The Morning Joe panel scores the candidate performances from the debate held Tuesday night in Charleston, South Carolina. Aired on 02/26/20.
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Who Was Up, Who Was Down: Joe Scores The Debate | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The two main anchorpersons are SO obviously biased against Bernie and for Biden and Pete
Well Joe was/is a republican just a never trumper…So its not surprising he is not for a more liberal candidate. Kinda funny coming from MSNBC, but certainly not completely.
It’s particularly disappointing because Mika was actually a Bernie bro in 2016
It’s about applause-lines. The fact that it costs between $1750-3000 to attend the debate leaves out the ‘applause’ from the points made that the working class agrees with. This is not me saying this, see the NYTimes article on the price to attend the debate.
lol ya’ll are silly. Sanders lost zero momentum and dont be surprised if/when he ends up winning South Carolina, and even if he doesnt close 2nd and then crushed Super Tuesday
@Van Knip Take up with Bernie Sanders that what been reported price start at the basic tickets cost around $700.00 bucks.
@J Bell
Hear today’s news?
Trump’s approval now at 52% from 47%
I guess Trump’s India trip and Sanders praising of “Castro the Monster” is having an effect.
This may have slowed Bernie’s momentum? Dude, are you on cocaine?
DavidSantaCarla Whatever you’ve gotta tell yourself to sleep at night. But, the Bernie Progressive Movement has got this thing in the bag.
No one establishment endorsement changes that no matter how hard you wish for it. Train’s rolled right over the establishment in 3 states so far. But, sure, one guy saying “vote for Joe” is gonna stop it.
What state is Joe Biden running for in regards to the Senate. Perhaps the state of confusion?
After Bernie wins in SC, we should play this video back to Joe Scarborough over and over and over again… until he vomits and faints.
Pete was not good at all. Junior Biden … and Joe Biden himself man please… Joe was even more awful. Which debate did you watch?
Nspired Images lol
Pete kept interrupting everyone when they didn’t even mention him by name. He kept talking. Just shut up Pete and let people talk.
Pete is always the most presidential candidate on stage. Bernie, Joe, and Mike are 80 years old — Too old to be president. Everyone knows how quickly a President ages??? This election, we have a better choice, we have a young, NEW generation candidate, for the NEW era! We have a veteran, the only veteran on stage for crying out loud. Imagine the contrast between trump and Buttigieg! A uniter vs a divider, a draft dodger vs a Veteran, and educated young man vs an older, reality show host!
Come on…think people. This is a no brainer!
Dorothy Lucero nope. Just nope.
@Popermen You’re absolutely right. Buttigieg showed his desperation by talking while Bernie Sanders was answering questions. It was Sanders’ time, but Buttigieg persisted in talking over him. The moderators were wimps or complicit in trying to drown out Sanders. They should have told Buttigieg to stop talking and if he didn’t, then they should have cut off his microphone.
It seems wishful thinking that you all keep repeating, with zero backup, that Joe Biden had a good night. And Bernie, as always, stayed on message and still controls the conversation.
@noobishmacgaming He praised Castro. I can link you a clip on Youtube if you like. He even snapped at the audience when they booed him for it.
Kristi Marie Bernie praised their education system, not their government as a whole or the bad acts they’ve committed.
Here’s Obama doing the exact same thing. I guess he was a dirty commie authoritarian defender too right?
Exactly an to put Warren at the end of the heep, above Amy an buttagieg??? Really.
@Kristi Marie so will you feel as outraged when your candidate cuts arms deals or praises MBS, Erdogan or Xi Jinping? Or are we just cherry picking which dictator to root for and against?
“Joe Biden surges to 5th place, while Bernie Sanders struggles with a clear win.”
It would be great if the supposedly-left media stuck to the facts or fought for actual people but change is coming whether they do all they can to stop it or not.
Ease up on the bias a little.
Charles DeSantis No need to be butthurt, snowflake. Last night was Sanders’s worst performance, but no, it didn’t change anything
Tim Schnell he made a pretty mild comment lol. You’re the one who seems to be the butthurt snowflake, which I find is often the case for people who throw those terms around.
I’m sorry, but didnt the ticket to be in the audience cost $1750, on the low end. Why aren’t you mentioning that? Maybe because the boos you heard were Bloomberg bought.
This audience was hardly representative of the electorate.
Not to mention he almost slipped up on stage saying he bought the audience
Wow. Expensive tickets. How many watched the debate on TV?
Totally agree! This should have been free to the public on air an in house
I watched on youtube live
The audience was very definitely cherry-picked by Bloomberg. He was demolished in the previous debate and so, he purchased some ego insurance this time.
“Any dictator would admire the uniformity & obedience of the U.S. media”-Noam Chomsky
@M A Interesting stuff. I have major disagreements with Chomsky, but can’t disagree with anything he says here.
@Glenn Carpenter wow. Do you mind sharing some of those disagreements?
I haven’t found an issue where I don’t agree with him.
Even when he said we need to protect the Kurds as opposed to abruptly pulling troops out of Syria, I leaned more on his side of the argument. That’s the most I’ve ever come close to disagreeing with him
@sfamerken12 There are very nice people on both sides, AMR?
@TCt83067695 I believe that, over the broad sweep of post-WWII American foreign policy, the US been an enormously effective worldwide force for humanitarian progress. The Marshall plan, our enormous webs of peaceful alliances, and diplomatic efforts on every continent, all the way down to Antarctica, have contributed to an absolutely unprecedented near-century of relative peace, astonishing prosperity, and reduced poverty and suffering. Obviously there have been mistakes, and Chomsky is downright fetishistic about pointing out, often accurately I will grant, every mis-step and failure. He looks at the same history and sees nothing but American genocides all the way down. I think his perspective is misguided. I agree we’ve often been far too quick to use military force, that seems to be an unfortunate human tendency, but even there, not always; for example the first Iraq war, the Balkans, and of course WWII itself.
So Biden being able to speak two coherent sentences in all the debate is his best performance until now?
@onur turco… Yeah! 150 million people according to the Clown Joe Biden, died in gun violence last year.
It’s crazy how half of the U.S. population was killed by guns last year … according to this freaking buffoon!
MSNBC is the liberal FOX. It’s not so much news as it is entertainment.
*Biden:* “Come on, Jack! I’m the guy that was there in the old truck with the fisherman’s girl back in the day and when trouble came a-knockin’ lemme tell you I didn’t back down from the heat my boys!”
*The media:* “incredible performance from Biden tonight.”
And his statement last night, about him having more hair than he thought! Is this in reference to his poolside rant ith kids all around him..and commented that, ” he always has kids in the pool with him, an he loves it when they rub the hair on his legs up an down!!
He is mentally ill an in a state of decline for sure. Ascwas his comment the other day about him running for Senate, then i thought he was selling himself like a car, lol lol ,” come take a look” or if you dont like this Biden you look at the other??” Wt eff
Comcast, the company that owns MSNBC, has contributed generously to both the Biden and Buttigieg campaigns.
I want to see what these people will say after Bernie’s victory in South Carolina. #Bernie2020
So many whiny Bernie supporters. You guys need a safe-space.
@David Hale I doubt Bernie even knows how to make excuses. This is the most straight-talking man in politics, not only in the US, but maybe on Earth.
Philipp Rapp, if you’re “not even American” then why do you even care about our elections?
Alex McAuliff guess you haven’t been listening to his interviews. And he doesn’t make excuses you people sure do
round 30 of literally trying to break bernie sanders down because the majority of the people so far want to vote for him?!? so the media is against what the people want then
Maybe the majority of people you know want Bernie, but time will tell if the majority of Democrats do. Maybe, maybe not.
@Beth Griesauer im going off of majority of the people that have already voted… majority of dems want bernie as of right now… if he wins south Carolina he is gonna take the nomination
@Joel Cruz – The Dems who have already voted are a very skewed, very small representation. Maybe he’ll continue this way, but don’t be shocked if things change when a more representative electorate speaks up.
@Beth Griesauer im sure once warren drops out hes gonna see an extra boost being warren is in 3rd and 4th in most polls
MSNBC’s biggest sponsors are from the fossil fuel, insurance and drug companies. Watch a few hours of MSNBC and take note of all their commercials. If Bernie wins, those companies may well go out of business… which means that MSNBC likewise goes out of business. That’s why they’re so TERRIFIED of Bernie Sanders. It’s their greed talking — not their morality.
Bye bye Biden , so sick of hearing “Barrack Obama” did this that and the other.. NOBODY CARES JOE just bow out , BYE BYE !!! And CORPORATE Pete Buttplug is a two faced back stabbing RAT !
Joe Bye Done
When Barrack Obama was doing “this, that, and the other thing” did we ever hear him mention Joe’s name? We still don’t!
Fully on purpose.
The main stream media
Bernie Sanders did very well taking all those attacks and he fought back and looked more presidential. The Best line of the Debate was from Bernie. He said he is beating Trump in all the polls.
Bernie lying
Bernie dreaming
Bernie snapped at the crowd when they booed him. That is the definition of not being presidential.
Can’t wait for these clowns having to explain bernie’s SC win.
I really hope so because that would be so sweet.
Easy. Dumb voters voting in their interest instead in the interest of the “country”
Someone needs to find and interview “Corn Pop” maybe put him on the campaign staff.
I thought they did try to find him and discovered he was real and died a number of years ago.
@Lauren Unruh – That’s right!
@Lauren Unruh – So? He’d still fit in perfectly with the other campaign staff…
Every watch party poll I’ve seen so far says Bernie won…without bringing up sandinistas….
Never heard som much wishfull thinking in my whole life. Bernie is keeping his head cold and his heart warm He´s gonna win – big time.
Torben Jensen Last night was Sanders’s worst performance, but no, it didn’t change anything
@W TF? Up yours
Sanders will be removed at the brokered convention.
The writing is on the wall for all to see.
Unfortunately, the Bernie Bros. can’t read.
P.S. Trump’s approval moved to 52% today.
Have a crackin’ day.
@Torben Jensen … Smoke another one you clown!