CTV Political Commentator and former NDP Leader Tom Mulcair discusses the first debate and who came out ahead.
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Trudeau cannot be voted out soon enough.
so you are not complaining about an early election?
Anyone but o’toole
@TheSweetOne anyone but Trudeau
Trudeau went on his climate change kick. Jagmeet and Yves went on their racism kick. O’Toole talked common sense. Who do you think did well?
Canadians are sick and tired of hearing about nonsense, that’s why the conservatives are great at working on common sense issues
@Tony e you might want read what I wrote here then, or not..
I will always vote for that of which is closest to science, because homelessness and starvation and pandemics and war$ never produce afterlives.

Science says SPUTNIK-V is SAFEST & HIGHEST EFFICACY. Do you still swear by science? I really didn’t think so!
Live is about choices.
Be accountable.
Who’s science?
If Mulcair would have still been the leader of NDP, he would knock a lot of Liberals votes off, easily. My opinion.
The NDP would be ahead of Jack Layton was still around, it would have been an entire different scenario, unfortunately jagmeet has taken the party in the opposite direction and in Ontario Andrew Horvath has tarnished the NDP name
Oh…shut. Unrealistic issues brought to table. Waste of time, diversion.
@DaBlondeBomb Shell I don’t know how she did anything wrong
To the advantage of the Conservatives, which is less aligned with what NDP voters would want to see. Besides, Mulcair had his run and it didn’t work out.
He got caught on the wrong side of the whole hijab debate…Too bad, because he came across as forthright and ethical…perhaps that’s why he lost!
I don’t trust the Liberals to run an honest election.
you’ve been paying too much attention to American political pundits
@Robert Stone Trudeau fired the Minister of Justice for not breaking the law for him, that’s a Canadian issue, not American.
It’s run by elections canada, not the liberals.
Vote strategically!!
Anyone but O’toole
@TheSweetOne anyone but Trudeau
Where to find the debate on Internet? Why the secrecy?
It deoptimized on purpose: malice or manipulation. Canada has a Corruption Problem.
The English debate will be more important.
@LenWhistler That’s a cheap reason.
Hey I really like Tom Mulcair, and this is a serious question. Does Mulcair have a ponytail, or am I just going crazy?
I laugh at the election clowns of all those circus just wanting to be in place so they can collect their bribe money
Well said
Trudeaus got to go
if mulclair was in this ,the ndp would have won hands down
Trudeau knocked himself out! Lol.. longtime ago
Mulcair.. the best prime minister Canada never had. Wrong party.
Rent, grocery, gas, house prices are going up because Bank of Canada has been printing a lot of money. Canada needs someone who think about the monetary policy. The middle class and the poor are getting screwed because of Trudeau massive spending.
Spending and monetary policy are two separate things. Beyond that, some of the things you mentioned have gone up in price because of supply pressures, whereas housing prices have been growing because of lower mortgage rate costs. In other words, you’re all over the map.
Very insightful commentary from Mulcair
He called the Election because there were a lot of things coming out & the Election put that on hold.
Go PCs we need a new leader ! Trudeau screwed things up big time ! Now it all has too be fixed and unreavelled , Bye bye Justin !
It is amazing how young Marcia McMillan looks at age 51.
Mulcair is a class act. I listen when he speaks.
We don’t need brothers of Taliban running this country