John Bolton's book reportedly contains damaging information that would bolster the heart of the House's impeachment case. But to consider it, the Senate needs 51 votes to call him. Aired on 01/28/20.
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White House Scrambles To Keep Bolton Quiet | All In | MSNBC
Let the mustache talk! It knows the truth…
That’s a mustache???
Too late
Biden got screwed
My momma always said be careful how you treat others, because the people you kick in the head on the way up or while at the top may be some of the same people you meet on the way down or who know enough about you to knock you from your perch.
A wise woman.
Lev Parnas. Cohen. Scaramucci.
Yes, exactly. Bolton is known to have a militant mind set. He’s all for going in with lethal force into
Afghanistan and Iraq. He was Trumps Security Chief, and Trump is for pulling America out of long drawn out wars. So Trump couldn’t work with him on foreign military matters. He ended up firing him.
This is a revenge book, sent by Bolton over to The Democrats on Dec 30 th. Before the impeachment in the Senate began. The Democrats could have subpoenaed Bolton as a witness then and added him to their impeachment case but they didn’t. Now they want the Senate to do the subpoenaing through the courts for them. Where’s Parnas told his story and shot through back to Ukraine. Why did he tell that story? because as usual, the FBI grabbed someone for a fairly small crime and pressured him under threat of doing jail time or them getting him a lighter sentence. They did this to two witnesses in the Russia Collusion Investigation.
That is the illegally held, Russian Collusion investigation. 17 forgeries on the Fisa Application to hold that
investigation, by the FBI. Never heard too much said about that on this channel. The FBI committing forgery and defrauding the Fisa Court with bogus facts. Now that’s a crime, compared to anything Trump has done.
Lmao the white House scrambles lmfao lol right lol
I think they’ve been scrambled since the day trump walked into the Oval Office
Fake news always says that
Eric Roland he has said let them testify, but then he ordered them not to! Can’t you understand that you watch what he does, it’s very different than what he says!
Wait for Trump to scream about national security if Bolton gets called to testify. He will do everything he can to stop it happening. He knows that Bolton is his John Dean in all of this.
There is a loophole if he does claim executive privilege the senate would vote on whether or not it stands. But if they did that it could affect their position in the future. Even the book coming out after could make them look really bad. At this point it really is a coinflip.
U were right, he just did it this morning!!
I think you are CORRECT —- he is now claiming the book could harm “national security”.
Meanwhile, “The constitution is not a suicide pact” has been heard. And mitt Romney is working it behind the scenes.
Yes he is
Wonder if there is a recording of Trump demanding ‘TAKE HIM OUT’…we know Criminal #45 has blathered it.
The best thing is, he claimed Obama had wiretapped the White House… Nope, someone was easily able to get past his staff and record for him 85 minutes with their phone… just imagine what Russia has on the guy
Daily reminder trump is a criminal and every Republican politician is consenting to this
There is a video where Trump is saying take the previous ambassador of Ukraine out just take her out.
Trump and his whole administration belong in dog cages.
It seems like things are really starting to unravel for the Orange Swamp.
@Moss Bogger stick your crazy criminal messiah up your keaster boy.
@Gary Ray Cardoso I can’t imagine how much more idiotic a tRumper could be. This impeachment is for the history books. tRump and the tRumpublican traitor trash, will be severely judged by history and dealt with accordingly.
Hehehe, tricked ya, Rudy’s not the grenade, I am.
each of them are hand grenade now………
…I think we still need to hear more from Michael Cohen!
We should have listen and started the inquiry long time ago. This is “Hindsight2020.” Pun intended
And Stormy!
@Bob Smith Yes…Yes!!!…We got a lot of catching up to do!
Cohen already told the people how dump trump operates. He uses several people to do his dirt.
I’ll buy bolton’s book if he testifies. LET US START A PETITION
Yes! …and then don’t buy it.
@Professor Groyper what FAUX propaganda and their OPINION HOSTS
@truerealityscott I know you aren’t well educated, but “Faux” is pronounced “Foe”.
Great idea. I’m in
– Trump after Bolton refuse to stay ‘inside’.
@Professor Groyper Source?
@Professor Groyper do yo actually believe that weiner smoking a$$ sucking tRumpers have some kind of credibility.
@Will Snyder watch?v=LIpd-3YtHX4
@truerealityscott Do you actually believe that CNN and MSNBC have any sort of credibility?
“crazy”, or perhaps our govt has been infiltrated by a Russian/Communist agenda. the homework ive done has led me to this conclusion
@claude ghendrih bots or operatives are self destructive to Democracy.
The Russians, led by their dictator leader, Vladimir Putin, have been infiltrating our country politics since 2015. They operate, secretely and systematically. What angers me is that the Social media is allowing them to influence our elections. It is sooo unamerican!
@Joy Anna Radcliffe Nope it might somehow be much more American than you’d like to believe .
Watch the doc Active Measures it will blow u away! That goes for u Trump voters also…ah never mind
Johnny Starr <<<< Really, Fake Page Troll
Wouldn’t be suprised if Bolton suddently goes full Epstein.
ufftatabummbumm that would be too obvious…..he has tRump by the balls!
The American people are entitled to know the truth!
Which Americans, White or Rich ?
Ironically, John Bolton is a hand grenade waiting to blow them all up.
No chance bolton is a lot of things but was never a liar
@James Nunya my mind is worried!
He already pulled the PIN
It’s simple, people—let me explain it. trump is attempting to appoint himself dicktator of the United States. Will he succeed? I guess that’s up to us to decide.
yup, SILENCE IS COMPLICITY. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (Attributed to Edmund Burke, including by John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961.Aug 25, 2017. )
because i truly believe this to be true, i dedicate an hour a day on social media between urging people commenting on various sites that they don’t just express their opinions randomly but make their voice heard by our our ever-vote- hungry politicians by emailing, tweeting and/or calling them directly to express their opinion – and then do the same myself. it matters AND is great therapy – i feel less helpless and depressed. give it a try…
Professor Groyper The West was conquered and the Native Americans enslaved with guns and white arrogance. Your gun fetish is nuts. You will never have peace in America until people like you gone. How old are you? If you’re over 40 and without wisdom you’re f…..d.
He will continue down the authoritarian, dictatorial path in order to protect himself from the law and the people. Dictators invariably fear the people they rule over.
The American people want a fair trial with witnesses who heard Trump.
Call John Bolton and Trump to testify.
WHY is Trump so afraid if he hasn’t done anything “wrong”??
@David Lloyd your wrong he doesn’t have the right to block subpeonas or the right to hold millions for a fake investigation into corruption of the bidens which the bidens did NOTHING
Ella Presley those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.
@Toni sumblin but he’s hiding Documents, and witnesses and any information RELEVANT to his impeachment
@Toni sumblin he is hiding behind “executive privilege” and “national security” but his game is coming to an end
Country has had enough of the House Leftists charade.
They can’t keep Bolton quiet–the Moron fired him–Bolton is free now.
grow2b He most certainly is NOT – all administration staffers are required to sign legally binding nondisclosure agreements snd you can bet that this thug is directing that they be interpreted with unconstrained broadness used as 2x4s of intimidation and to provoke maximum fear of legal consequences, thats what is consistent with this criminal brutish POS aka trump.
@Matt R they only have make sure they dont release classified info but there able to talk about there job and what they experienced as long as it’s not classified
I believe he was smart enough to quit.
grow2b that was his biggest mistake