Who is Mitch McConnell? What you need to know about the Republican Senate leader | Just The FAQs

Here's what you need to know about one of the longest-running U.S. senators and Republican leaders, from his beginnings to his controversies.

WASHINGTON – When Vice President Joe Biden visited the Senate four years ago to bid farewell to his many long-time Senate colleagues, Mitch McConnell looked him in the eye and described him as "a real friend … a trusted partner … We're all going to miss you."

Several years earlier, after the two had worked together behind the scenes to broker a major tax deal, the Kentucky senator invited Biden to an event at the University of Louisville as a gesture of goodwill.

“You want to see whether a Republican and Democrat really like each other,’’ Biden said as McConnell looked on. “Well, I’m here to tell you we do.’’

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Who is Mitch McConnell? What you need to know about the Republican Senate leader | Just The FAQs


  1. All ideas we live by can be undone, they are only ideas we consent and agree to. laws can be undone. Democracy is not hard sciience. It is a job.

    1. His wife and his daughter must like that flag of his and his daughter is using her political chops on the ag in Kentucky yeee hawww

    1. @Chiang Kai Shrek Mich wife and his daughter must love that flag of his and his daughter is using her political chops on the ag in Kentucky yeee hawww

    2. @Chiang Kai Shrek Mitch mocking tiny Tim with polio chew your half a loaf Mich McConnell so chew your communion wafer slow

    3. @Hi There Mitch half Chinese wife with bailouts with a shipping business from China to the USA and got bailouts

    4. JP2099, I cant help but believe you as he very much seems to have proven that . My great wish is this power hungry greedy crumb giver Mitch McConnell will loose his power on January 5th , I will have my haleluya dance . He is just a hindrance blocker of everything for the American people. And if our President Trump has to go , so should Mitch McConnell.

  2. A Reptilian Ghoul Without The Integrity, Honor, Class, Dignity, Moral Principles, Compassion & Empathy GOD Gave To An Goldfish!

  3. Mitch McConnell is an interesting guy. Not everyone knows he started out as one of Satan’s hemorrhoids and somehow achieved sentience.

    1. Logic Police?? WHERE!?!??!! on both…WHERE!!?!?!?! Your statement is based in “I watch the news and do what they tell me to”…Logical?? Yeah!!! You’re going to enjoy what’s coming….The stinging won’t subside…but, you’ll be “okay” …(I jest)

    1. @superman0124 joe Biden doesn’t have any ties to China. Just hunter. Ivanka is also on the board of a Chinese manufacturing conglomerate… she’s also a member of a Western European think tank; that doesn’t mean president trump is in their pocket. Hunter has no influence in government, president elect Biden doesn’t even bring him up unprovoked… any money or bribes hunter gets from a foreign entity would be money wasted by that country. Joe Biden doesn’t have any financial ties to foreign countries, he has a TS-SCI Y clearance, you aren’t cleared to get an SCI designation if you have any ties to a foreign entity.

    2. his wife is of chinese descent, but not tied to the PRC establishment.

      in fact, considering his wife is born in RC, “deep ties to China” becomes even more shaky.

      but of course, that doesn’t concern you.

    3. @David Proctor Last time I checked, Hunter was a nobody that offered zilch to any organization, other than his father being a VP and now President candidate. Ivanka started a multi-million dollar business and is an incredibly successful business woman, quite a difference between the two. I can understand why she’s on panels and boards, do you not see that? Congress’ clearance is given when they first get to Congress, that’s it. Not after 50 years of being in the swamp. When do you think they did Biden’s last security clearance screening? In the 60’s, 70’s…? Haha

    4. @kailianglf2 has he received millions from China? has any of his children, with zero experience, besides being a junky, received millions from China? I’ll wait for your response.

    1. This video was merely a nonpartisan summary of a few details in the life and career of McConnell. It’s not difficult to confirm them. Go ahead, give it a shot.

      You shouldn’t reject a story based solely on a prejudice you have against the publisher. That is confirmation bias, which keeps you from learning and growing. Just a healthy tip.

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