odd days in court. You’re just looking like an idiot now.
He deleted his comment. The context here is that he was trying to post some BS about election “fraud” on a comment on a video that has nothing to do with election fraud so I replied to him telling him I didn’t ask and now his comment is gone
Yoh wow
Me: Drops my phone and then dies
Ernesto: Drops his phone from thousands of feet in the air and STILL WORK!?
Perhaps it had an unreleased, secret _iParachute_ on it.
because it’s tumbling and not falling straight down it was able to slow its fall more than the average and the wind blowing on the phone was moving towards the shore(as it almost always does on beaches) pushed the phone onto land not so that unlikely if you think about it
Get a samsung
@moi meself
Exactly ! My Samsung is the *best*…….to hell with Apple !!
This phone has a good story to tell its children.

Natural is beautiful, I bet this story will be told for generations to come
@Dude Dude… Stop it with the annoying links already
Instant death!
@Joaquin Lomeli Of course it would…but you didn’t say _’cut a hole’._ You said _’instant death’,_ hence the comment. Lol
@Ivares Kesner hahaha yeah if it landed directly on someone who was outside where the phone landed im sure at 120 mph that person would be dead.
@Joaquin Lomeli Yes, bro
I know. But you said it would be _’instant death’_ for a _’house or a person’._ That’s why I said it.
Not too smart but he was over non populated I have done it in my open cockpit biplane I held on pay attention.
This was more of free commercial than a news. Thank you CNN, but I will keep my android.
I love how he’s looking back like, maybe I can see where it goes. Lol..
oh wow
The company that made that iPhone case should advertise itself as drop proof of 10,000 feet +.
He’ll be framing that phone once it’s no longer functioning lol
Whenever this reporters voice comes on I know it’s gonna be a troll video
Mine fell off my kitchen table and the screen cracked in a million pieces.
That is why they invented screen protectors. The glass screen protector cracks, your iPhone will be intact.
Hoh wow
This is brilliant
in case I drop my phone from a plane I now know it may survive 

I Hope Apple throws him a few bucks for that major advertisement.
If it was _Nokia 3310,_ the grass would have been damaged and sand might have had a hole in it.
It was free advertisement lol
I-phones for life would be a good perk.
you got a better chance of CNN telling the truth
I just love how the guy reaches back as his iPhone is now half a mile behind him. “Dammit! I can’t reach! Pull the seat back!”
Hilarious. What’s he saying to the pilot? “Yo, turn around, I dropped my cellphone back there.”
We’ve come to a point in our data driven world that it’s scarier and more damaging to lose our phones than our wallets.
Our phones often *are* our wallets and considering that people don’t really use cash that much anymore and phones cost north of a thousand dollars, it’s understandable to care about your phone more than your wallet. Inescapably logical, in fact.
the closest to real news CNN Has covered in a long time……
i can already see it “iPhone 13 now with iChute!”
lol I like how he tried to go after it, then realized the futility