President Joe Biden speaks to members of the Buffalo, New York, community after meeting with families of victims killed in the racially motivated supermarket shooting. #CNN #News
‘White supremacy is a poison’: Biden responds to Buffalo shooting

President Joe Biden speaks to members of the Buffalo, New York, community after meeting with families of victims killed in the racially motivated supermarket shooting. #CNN #News
Imagine how sociopathic and utterly depraved someone has to be to shoot people just trying to buy groceries, but livestream themselves doing it. Truly sickening to the highest degree.
@One 0 eight The witch hunt you mean. What goes around…..
Self hatred. You keep trying to convince yourself. Seek counseling. Really. I’m beginning to worry about you.
@Dirty Forty Nine awe when it’s trump it’s a witch hunt lol
he sure has a lot of witches around him.
How far do you go playing the victim ?
@Dirty Forty Nine You think pretending to be a victim will get you cookies lol
@Ellen Faulkner correct. But I think what op meant was, why it’s a white person…
Makes ya wonder, eh?
This shooter is a typically duped part of the “replacement” base he wants to activate for midterms.
Last fight
It is truly sad what is happening these days, No one has the right to take life based on race. Black or Brown or White or Asian we are all red inside.
@Victor RC Jets wasnt the California shooter an asian???
The outside color should not matter. We all need to learn to be red, white and blue inside again. This is the problem.
@Jena Latz uhh yea obviously black people who live in the wealthiest country in the world are going to be the most wealthy…. Thanks for stating something obvious
These are people. Period. Stop trying to divide us. Stop standing on the backs of victims for self serving political aggrandizement.
@Quantum tv the liar is bound to believe everyone else must lie as they themselves would
@Sue Howie Man Chu
@Wisdom Master Reviews you need to stop watching cnn and keep away from crt
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump then you ain’t black” – Biden
@Joey LaMack ACTUALLY 2, maybe more. We’ll never know with this media.
@Grapevine We didn’t start the fire!
@RISHABH JARYAL Look up Strom Thurmond funeral too. Hehe ol’ Joke is there too.
“Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?”- Thomas Sowell
@My Channel dunno what that means. All I know is I’m not going to pay for something that somebody else did. It’s absurd
@Here2 Play Like taxes? It’s not absurd, it’s basic humanity that you’re too self absorbed for.
Seriously. Right on point.
This person knows no low end limits.
I wish he would have said that at Robert Byrd’s Funeral when he read the Eulogy.
Uh, I think you’re forgetting Strom Thurmond too buddy.
What about Darryl Brooks that was a hate crime why didn’t he denounce that oh I get it it’s only when it’s against black people it’s a hate crime.
Only when the media TALKS about it , it s a crime ….
And Asians too. Remember they got a hate crime bill. Oh and so did Pacific Islanders. I sure wish I was an Asian or a Pacific Islander so I could get a bill too..
Was it a poison when Darrell Brooks and Frank James, committed there hateful acts? The energy seems much different this time.
41 comments and I can see 22
@hev lox its the ultimate i told you so moment
@hev lox ill say again actually watch the speech….
We must work together to address the hate that all the politicians create..
@One 0 eight
@FrancoMon Cama when you are ready to be serious , we can have a conversation
Stop burying your head in the sand please, this is serious
Okay let see how true that is when my sister comes home for paying the price for disobeying a direct order and I’m the witness of the direct order disobeyed
07:20 i wonder from where Rashawn Ray got his statistics regarding terrorism in the US and what exactly he classifies as terrorism. When it comes to violence of black people in comparison to white people and violence of black against whites or vice versa, the actual numbers are very different to what he is saying.
I hate the fact that they turned it into a political conversation at the end. Talk about what happened and how to fix it. Not about how it affects politicians and how they look.
@Benito Salazar sadly all the news channels do this though. Some are way worse than others but everything they talk about always ends up with politics instead of news
Last fight
But black supremacy is ok. So, let’s ignore Wakesha, NYC, DC etc etc.
From Waukesha, we know all too well the horror of domestic terrorism based upon racism and hatred of people for the color of their skin. Our thoughts and love go out to our fellow Americans in Buffalo. We are so saddened by this tragedy and hope that hatred and racism can be erased one day and we can stand together to make that happen. No other Americans should ever have to endure what the citizens of Waukesha and Buffalo have endured.
Please keep it positive. Unity and love is what we need right now.
28 comments and I can see 14….
There are dangerous nuts everywhere on the streets of all colors and nationalities. We use to institutionalize these people for life, now they just let them run loose.
Have a private meeting with a veteran Biden. I’m an Irish/ Nigerian slave and this is a slap in our face. Every other race is negative or obsolete. Sorry that’s not how the world works. Everyone has been a slave and everyone deserves respect
“How to Create a Black Swan Problem”, by Joe Biden