Under the City of Toronto Act, Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie will take over as mayor until a byelection can be held.
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Another crap apple, mark my words
I don’t trust her. She looks like an unassuming Bond Villain.
She looks like an actress from 7th heaven
JT told injured veterans that they are asking for more than Canada can give, then turned around and helped fund a war in another country (non NATO) on a completely different continent…
Conservation shut down the Veterans center but you never want to write about that
@Mom Tur Harper had to rebuild the CF after the liberals dismantled it; significant pay increase, new gear/kit, etc (Harper even visited the troops in Afghanistan)….
Are you a veteran, did you have issues under the conservatives?
Canadian armed forces are terrorists and should all be put to death for their crimes.
Lost me at “she supports speed cameras”.
Lost me at “an ally” of John Tory
Shadow banned
Cant talk freely on the news. SAD!
lol, your paranoid…
@Ryan StonedOnCanadianGaming It happens, sorry your dumb.
she is very bad candidate…corrupt????
99% of politicians are absolutely corrupt.
The other 1% are probably corrupt.
I knew it was going to be a woman to replace Tory. The next phase will require a bipoc or LGBT woman.
It’s all so predictable.
Yep. Total clown world. I hope Russia wins this war, I truly do.
I know 6 dudes who hit that
Now u know 7
@Makima chan

Lol I was one of them
I would rather drive a truck than be a civil servant.
she is for 15 minute cities … unelected mayor will not last in Toronto!
Then she has no business running and ruining our country.
A woman in a position of power that can’t possibly go wrong.
I hope we don’t get a lady mayor
Another girlfriend of tory???
Tory made a great mistake but I blame Trudeau putting everyone under pressure during pandemic
Tory has a type
Sounds positive to me! Wishing her luck in this unexpected role
Toronto is beyond saving. The damage has been done
15 minute city placement mayor
Is this the one Tory was clappin?
She’s a lib,you’re screwed