WHO declares growing monkeypox outbreak a global emergency | USA TODAY

The World Health Organization's director-general said the monkeypox virus can be stopped with the right strategies as he declared it a global emergency.

RELATED: Zoonotic diseases, like monkeypox and COVID-19, are on the rise

The rare designation may help spur more investment in combatting the once rare disease amid a scramble for scarce vaccines. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus made the decision despite a lack of consensus among experts on the U.N. health agency's emergency committee, saying he acted as “a tiebreaker.” It was the first time a U.N. health agency chief has unilaterally made such a decision without an expert recommendation.

There is "a clear risk of further international spread," Ghebreyesus said in a statement. "So in short, we have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly, through new modes of transmission, about which we understand too little," he said. "… For all of these reasons, I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern."

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#Monkeypox #Health #WHO

WHO declares growing monkeypox outbreak a global emergency | USA TODAY


  1. Tedros, have mercy!
    The peasants of the earth are worn out.
    Have you no heart?
    Where is your conscience?
    I would like to speak to your overlord.

  2. And soon a 3rd pandemic,they are now modifying and culturing in a lab too and which will
    then released to the world

    1. Yeah, Imagine how foolish men that sleep with men are feeling now…. If that’s a wrong thing to say….that’s how ridiculous ur statement sounds.

  3. This is exactly what we need now as covid pandemic was not enough what a mess and beautiful future of our race the Human race.

  4. Monkeypox (MKP) has spread like wild fires at the Southern Border. I hope all those that cross into the US from those hot swamp lands are given a monkey business vaccine, 3 hots and a cot upon arrival. Good ole fashion southern charm to welcome our foreign neighbors that have come from countries all across the world. Bless your heart.

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