The White House is making a concerted effort to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci as he becomes increasingly vocal about his concerns over reopening the country amid a national surge in coronavirus cases. The moves to undercut Fauci come just days after he gave an unvarnished look at his relationship with President Donald Trump, including that they have not spoken in weeks.
The tension between the two men — who are no longer speaking, CNN reported last week — has grown publicly as they have responded to one another through interviews and statements.
Trump does not plan to dismiss Fauci, and probably couldn't directly fire him if he wanted to, White House officials have determined. He insisted on that his relationship with the doctor remains strong.
"I have a very good relationship with Dr. Fauci, I've had for a long time," Trump said at the White House during a roundtable event honoring police officers. "I find him to be a very nice person. I don't always agree with him."
#Trump #CNN #News
The president takes the word of a game show host whos clearly lost his mind over the word of a respected doctor whos been in his field for 30 years… smh
The Absolute Dumbest president in History
This is so sad because Fauci is literally the ONLY person who speaks up for America And it’s safety! Damn
@Kirsten Grau You go First in case I have to take a piss
@Reid Elson Trump is not the Top Doc. who has been in his position for 40 years. America has lost its common sense and its critical thinkers have all but died. Fauci is there to make sure it goes correct yet he has made a ton of mistakes and admitted he lied lol What is wrong with your common sense. Im not a fan of Trump and even less now. Fauci is a clown though. But I get it he doesn’t have orange hair, so you will give him a pass
Please! Think! The only time Fauci was correct was when he said masks are useless. That is still a medical and scientific fact. He has been wrong about how bad this “virus” was going to be. You can not stop the spread of a virus. The best you can do is protect the “weak” immune compromised people. A virus does one thing only, it spreads. You can not stop nature. Closing down economies kill far more people. From the loss of jobs and suicide.
Fauci and Bill Gates funded the virus. People like you are soooooo stupid.
@theskateboardfan “The only time Fauci was correct was when he said masks are useless. That is still a medical and scientific fact”
he never said that masks were useless. you are also wrong about masks.
America really selected “WRONG PRESIDENT”, remove him NOW before more deaths going to register.
He is sinking the Ship and then he’s gonna float off to Russia. That’s gotta be it.
Janet Neighbors treason is a reason.
Montesa I deal with mine.
CivilDiscourse Putin or Non of the arrest of them Can Deal with Americans. I’m sure their happy Right where there At.
CivilDiscourse Trump Who?
Kim BStrong
President Disinfectant, has ‘trumped up’ excuses and ‘doctored’ a video to fire Dr. Fauci because, he is just flat out jealous of the good doctor.
Doctor Anthony Fauci
has worked for six Presidents, five were perfectly normal.
The choice is simple: America or Thump
America or deepstate.
Off with Trumps head!
The Art of the Deal. “If you can’t win take everyone with you”
More like ‘The Art of the Con’
The WH tries to undermine anyone that doesn’t toe their line.
that is the gop also
As if if everyone toes their lies, the sun will rise in the West and the covid disease will disappear miraculously.
I’m guessing you’re some of the same people that didn’t question why the democrats were silent when the looting and rioting was happening? Or why they reappeared once the nonsense “defund the police” narrative started circling around?
Requirement for working for Twump: lie lie lie and have no principles or moral compass
I think his (moral) compass is very much defective that’s why he’s into all directions getting nowhere and the people are sick dizzy and nauseated.
Unfortunately it is the other way around. The media and dems are lying. Look into it. I am not a republican. I despised Bush and guess what Bush supports Biden. Chew on that!
Cancel Chuck Woolery, oh wait, he’s already a nobody.
what the F does a game show host have to do with anything? this is insane
kevin goodman trump, I love the uneducated
I don’t think retweeting someone means you take their advice haha
Americans voted for a troll. This is what it gets you.
You seem highly uninformed.
His Top Doctor..Dr.Fauci… I think you’ll find he’s the Democrats number one guy!
Dr. Fauci is trying to save republicans and democrats lives, he’s not politicizing this.
No he cares about the health of America. He’s served 4 presidents. Idiot
Fauci has proven himself. He is a physician scientist, a public servant who has worked for both Republican and Democratic Presidents, he clearly has no allegiance to either. His loyalty is to science and the public he serves, that’s why he can easily serve in 4 government administrations and do it so seamlessly.
@Getty Gets amazing response

thank you
Yeah, that death thing is a “hoax”.
There is DJT hugging himself – trump,always plays both sides against middle don’t be fooled
I’ve never seen anything like this. Most presidential leaders would trust in there scientists and doctors.
@Phrozin BTW, when there’s a red crooked line underneath your words,
that’s a sign that they’re spelled wrong. But it’s expected, you’re a liberal.
Really then Why is the death toll flat?
Doctors and scientist are all liars
Heidi Jaime I hope you’re being sarcastic
@Phrozin You’re the same idiot that CNN and MSNBC prey on. Fauci sits on Bill Gates’ board, and is pushing the vaccine to be created by a company that Bill is personally invested in. Not only will Bill reap billions of dollars from this, but Fauci is entitled to a handsome payment as a thank you for making it happen. Fauci is motivated by the end result which is money in his pocket.
As Bugs Bunny might say, “Only the vacuous, incurious hominid taking up space in the Oval Office would turn to another vacuous maroon like Chuck Woolery for guidance on the Covid-19 pandemic.”
Endo Llod Elmer Fudd totally agrees with you
Imagine believing that the people that have devoted their whole life to studying stuff like viruses are all lying and trying to trick you.
“We lead the world in tests” And in delayed results and in cases and in deaths. USA. USA. USA.
And not in tests, not if we go by pr. capita
@C N Stupidity at its finest
@Lars Kjaer *president Trump introduces successor Dr. Fauci*
@C N “No other highly-populated countries even have the ability to come up with a worthwhile estimate, therefore their numbers are flawed”
actually they have had much better abilities to estimate, because they did testing earlier.
“They’re also flawed due to way too
many deaths being categorized as Covid 19.”
” The average age of death is above
life expectancy” oh look, another falsehood.
“Children are 20 times more likely to die if they get the flu than
oh look, another likely falsehood, that doesnt even matter. it kills adults.
” You wouldn’t be critical of Obama if he handled everything the exact same.”
We would be critical. except for obama would have handled it better. a toddler could have handled it as well as trump.
nice bullshit you have their.
@C N “Gotcha, so it’s Trump’s fault that people choose to “peacefully protest” (riot/loot).”
if he helped with BLM they wouldnt be protesting as much.
“It’s also his fault that stupid young adults have Covid parties.”
it is, the disinformation campaign has been solely due to trump and the conservatives.
“Also his fault that people ignored guidelines and got together in big groups on the 4th of July….” yes, trump encouraged the breaking of guidelines. Instead of spreading disinformation, if he had encouraged the following of science there wouldnt have been such disobedience.
“I’m sure that Obama would’ve limited deaths to “2” ” he would have limited them to about 40,000.
After all, thats what it would have been if the pandemic playbook (that trump ignored) had been followed.
Quoting a good doctor: find an enemy. Divide the people against themselves. Discredit the Press. Discredit the the intellectuals. This is Donald’s way. ” And the blind lead the blind”