White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn he needed to grant an emergency use authorization for Pfizer/BioNTech's coronavirus vaccine by the end of Friday, and if not, he needs to resign, an administration official and a source familiar with the situation tell CNN.
#CNN #News
It never ends does it.
Not at all with this guy..he has to Go.
Goh wow
jan 20
This is something Hitler or Stalin would do. Not the president of the USA.
Power corrupts. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. You all need to look to your history books to realise what is happening. Everything negative that has been said about trump is true. Let that sink in then recognise his followers intention becomes clear, especially in the GOP.
Sad thing is yes he would be proud
Putin Hitler Stalin Trump
You are almost saying, POTUS is Hitler or Stalin-like. I agree with you.
@STAR Sirius “History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren’t there.”
George Santayana – Italian Philosopher
Trump is doing his best to sabotage America before he leaves. Putin must be so proud.
@Rednec joe do you perfer “useful idiot” to “bot” or how about “troll” since yer trolling.
I think even Putin is done with donny..
@A B let me guess your 39 and live in your parents basement
I think its obvious at this point that Trump was told to undermine the election, and keep it in the courts. I mean, who would ever do something like this to his own country?
if you need threats to convince people your cause is lost already!!!
@Carol Price yep what a fine president here turn out to be,
Why didn’t we get to hear him say it
Hoh wow
This is why government should not be run like a business.
@Heath Shi Maga says covid fake anyway so why are you complaining???
@low key Exactly. trumptys had 12 failed business’s, 5 bankruptcies. He is a professional master of bankruptcy, and now trying to destroy our democracy. U.S. national debt 25 trillion dollars as of August 2020. It was 19 trillion dollars when trumpty was inaugurated in 2017.
Government is not a business. We (the people) underwrite our common interests with government irrespective of profit, based solely on our collective priorities. Fire departments are an excellent example to illustrate this point. Fire protection in our communities is not something that can be a profitable business but we all agree, as a group, we want this amenity so we all pitch in for it. That’s what government does, the stuff that can’t or shouldn’t be operated on a for-profit basis.
Now all of this doesn’t mean that government shouldn’t be run as competently and efficiently as possible. Excellent performance in the public sector is something we as taxpayers have to insist on and hold public servants accountable for. THIS is why we have elections.
Well especially by a well known failed businessman and con artist. Should have been a huge red flag that no single bank in America will deal with the tRump.
at least not by some one who declared bankrupcy SIX TIMES IN TEN YEARS. Some businessman, HUH??
SCOTUS on Texas lawsuit: It’s a Hail Mary, there it is, it’s in the air almost there, oh no the case was swatted away.
@Meridien exactly!
And now we’ve got yet another moron here in Texas that is set to file to have Texas Secede!
Watch Texas become the epicenter of Maga hostility just like the Biden bus they were so nicely “escorting”. Bubbas gonna be hoping in the backs of pickups throwing hissy fits.
@TexanforTruth TossTrump OMG, I guess it had to happen!
You can’t rush safety!
@Christopher Barrett so why is the uk already giving it out? You still have tds.
@Suzy Qualcast Britain is smaller than a lot of our states. They just approved it and we are right behind them.
@Megadog Do me a favor and GROW UP ALREADY. Oh I forgot that it’s too little too late for that.
I thought no one wanted a forced vaccine from Biden. Trump is forcing the Pfizer vaccine it through the FDA. Hypocrisy!
@Nic MorenoSorry Nic. I just posted some sites. Thanks for being an adult about it me not posting links.
@Louis Burns I just watch the first couple of minutes and then research them…if I don’t find anything I atleast can tell what I should believe or what to research more…
@Nic Moreno I understand Nic. As I stated, thanks for being nice about it. Stay safe and may God Bless you.
He wants his name in there. The Trump Vaccine.
Strange how critical this vaccine has become for a virus that was qualified as fake no more than 6 months ago.
Yvan Chainé – Yeah, and unicorns are real, the moon landing was faje, and Trump won the election.
RIGHT?????? I am so suspicious of this entire governmental machine.
Goh wow
The plot thickens.
Right i want that question
Such an incompetent and idiotic administration
Shut up Magadummy.
@Ptguy0618 Why is Drumpf whining about a HOAX?
I agree, who would be naive enough to take a vaccine which has less than a year of testing! Make Trump and the Republicans the long term testing group!
@Ptguy0618 “Oh so now you’re anti vaxx?”
If local independent labs are able to review the vaccines and release their findings on their efficacy, then we would have more faith in the results. We don’t trust things at a federal level with the Trump administration and their campaign of misinformation
So the virus is not a HOAX anymore?
No hoax
Yeah sure inject yourself
Exactly now MAGA in here whinning about the approval.. Make up your tinfoil minds MAGA
MS:::the Corona Virus was NEVER a HOAX only in Strumpeds viewpoint and hes OUT at the plate 01/20/2021
someone tell little Donnie to go back to playing with his AG friends, and leave the vaccine approval to the adults.
@Diego A Why is Drumpf whining about a HOAX?
@eltorocal why is bideN involved in scandals in other countries?
Make Trump and the Republicans the long term testing group! If they survive after 3 years let the rest of us take it. Of course there will be herd immunity by then! Why is Trump forcing this on America?
He is doing this because America was not first to give out the vaccine. Operation warp speed because operation left in the dust.
This is strong arming, just like a Mafia Boss.
He is a mafia boss . Why do you think his puppets are all afraid to speak in opposition. 106 republicans now are exposed as being part of a coup .
Strong arming? Sounds about right
That is what happened when you elect one. A failed businessman with well known ties to shady people. Made his money by stealing from banks not paying his bills and robbing American people by not paying his taxes. Can you imagine how many more thing could be out there for the people with All the tax money missed out on.
the mafia is a bit more organized.
This is why so many people don’t trust taking the vaccine….
paul walker I really truly pray that you are healed… I’m very saddened that you would say such a horrific thing to me. Just because I don’t believe her refuse to take a vaccine does not Mean that I don’t believe that the virus is real and don’t take it seriously. I’m probably one of the most masked, careful people I know when it comes to this virus. So I would really appreciate it if you wouldn’t make assumptions about me but rather question and be curious about why I may not trust in the vaccine. In complete seriousness here… I don’t know if you are at home or in the hospital, but I urge you to take zinc vitamin C and D3 in the highest dose is possible permitted based on your body weight per day with lots of water. I know that this is a concoction that they were giving to Covid patients back in the very beginning when this first started and there is research that supports that people that are vitamin D deficient are more susceptible to developing Covid and having worse symptoms. Please be careful. Please get well. My parents are very high risk as they are both smokers. They are 62 and 65 years old. My dad has COPD and asthma. I have probably been one of the most sympathetic to all persons since this virus started. I worry more about others than myself. So just a little bit of advice and wisdom… Just because a person has a different opinion about one thing doesn’t make them a bad human being when it comes to something else. I can promise you that I probably care more about you and the fact that you’re suffering from this virus then probably many people that you know that are in your life. Many many prayers sir and blessings please get well soon!
Power corrupts. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. You all need to look to your history books to realise what is happening. Everything negative that has been said about trump is true. Let that sink in then recognise his followers intention becomes clear, especially in the GOP.
paul walker I see that you were extremely careful as I have been… do you have any idea or suspect where or how you may have contracted it? Lack of ventilation at work? Dining outdoors? Any idea at all? Who do you believe contracted it first, you or your wife?
@Whitney Thomas Thanks Whitney and my best wishes to your Dad. I hope it all turns out OK,. Virtually all medicine is a risk for the body and many everyday drugs have long-term impacts …the folks you speak of have been made nervous by the anti-scientific nonsense poisoning the country…its not just covid and immunisation..its climate change too for eg. If you don’t tackle that then this will just be the beginning…viruses, bacteria, tick borne diseases..the planet won’t be kind to us if we cannot find a new balance.
Take care, stay well and again best wishes to your father.
@GingeR LoX We have a large Hispanic family who doesn’t have the luxury of quarantine. Over half of us got the virus, my parents got it, my sister and several of the cousins also had the virus. No deaths. Fevers and coughs but thank God no one died and we were able to be part of the 99.5% of virus survivors! We had around 20 people total who got sick, a few over 65 and one over 80. All are now immune.
Yea and if it turns out to be unsafe and disastrous, trump will blame everyone else
@Nevuah Gallery you got that one right!!!
@Diana I’m from uk
Doncaster area
@Diana that’s my motocross name wildboyonamish as in ? I’m on a mission lol
@Diana racist draft dodger Joe Biden is not my president
Blaming everyone else will be his platform for running in 2024
Thats called blackmail
Trump does lots of blackmail .
Goh wow
@Albert S I know, I’m biracial.
what do you expect from a N.Y Mobster in chief ? Blackmailing !
@SE Morgan I bet you’re that same gay black man that supports Dean Browning =)
Orangemail not blackmail

If we don’t smell a dictator I don’t know what that smell is. Dude needs to be eliminated.
Goh wow
Ya like yesterday
@Brenda Raus he can run around the courtyard at prison
Hoh wow
Trump: “the virus is a hoax”
“It will miraculously magically disappear”
@Mika Elizondomore like over by summer….2021
@Mika Elizondo”yes you see, it gets on the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on them…” With poor Dr Birx sitting alone on the side, her head down in shame and embarrassment. Trump has left a treasure trove, a virtual library of foolishness for all history to view
Goh wow
@Sweger Shanna I’m taking the risk.
Here we go again: Politics over science.
Politics over everything but money. The money comes first. Who are the stock holders in these vaccines?
Hey dummy uk already giving this vaccine out.
And business over well-being.
Toh wow
Yeah, that’s gonna make people want to take the vaccine.