Dr. Bruce Aylward of the World Health Organization discusses how the U.S. could become the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic and the best way to combat the spread. Aired on 3/25/2020.
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WHO Doctor: We Have To Make It Hard For Virus To Spread | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Never believe anything out of the White House.
I don’t think I would be caught alive with a red hat on these days!!
@Freedom & Liberty Bot what a moron
@shkspr78 s they were opposing GREED
Maybe we can make virus masks from them? Ooops, I believe they were produced in China?
@shkspr78s: Wanna talk about Moscow Mitch holding up 400+ bills from The House for review? Hypocrisy at its peak!
FYI: Jim Jones is holding a cup of “Koolaid” for you!
@George Baker 400 liberal fantasies that only AOC could endorse….. I know for a fact no democrat has ever help up bills for votes!!!!

America has gone from the greatest country on Earth,
to the most infected country on Earth.
At least we are still number one at something.
Thanks, Trump.
@Dow Jonez If there were 21million people died, their phone number will be recovered 3-4 mouth after they die.
REALLY BLUE ARROW?!?!?! You think this is Trumps fault???? WOW!!! YOU>>>>>>>ARE>>>>>>>DUMB!!!!!!!! He did the travel ban 10 days or so after the 1st case was detected here in the states, while Biden said it was fearmongering. This is an unprecedented global crises. EVERYONE IS GUESSING on what the best course of action to take. Just like the NYC Health Commish who said the virus was not a big deal and told people to keep leading normal lives about 6 weeks ago, remember that? The state of New York was woefully unprepared for any sort of crises which is local miscue, not a federal.
Fake Dr Aylward is CCP commie scum. He is a traitor to the Free world, a globalist scum bag just like MSNBC executives. The Godless Chinese in the CCP will be destroyed very soon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNn0r7zDkLo This is the man you praise. CCP infiltrators have penetrated our country in ways you will never understand, and idiots like you let them.
To be fair, you all had it coming.
Hundreds of invasions, hundreds of millions of innocent lives lost, countries totally destroyed.
I am glad China was brave enough to give USA a wake up call and know that what goes around etc.
Trump and his lackeys still want to compare this virus to the flu. They need to look at the statistics
@Misha Rasic Just assume everyone has the virus and remember 6t and hand washing. Stay safe because every state and city has their own curve to bend.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNn0r7zDkLo This is the man you praise. CCP infiltrators have penetrated our country in ways you will never understand, and idiots like you let them.
I had a look at the stats.
As of now 59,000 deaths from Coronavirus.
Whereas hundred of MILLIONS of deaths by the Americona Virus.
400, 000 in Vietnam, 500,000 in Iraq and that is only 2 cases out of HUNDREDS.
@dickcheeze SMH….59K in 3 months and counting with zero bullets fired and trillions of dollars spent
Fauci and now this dr too afraid to simply say Trump is out of his mind to think lifting any precaution by Easter is ok.
@rastapatch Mail It is healthy to not believe in god. God is callous or doesn’t exist.
um, you do realize that this lockdown isn’t for stopping the virus, right? It’s to slow the curve to give hospital time to prepare, not stop it……
Sabir Jarrar
Would you feel safer if trump excluded Dr. Fauci from the inner circle of the response team because he hates what he says instead of just not liking what he says?
Its up to voters to do that in November. Never forget trum was voted in. Take colective responsibility for that.
@Montana fishing Fun nobody cares about you either libturd
Meanwhile in the USA people are just being cavalier because too many think that it isn’t going to me.
We tend to view inconveniences for others: the vulnerable, poor, unemployed, etc. as nonessential. Why are we surprised at our response to willingly concern ourselves with helping others in mass?
@Debra Quarles This doesnt surprise me. A narcissistic virus for the most narcissistic nation on earth.
@Bodhi Sattva ummmm so everywhere else is immune?
We now have an A-Hole in the White House that cares more for money than peoples lives.
All these government parasites! The left, and the right! Both should be put to death for looking the other way while people die under Chumps charge!!

@michelec492 You are right people die, but sometimes it is the wrong ones that die and the wrong ones that keep on living and destroying all that is beautiful. At my advanced age I have been lucky(?) to witness so much of history. I have seen World Wars, Epidemies, Recessions and Depressions, but I have managed to survive them all. I have seen smart people and I have seen stupid people; I have never in my history seen so many Stupid People. I have spoken in the past of the Stupid people of the entire Earth, but today I speak only of the Stupidity that seems to be flooding America. The President (and I use the term loosely, because a President is suppose to be a Leader. And yours is not.) and his followers have got to be the most Illiterate bunch of Idiots I have ever had the Pleasure (?) of knowing. To even remotely suggest that a person, no matter the age, should die so a “Herd of Morons” can make money is insane, to say the least. To repeat, I am of an advanced age and I will not give up my life for an Orange Ignoramus. I will survive to see him defeated in the elections. I will survive to see him arrested for his crimes. I will survive to see him and all with him disgraced and locked away in a prison (and not a nice one). Orange will be their new colour to match his Ugly face. I WILL SURVIVE!!
@_ JDP2104 _ You are right people die, but sometimes it is the wrong ones that die and the wrong ones that keep on living and destroying all that is beautiful. At my advanced age I have been lucky(?) to witness so much of history. I have seen World Wars, Epidemies, Recessions and Depressions, but I have managed to survive them all. I have seen smart people and I have seen stupid people; I have never in my history seen so many Stupid People. I have spoken in the past of the Stupid people of the entire Earth, but today I speak only of the Stupidity that seems to be flooding America. The President (and I use the term loosely, because a President is suppose to be a Leader. And yours is not.) and his followers have got to be the most Illiterate bunch of Idiots I have ever had the Pleasure (?) of knowing. To even remotely suggest that a person, no matter the age, should die so a “Herd of Morons” can make money is insane, to say the least. To repeat, I am of an advanced age and I will not give up my life for an Orange Ignoramus. I will survive to see him defeated in the elections. I will survive to see him arrested for his crimes. I will survive to see him and all with him disgraced and locked away in a prison (and not a nice one). Orange will be their new colour to match his Ugly face. I WILL SURVIVE!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNn0r7zDkLo This is the man you praise. CCP infiltrators have penetrated our country in ways you will never understand, and idiots like you let them.
William: WTF I never praised Trump or any of his Gang Members.
My suggestion is replacing everyone in corona virus task force with actual doctors and scientists (save Dr. Fauci). Let people with expertise handle the helm to save the sinking ship.
Sali Ver: We can’t do that. Republicans would cry foul and disrupt the process. Some people in government WANT chaos.
Christy Ann RIGHT?!?!?! Unwatchable.
FBI saying, “none of the information is false.” about Trump’s conferences is not exactly 100% true either, is it?
ImahSillyGirl what is one lie he has told us, just one
FBI re: COVID-19: “… Soon we’ll be down to zero.”, “anyone can have a test if they want a test.”, “I haver heard anything about that.”(re: deficient PPE). Please, don’t try to defend this #IMPOTUS. He’s literally killed people through his pompous, slow, self-centered inaction.
So he wants to spend money, to keep companies “healthy.,
“but little or no money to keep people healthy
Like his hotels
joeb ham it gets me thinking, ‘I don’t have money, I don’t deserve to live? What a heartless man
To be fair, people can’t be healthy without a functioning economy. There’s no easy way out of this, unfortunately.
There’s no economy without healthy people. Fix the people first and they can rebuild the economy.
Selfish people don’t think about nobody but themselves. It’s not about you, it’s about wealth.
Californians and new Yorkers should take a vacation on Easter and travel to church’s in the south, great church’s in Kentucky and Alabama etc, beatutiful country. It would be a beatutiful perfect vacation like Trump’s phone calls to Russian leaders.bwawawa don’t forget to cough on every one and spit every where, poetic Justice. celebration of Easter such a special day for the stock market, spend gas money and food to boost the economy, so patriotic, remember many Southerners and Texans are willing to die for Trump’s economy and occultic ideas.
@Dave Robson I hope u r right
no, if u have plenty money, as much as movie star NBA star big corporation CEO, money buy u ventilator and private medical service, u have higher chance to survive.
And you’ll die alone. That’s the saddest thing. In desperation.
@bob dillon Right now they are only really caring because its starting to affect them, some congress people, and then even after they get it, they still dont care!
We’ve done the opposite of what China did.
@carmps 816 Good luck with… 4G! hahaha China and South Korea already working on 6G
@elmohead lol you can run for 6g i wish yours family not suffer with this china biological weapon. For you 6g not yours family. Good luck with 6g
@carmps 816 yes, we could start with throwing out the laptop or phone we are using right now.
@carmps 816 Are you from the US? Because they are begging for medical supplies from China.
@cher tam i am from Belgium and who want chinese fake rubbish products now time to come avoid chinese stuff
This pandemic certainly underscores the shortcomings of the American character.
JKSinTO of trumps character. Most Americans hate hit.
Here in Portland, OR, we’ve been practicing social distancing since the first of March, without an order. Employers had people work from home, schools closed. I’d say that was a selfless, proactive character. Everyone stocked up, and now the order is in place, people will comply.
@mrJwlock well do something about it then, lock him in a padded cell where he belongs
It’s Judgement time Baby Babylon

Shortcomings of intelligence. Forced vaccines. Quarantine camps. Marshall law. WAKE UP.
As long as we have the Sharpie we can flatten that curve! Go DT go! (really, just go…no one cares where, just go…please…go)
As of now, go Donnie go. And f**k yourself.
They need to hide all sharpies from trump. Kinda like they hid the nuclear codes.
As an American we really are a selfish me me me culture there are good people here but far to many are just complete morons
@whenindangerwhenindoubtrunincirclesscreamandshout Hahaha, are you saying that Pelosi is going to nod her head at Trump rhetoric when he addresses the press?
Jerzi Rhayzza most ppl in China felt that way. Bc ppl bought as much as PPE they could and donated to frontline workers. And to limit ur own activities outside means save as much as possible PPE for doctors. That’s how 1.4 billion ppl managed to stay home for 2 months.
Now do you understand why we in Europe pay more attention to the group and less attention to the individual? Because our history and geography has taught us so, it was our survival strategy. It has nothing to do with freedom, tyranny or socialism (we’re not socialist and we do love freedom), but it has everything to do with survival. The rugged American individualist living on the frontier was good at fighting off Indian tribes raiding, but would have failed miserably against organised armies. So we had to adopt group solutions to defend ourselves. It’s not socialism. America never had a Black Death to teach it a brutal lesson that one individual’s whims and wishes can mean death for a lot of people, so extra-individualism became socially unacceptable.
Yup, Trump GOP and 51% of american wearing red hat morons
@Ignatius Chua That was probably what the experts were telling them at that time. It was the same problem here but people acted and then the government started playing catch up. It appears that all eyes including the WHO were off the ball when this was unfolding in China.
The next couple weeks are going to be crazy haven’t even started to test right yet
@Timbuck Too BS. The RNA or C-19 has been sequenced and marked as jumping to human around the 3rd week of Nov 2019. Moron.
@Uncanny Valley doubling time in NY, the worst in the nation, is now at 4.7 days. It is probably 10-12 days where I amp. So you are full of crap. Check your math.
@shooter7a Yeah sure. You believe what you want. Sounds like the stock market lies of “correction”.
Vendetta no, not so. Lots of people who are young and healthy are dying.
The virus spreads much more rapidly than previous outbreaks. This is what makes it so dangerous. We have not been testing people on a massive scale so we don’t know how many people are infected. Since the incubation period is up to two weeks, you can spread it uncontrolled throughout the population without even knowing that you have it.It is putting an overwhelming load on our healthcare infrastructure. This puts everyone at risk of not getting medical care.
Western countries emphasize individual while Asian countries emphasize society.
tj booth you know what he’s trying to say.
@Anne no I dont Anne. Koreans are not like Japanese people who are not like Chinese people who are not like the Vietamese who are not like Filipinos. As a matter of fact Chinese people are not like Chinese people. Their values can be dependent upon region and ethnicity. Where you just see Chinese they may see a different race all together. Many of these cultures focus on family others see government has the patriarchal head superseding family. You cannot say Asians as if they are a monolith. So no, I have no idea what that person was saying.
tj booth what you’re saying is absolutely true in the same sense that any two individuals on earth are not alike. not even a same person at different times is the same. Everyone is unique in some way. But there’s also cultural and social features, the generalized tendencies among a group of individuals sharing certain common traits. Of course these won’t apply to just everyone in the group, and the bigger group you go the less preciseness your generalization get. Yet they’re still worth considering and understanding or there’s no discussion or analysis on any societal topic in the first place because then you can only talk about any single individual under a specific timing.
@tj booth Yeah, but it’s the dependence on a working family unit that lets individuals in China act differently, more responsible, in such a crisis. Sticking with China, if the elder people, i.e. parents die because of that virus, who takes care of the kids while the ‘middle’ generation is out to make money and advance their careers?
That is why they act differently in such a situation.
And in China…CCP only looks after itself and its image and reputation
Average Asian: Let’s stay in so we can protect grandma.
American politician: Old people sacrifice yourselves so companies can still make money.
Bee Majic they also welded people inside there homes whether they had food or not
@Dave Robson for president. Profits over people. Hey as long as my portfolio looks good I dont care. Less people out there, more things for me. At the very least Drumpf should hire you for covid 19 czar, see how well you can up your numbers my man. We’re number 1, We’re number 1, We’re number 1!
@Yo Bo
“for president.”
No thanks. Seems like a horrible job.
“Profits over people.”
Nope. i never even suggested anything like that. So. Work on your reading comprehension prior to posting.
“Hey as long as my portfolio looks good I dont care.”
Since what I actually DID post about was the necessity of some services continuing, anyone that reads my posts and compares your statements will realize that you either can’t read, or don’t care about being accurate in the least.
” Less people out there, more things for me”
See above.
“At the very least Drumpf should hire you for covid 19 czar, see how well you can up your numbers my man.”
Again. See above. You really don’t care about accuracy. Do you? As long as you can be a Youtube troll.
I can assure u, bee majic ur granny n parent have erase ur name off their will, good for being a loud mouth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNn0r7zDkLo This is the man you praise. CCP infiltrators have penetrated our country in ways you will never understand, and idiots like you let them.
As an outsider seeing only 17 out of 50 states on lockdown is just nuts.
Only 20 percent of the world’s population is on lockdown. What is that 1.6 Billion? The U.S. is less than 5 percent of the world’s population but somehow we are the dog to kick.
@tj booth what on earth are you talking about? The US is kicking itself as it is not following the successful procedures of places like South Korea and Taiwan. Have you looked at the curve of new cases in the US compared to the rest of the world? You are now the epicentre! If the US doesn’t get its act together you are looking at 2 million deaths! And your economy will then be on the skids.
@shooter7a the false positives were from the kits that were in stock before the covid virus scare started, so probably made in Communist China……………And the companies have made much larger profits from manufacturing in communist China than the USA because communist China uses slave labor…………………..You do know they have children who work in factories 7 days a week 365 days a year for pennies on the dollar, right?……………no moral people should ever want to do business with Communist China unless they change their slave policies.
The level of lockdown in US is just a not the level of lockdown in China.
@Reality Check This is a time big government is needed. A unified effort, like Lincoln sending the union troops whenever there was a crisis.
Trump: “Things can start getting back to normal around Easter.”
Dr. Fauci: “LOL!”
why doesn’t Fauci just tell the truth..this president does not know whats going on at any day…Hes got to be truthful and honest with the public
@patricia powell Because if he does so, he will find him fired by the POTUS on Twitter
First rising mount zion Baptist church
Californians and new Yorkers should take a vacation on Easter and travel to church’s in the south, great church’s in Kentucky and Alabama etc, beatutiful country. It would be a beatutiful perfect vacation like Trump’s phone calls to Russian leaders.bwawawa don’t forget to cough on every one and spit every where, poetic Justice. celebration of Easter such a special day for the stock market, spend gas money and food to boost the economy, so patriotic, remember many Southerners and Texans are willing to die for Trump’s economy and occultic ideas.
@Keith Carey I know what you are saying but I would be careful from now on as the DOJ as classified coughing on people or other acts to promote spread acts of terrorism. Be careful what you say.
Collective responsibility in US?
Forget it!
West: Me, myself and I
East: We
@1xCosx1 No cops and soldiers enforcing quarantines in China either. That man was brainwashed in a ridiculous way. In China, the military doctors and nurses were the first to be sent in Wuhan (in the eve before Chinese New Year) to help the overwhelmed local medical systems there.
@tj booth I can’t speak for others, but for myself, my family, when we learned the outbreak in WuHan, and doctors team who have combated with SARS now again in the front line with this Coronavirus suggested to the government to pose the quarantine and lockdown, it was no brainer to us to comply, if you know the Chinese custom during the Spring festival (Janan), we would have a family reunion and have a meal together, either in-home or in restaurants, but guess what, the reunion with the relatives from my dad’s family were discussed and canceled voluntarily, but the reunion with my mum side family didn’t and we continue carried on in Jan. But in the restaurant we were the only customer, it’s like you reserved the whole restaurant. But then as the number spikes, fewer and fewer go outside, and sometimes I want to go to the grocery store for food, my wife was tried her best to convince me not to go out as we still have some in-home, saying don’t make more trouble to the nation and especially to doctors and nurses, spare the hospital and beds to those who already infected. OK, that’s my personal experience and point of view. As regular citizens, we condemn any forms of violence by anyone, including authorities, we also condemn the officials in Wuhan who was saying the spread of the virus was controllable at the beginning. They are now been removed from their role, at least, our city’s major has been relocated to Wuhan assigned as their new major. Just like the leadership in States, at the beginning saying the virus is just another flu, this is totally wrong, and given the vivid example of China, South Korea, and others, it is really sad to watch. So many lives lost.
@bg4cdp The measures you have taken are admirable. I hope to see them emulated around the world. I hope the worst is over for your area and anticipate that we can learn lessons from the world on how to manage this crisis. We are all a part of the human family and it is not necessary to call out each others deficiencies at this time. Perhaps through this common plight we can stop picking out differences and embrace commonalities. We all want to protect our families our friends and our neighbors. We all should be making sure the less fortunate are provided for and that what we consider our community extends to all cultures ethnicities races religions and identities. If we do that we can emerge from this event better and bonded.
@tj booth Cheers! You are right, let’s leave a better world to our future generations.
@tj booth So let me get this straight –
I can wrongfully invade hundreds of countries and destroy them, and murder millions of innocent civilians, but once I donate/adopt/volunteer, it makes everything OK?