A Twitter account that tweeted a call to violence and claimed to be representing the position of "Antifa" was in fact created by a known white supremacist group, Twitter said Monday. The company removed the account.
#CNN #News
A Twitter account that tweeted a call to violence and claimed to be representing the position of "Antifa" was in fact created by a known white supremacist group, Twitter said Monday. The company removed the account.
#CNN #News
I love it when CNN calls something fake news.
CNN has provided more evidence and sited more sources than Fox/Trump ever has. Are you one of those people who thinks that windmill noise gives you cancer, but no other noise does?
CNN basically says the opposite of Trump, but Trump never has evidence and his many lies have been documented and proven, but you still think CNN is untruthful? CNN warned us about covid, while Trump called it a democrat hoax, and you still think CNN is untruthful?
There is something not connecting in your brain.
@T T #CovingtonKids #Nicksandman #MichaelAvenetti #RussiaCollusionHoax #SteelDossier #UkraineQuidProQuo and now #PeacefulProtest( #ActuallyRiots) should i go on….
@T T “we have proof of collusion”
@Left Is Never Right but did trump give the order to do it . cop said there was no tear gas used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eMAJWFDq8I
T T – https://dailycaller.com/2018/08/31/cnn-list-bungled-reporting-fake-news/
The theme of 2020 ‘dont believe what you hear or see’
And everything is awful
Does this confirm that twitter knows the organisational structure of antifa
@hochmeisterr These antifascist folk are using some pretty fascist tactics in their quest to be antifascist though. Seems kind of….stupid
M Murph Yeah hating fascism is just so dorky

no people ban following the brick on the growned and ever time there a antifa person around them finds them they just pop up all over
Sizzle Fizzle These little nerds are not accomplishing anything. If you think they are fighting fascism by being fascist then you have lost your mind
“i swear on me mum, it’s da yahztees”
Song to Antifa
Come to the suburbs
we’re hoping you do
We’ve got lots of guns here
We’re waiting for you
So riot and pillage
in our small little towns
we’ll get all our guns out
and mow your asses down
I would rather spend the rest of my life in prison then let these terrorists burn my house.
Ill kill them. Its as simple as that. I wont let them burn innocent peopkes houses with them in it.
THEY are ready to kill. So am I.
Imagine being so brainwashed and indoctrinated you actually believe this ROTFL

@It’s shondra 1234 , Hildebeast Clinton, NPC Non Binary…, will drew, Robert Smith daddy got the lock changed on him when returning from the milk shop. Please y’all forgive daddy don’t a bunch of feral bi.ches.
@will drew
No what are you bitching about?
Lets follow CNN’s logic. A white supremacist group impersonates ANTIFA, calling to burn things down. ANTIFA starts burning things down and CNN comes to ANTIFA’s defense pointing out a white supremacist group set ANTIFA into motion. You can’t make this sh*t up.
@It’s shondra 1234 hahahaha
Chill snowflake
Whaaaa? The far right nazi movement, who has meddled in the Democratic election before, was behind this too???,…
Imaginary far right Nazi movement.
Nazis don’t exist in my world.
You’re lying. Nice try CNN. Soon your viewers will know the truth.they don’t have to take my word for it they’re going to see.
Curfews and Darkness comes!.. *Stay Home & Stay Safe*
Gee, we’ve never been lied to by cnn before, HAVE WE?
These comments give me hope in humanity.
CNN gives me hope with truth.
Racism gives you hope
What happens when a virus and fear aren’t enough to control the people? Simple: Turn them on each other.
Yea. Because AUTO ZONE really holds people down. Fk off
@Mila Sophia That President Trump is the Best. God Bless.
unknown unknown your post makes no sense….
@Frozen Bananas I don’t watch Faux News, but you are right . i had to check for my self. YOU cant Trust any mainstream media. Especially CNN and Abc., MSN , Fox, and buszzfeed
bill gates seek mental help please. AND GET OFF YOTUBE VIDEOS OF THINGS YOU HATE! Imagine spending this much time on something you hate so much! It’s pathetic!
CNN where is the black officer that was killed?
Or her…we dont even know here name : (
@toxic wastetoid Fits perfectly.
There’s probably some in these comments white supremacy people, mostly are Trump’s supporters.
@Davey J love you man
He was shot and killed by white supremacists
Throw the commie down the well!
Throw the commie down the well!
they had hammers and bats and broke a lot of glass started the looting and then got out of there and went and did an other store
So did no “confirmed ANTIFA” twitter account post calls for violence?
So bc people at Twitter said it that somehow makes it true… lol
“A well known White Nationalist group…”
Then proceeds to not say the group’s name, thereby exposing them to public scrutiny.
What horse

Meanwhile Trump spouts our “Antifa” yet provides no proof.
ANTIFA is a leftist group. NOT a right wing group. QUIT LYING CNN!!!