Sen. Whitehouse (D-R.I.) says the Supreme Court confirmation process could be fixed by bringing transparency to dark money. Aired on 10/14/2020.
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Whitehouse: Supreme Court Transparency Would Reveal 'Rot' | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Thank God for Whitehouse !!! Look at what he just exposed about Trump’s taxes..!! Breaking news !!
No distraction moron. The Experts have exposed your intentions to Agitate, Divide, Distract and pass Misinformation. 
@Chris Kelly
Ignore the Trolls and Bots. They’re getting paid to troll. 
@Dani Vertiz
You must be the Prince, Fake Page Troll. 
@Len Ovo This is breaking news:
We already know everything to know about Trump taxes, trumpturd. He has been a freeloader masquerading as a billionaire his entire life
Legislate the Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission SCOTUS Decision OUT Of EXISTENCE. And Demand FULL PUBLIC CAMPAIGN FUNDING For All American Elections. AMERICANS Own The Public Airwaves. They can be used to insure the Nation’s Independence.
The citizens united decision allowed unlimited anonymous campaign donations
That is how the Russians weren’t able to infiltrate the Republican Party
If you’re considering voting for Biden please watch this
And no I’m not a bot I’m just trying to get the real facts out
God bless you as you go true this mail, I want to use this opportunity to thank Mr Jason James for making me whom i am today, i was in debt as at 2020 on June 25th and needed loan to pay off my bill, so one i was going true internet and i came across this man Called Mr Jason James email [] when i contacted him after five days i applied for the loan i was granted the sum of $70, 000,00 in my bank account the next six days. i dont no if are also in debt today, i we advice you to contact Mr Jason James via email or Whatsapp +2349068747294 for more details.
Tryhard Timmy Travels To Tilted Towers No you don’t want facts, If you did you wouldn’t post unfounded propaganda.
It’s ok.. we can change the laws if we win both houses and the president. Republicans can’t stop the vote in the Senate anymore.
@Frank Rizzo how is the weather in Moscow?
except I would be concerned about them doing absolutely nothing with that kind of power, like they have before. They might just try and be all friends again so the cycle continues, like they have before.
@Frank Rizzo …why are you trolling ??? Joe has this wrapped up…here are some reasons why this election is going to be a blowout !! Breaking news !!
We need the more people like White House in DC.
Trump puts people in place to do his bidding legal or not! Yes, Trump and Republican Repersentives are packing the Supreme Court.
Baffles me you actually believe trump could possibly do anything illegal with the microscope he has been under even before he was elected. The democrats have created lies to try and get him impeached and in trouble, if he was breaking the law we would all know it.
Wake up
Ironically all the Republicunts screaming “Fill that seat!” In comment sections. Have the audacity to call ppl “commies”, when packing the court is an actual communist tactic.
He’s Stuart Smalley but without the machismo
Trump is a criminal
We need people like Sen., Whitehouse to
clean up corruption in the government…………
God bless you as you go true this mail, I want to use this opportunity to thank Mr Jason James for making me whom i am today, i was in debt as at 2020 on June 25th and needed loan to pay off my bill, so one i was going true internet and i came across this man Called Mr Jason James email [] when i contacted him after five days i applied for the loan i was granted the sum of $70, 000,00 in my bank account the next six days. i dont no if are also in debt today, i we advice you to contact Mr Jason James via email or Whatsapp +2349068747294 for more details.
@Walter White So King tRump trumps King of facts? What a load of horse manure.
@D’ Essay There has been a significant change in what is known as the republican southern strategy. Along time ago Woodrow Wilson, the KKK member who sold out to the federal reserve, was the head of the democrats by virtue of his presidency. The south, who were and still are the people who think it’s ok to dehumanize and/or enslave others, has been championed by the more corrupt party at all times in our history. That the dems and rethugs changed morality with their support of the south is worth study in itself.
@D’ Essay I’m surprised you guys are so far back in history that you’re missing the point; parties are only as good as the people running (and in) that party – TODAY republicans are trying to cheat the election and disenfranchise voters of color. TODAY trump refuses to denounce white supremacy. Remember this, the only reason trump is a republican is because he saw an opportunity to sucker a bunch of religious zealots. He identified with the Democratic party before. But they’d never have him.
The only thing your history lesson teaches is this; party values change, as do societal ones. Republicans sure have. “Conservative “, what’re they conserving? National debt? Lol not a chance! Human life? Well its hard to take that seriously when ‘herd immunity’ are the current WH buzzwords, that means 2% (if we’re being generously low) of Americans will die in the course of THAT plan.
Power? Oh yea that’s the only thing they’re worried about ‘conserving”
@Charles not brilliant, she dodges every question, acting like its a scandal that she’s being questioned about her ideological goals, irritating since if you read the things she’s written you know where she stands.
That’s not the point, did you not listen to SW? The amassing of power, and the rulings speak for themselves, and that she didn’t have much of a response besides wriggling out of saying anything.
He should run for President

He’s an actor; lookup Stuart Smalley
@Old Matty like tRump.
Rhode Island should be proud of who they sent to the Senate. Good on Whitehouse.
@K. McKee
Rhode Island what were you thinking?
Electing Stuart Smalley smh
God bless you as you go true this mail, I want to use this opportunity to thank Mr Jason James for making me whom i am today, i was in debt as at 2020 on June 25th and needed loan to pay off my bill, so one i was going true internet and i came across this man Called Mr Jason James email [] when i contacted him after five days i applied for the loan i was granted the sum of $70, 000,00 in my bank account the next six days. i dont no if are also in debt today, i we advice you to contact Mr Jason James via email or Whatsapp +2349068747294 for more details.
@Fara Roberts Here is a study published by the university of Chicago in Feb. of this year. It is a study of public corruption statistics published by the DOJ. Unlike the other links, it’s academic and not op eds in the back page of a local daily paper
DC comes top, and Lousiana is next. RI is not even close to the top.
@Simon Templar God bless you! I’ve been searching for something like this. Thank you again.
Elizabeth Warren has been talking about this quite a while about dark money.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500

@trisha padilla (I
Most of the dark money is in the democrats control.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Dude, this is the point! We The People have to take our power back. Starting with taking money out of our voting system. Closing all loop holes. Make lying about candidates, including fake ADs, illegal! It’s about US, NOT them!
listen. to. his. every. word. WHITEHOUSE FOR WHITEHOUSE 2024.
@Charles she was paid for this position that’s how brilliant and honest of a candidate she is. But I forgot she’s just adding to the already swamp. But I guess you can probably jump right in. Lol
@Angela White She DOES get paid as a Justice yes. Are you alleging something improper? If so, provide actual evidence… NOT talking points from CNN, Fox, or the networks. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 You Republicans still want to blame the 2008 collapse not even on the Dems but on Obama who inherited the mess from the The Republicans (Bush). You can actually make a mess like that in less than two years (sure, right). But be honest to yourself, what you really want to say, like all the rest of the Republicans (blame it on the black guy) when in actuality, every time he attempted to pass anything it was overturned by the repuds. I’m very much
Politics, so you can’t get much past me. You want to feel better by saying it was Democratics that crashed the market in 2008 go ahead. How do you feel now with what #45 has done. What do you say about his performance for the past 3 3/4 + years with unemployment, the number of deaths in our country, how he has handled the virus
How are you feeling right now. Who are you blaming now?
@Charles I don’t have that proof in my hands just as you don’t have that proof that Kamala Harris is not a good candidate for Vice President. They went to the same school. Trust and believe me the Highest Power is in control and no money
in the world will stop Him from doing what has to be done. Read that carefully.
@Angela White WHAT? WHO went to the same school? What does Kamala have to do with this discussion? This is about ACB. Btw, ACB went to Notre Dame. Kamala didn’t. Get some rest, try harder.
Money needs to be out of politics period.
@Bill Robbins
@Joaquin Smalley Sr
No, nativity needs to be out of politics. And it is. Which is why you aren’t in politics.
Everything needs to taken out of Politics. Republican Terrorist are running USA. HIV, 911 and covfefe are all PROOF!
Sen Whitehouse should run for Pres in 2024. He would win easily. He’s tough.
2028! Sheesh!
Elizabeth Warren has been talking about Dark Money for sometime now.
@Biker 06 yeah. But she’s a woman. This country doesn’t take kindly to that.
You are right. The man is good hearted and always wants the best for Americans.
@gavin crump He’s actually Ivan Popovich….
All trumps corrupt appointments should be reversed. Every decision he made was for corrupt purposes and unqualified and corrupt judges are a threat to our entire system as we saw in the appeals court travesty upholding the texas governors voter suppression.
Shouldn’t have been able to set foot in the White House.
You are so right

Who would make cardboard paper ballot box’s an not be be hunted down an hanged
Wes Brown. The problem is, nobody’s found Trump of wrong doing. Keep barkin at the school bus, pansyass.
The SCOTUS is a joke! No one believes them to be impartial. You see the anarchy in America? Well, they are the cause.
No one deserves a job for LIFE
Anarchy is on Teathuglicans’and Agent Orange. Corporatism is on this court.
I view John Roberts as a second worst Supreme Court Justice in American history
he is not the worst because he has not started a civil war, yet
Not so! The so-called anarchy you’re witnessing is the result of a few well-placed right-wing bad apples among well-disciplined social/economic protest for the sole purpose of creating the illusion of a peaceful protest gone violent and destructive.
Who do you think actually benefits from such violence and lawlessness? Could it be the handiwork of those opportunist law and order politicians who choose to deflect from, and refuse to address, the injustices and social grievances of those pesky protestors?
America needs many many more heroes like Sen. Whitehouse. Republican corruption is out of control!
A Centaur
we have many Morons like him, they are in the Democrat party
@Alex Hamilton They used to be in the Democratic Party, they’re called Confederates and are now in charge of the republican party through the perversion of conservatism. If you don’t know what I’m talking about open up a history book and read about the southern Democrats converting to the conservative movement within the republican party between the 1930s and 1950s, you separatist traitor.
@Sean Breen yep all the racists switch to republican as Dems started desegregation. The racist moved over and now Abe’s party is infested with the very ppl who hated him…ironic.
good day sir /ma, my Name is Miss Vera Lopez i got my loan from Mr Jason James when i was in debt, October last two years i was seriously looking for loan to start up business on my own, and one day i saw a testimony of Mr Jason James that he is helping people with loan, so took the courage and contacted him for loan amount $95,000,00 i was sent loan application form i fill and after that i was sent loan terms and condition after that i was ask to send my details to receive my loan i did before i could no it i receive my loan in my bank account today i am so happy with my family i can now put food on my family table all to God and to Mr Jason James for his good work he has done in my life.
i dont no if you are also in debt today and you need a loan to start up a business contact Mr Jason James via email ( or Whatsapp +2349068747294 for details thanks.
Anything associated with the GOP would reveal gross amounts of ROT.
ROT: Republicans of Trump
@Gina McLendon ….Gina, check out what they discovered about Trump’s taxes here….this just came out !!!
@Gina McLendon
good day sir /ma, my Name is Miss Vera Lopez i got my loan from Mr Jason James when i was in debt, October last two years i was seriously looking for loan to start up business on my own, and one day i saw a testimony of Mr Jason James that he is helping people with loan, so took the courage and contacted him for loan amount $95,000,00 i was sent loan application form i fill and after that i was sent loan terms and condition after that i was ask to send my details to receive my loan i did before i could no it i receive my loan in my bank account today i am so happy with my family i can now put food on my family table all to God and to Mr Jason James for his good work he has done in my life.
i dont no if you are also in debt today and you need a loan to start up a business contact Mr Jason James via email ( or Whatsapp +2349068747294 for details thanks.
OH COME ON – LET’S GET RID OF THE FAKE “very stable genius,” and let’s go back to mental sanity

Brainstorming Plus
So you mean pre 2008 time?
@Alex Hamilton. I mean pre Mr. “very stable genius,” “very, very large a-brain,” “the chosen one” and so, so much more!
Talk about the “deep state:” it is corporate money and it pays the Republicans to do the corporate bidding. When Trump and Republicans accuse Democrats of doing something nefarious, it is what the Republicans are doing. Bank on it.
It is called “projection”.
I think these operations act more like a ‘dark state’ or ‘shadow state’.
Did someone say “Transparency”? SW takes LOTS of Dark Money – as do Dems. What did this have to do w this outstanding nominee? (He was too afraid to ask her a question – after she eviscerated Feinstein and Leahy – they were shaking their heads at how brilliant ACB is.) (ALL of these are DARK MONEY giving to Whitehouse)
Sounds like Senator Whitehouse is identifying & proposing actual measures to “drain the swamp”.
Or like turning over rocks to see what crawls out.
Things got a lot swampier since 2017, when they opened up that enormous pipe. (you know, like the pipe Trump imagines you can open & close to control all the water that wastefully pours into the Pacific ocean from California — just to save some teeny little fish no one has ever heard or cared about.) It’s gone from swamp to raw sewage dump with all the nepotism, and hiring of zero government experience cronies — like Louis DeJoyboy taking over Benjamin Franklin as Postmaster General. Louis made his millions in logistics… or whatever. I see a mob guy who knows his trucks. How to do stuff the legal way, or the other way… off a bridge, say.
@stephen ashton Profound incoherence. Thanks for that.
God bless you as you go true this mail, I want to use this opportunity to thank Mr Jason James for making me whom i am today, i was in debt as at 2020 on June 25th and needed loan to pay off my bill, so one i was going true internet and i came across this man Called Mr Jason James email [] when i contacted him after five days i applied for the loan i was granted the sum of $70, 000,00 in my bank account the next six days. i dont no if are also in debt today, i we advice you to contact Mr Jason James via email or Whatsapp +2349068747294 for more details.
@James Ricker here is something else that scares Trump…about his taxes !!! !! Breaking news !!
Confirming Amy Barrett right now is not the will of the people.
If you’re considering voting for Biden please watch this
And no I’m not a bot I’m just trying to get the real facts out
Sen. Whitehouse for President that’s what American needs, no offense to Joe Biden