White House touts DOJ announcement on ‘discarded’ Trump ballots

The Justice Department said that it is investigating "potential issues with mail-in ballots" in the swing state of Pennsylvania and, in a highly unusual disclosure, revealed that several ballots marked for President Donald Trump were "discarded."
US Attorney David Freed said a preliminary inquiry determined that nine "military ballots were discarded" and that seven of them "were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump." The incident occurred in Luzerne County, a swing county in northeastern Pennsylvania that is home to Wilkes-Barre. Trump flipped the county in 2016 after years of narrow Democratic wins.
The statement was highly unusual because it highlighted the fact that the ballots were marked for Trump — which immediately raised suspicions that the Justice Department was trying to furnish material that Trump could promote for political gain. Indeed, Trump and other White House aides used the information, even before it was made public, to attack mail-in voting.
Election officials go to extraordinary lengths to protect ballot secrecy. It's unclear how investigators figured out who the votes were for, and why they made that information public.
Additionally, the Justice Department typically does not comment about ongoing investigations, though there are rules allowing it when there is a public interest at stake, like election integrity.
The federal probe was apparently triggered by a request from Luzerne County District Attorney Stefanie Salavantis, a Republican who announced Tuesday that federal investigators were assisting with an election issue. Freed, also a Republican, was appointed by Trump in 2017. A spokesperson for Salavantis told CNN that the nine affected ballots are for the general election. Many military and overseas ballots were sent out last weekend.

#2020Election #CNN #AC360


    1. @Bill Moore if you believed in Trump winning then why are you here trolling? It’s sad that you have to cross lines for someone you believe in! the question is do u think Trump would do the same for you if you were in his position

    2. @Nadia Silvershine Ya… sure, gosh.. The left needs to wake up!.. we all know, there is zero chance, that an old, creepy, senile , pedo , crazy HIDEN BIDEN w/ a treason SON…HAS ANY CHANCE OF WINNING~~~YA ..GOLD STANDARD! MORONS!

    1. I can take anyone of your votes. I can get your signature on public file. Have a rubber stamp made of your signature, then vote as you. Fool.

    1. Diana Hulstine if you don’t want to explain, how are you going to argue you point? I am really interested in learning what democracy is? And how america does not have democracy.

    1. DOJ Barr put on their official web site today about these ballots “9 discarded ballots” (they posted 9 but had to change as that was incorrect, it was 7) well what they are stating is about “7 discarded ballots” during the primary months ago, not about this election now! What a scam and how corrupt and lying the DOJ is now under Barr..he works for trump not the American people. Barr lies as much as trump does..trump lies 99% of the time..he lies most when his mouth is moving..

  1. In 2020 Biden’s doj needs to convict trump and his administration in every opportunity to prevent another “trump” again.

    1. @Cookie Monster Funny…one of your other Russian troll buddies said the same exact words. Are you clowns just copying and pasting your babble?

    2. @Bill Moore Hunter Biden investigation is already over…nothing found. Just like Benghazi. Just like Clinton’s email. And just like the Russia, Russia, Russia oranges investigation will be.

  2. It’s not like Barr, the man who’s been involved in Republican coverup after Republican coverup, can’t lie.


    1. Josedantes Baez Try reading the Mueller report which documents with evidence the more than 100 meetings between Trump campaign and Russian agents. And the recent report from the Senate intelligence committee – Republican and Democrats confirmed it all. They said that the Trump campaign participated in and enabled the Russian attack on the 2016 election and that their actions were a significant attack on US national security. So who is the idiot in this comment section? Why that would be you

    2. @Josedantes Baez So your best is what most branches of our military and intelligence officers consider an accident.

      Rather than the selling of firearms to terrorists against the wishes and laws of Congress.

      Republicans need to find better hills to die on.

  3. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss . I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

  4. tRUMP had one of his illiterate minions put those “ballots” in a “trash can”. How do we know that they were real or FAKE, or if this “incident” even happened?!

    1. Better than somebody with dementia, and not to mention joe was in office for 40 years and did NOTHING. What do you think he’s going to do as president? Defund the police? It’a funny because there have only been big riots this year, also an election year

    1. neskowin smithrock – Sorry… but the majority of times, I can’t even COMPREHEND what Trump is trying to convey. Not going to FAKE IT. Trump has A LOT of work to do—to get MY PRECIOUS VOTE… AND ATTENTION. So far… not impressed.
      💙💙 Biden/Harris 2020. 💙💙
      Not playin’.

    1. Dana Raines do you hear how stupid you sound? You have been misinformed by the media, act on facts not emotions, you might absolutely despise Trump, but please, look at the other side and see what Democrats are doing

    2. @Jangus Roundstone Well, if you have people claiming that sending ballots to everyone is totally safe and no one will mess it, the best way to prove them wrong is to mess with it. Plus why do you think that none of nevertrumpers would just throw away and destroy trump ballots.
      Just go and vote on the election day, and if you are afraid of Covid vote absentee or vote early. Plus if protesting is safe, why voting is dangerous.

    3. @Snackbarth …says someone who probably gets their news from Trump and Fox. What exactly are the Democrats doing? Please enlighten us.

    1. That’s odd! I called today to see what’s going on with my mail in ballot and the electoral office in Scranton, Pa said they haven’t received them yet to mail out to us?!?!

    2. Cooking of Survival Ruth Badder who? I would welcome Russian interference in the election , seriously ! Putin and the ruskies have more understanding, patriotism, respect,for our flag, constitution and USA than our own democrats, especially Biden, who are the scourge of America and should not be allowed to touch the sacred american flag.and speaking of Biden, stop these damn campaign adds.

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