White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds press briefing | USA TODAY

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds a press briefing.
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President Donald Trump on Wednesday morning appeared to threaten funding for Michigan amid a global health pandemic if state officials move ahead with plans to send absentee ballot applications to every state voter.

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White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds press briefing | USA TODAY


  1. How old is this child?!? How the heck can she tell ANYBODY ANYTHING!?! She needs to sit down somewhere and be quiet. What experience, knowledge, or understanding does this little girl possibly have?!?

    1. I’m 48 older then her! All she does is read off a piece of paper! Anybody can do that! I will say… I like her jacket! 😂

    2. Stop your nonsense talk. That woman is smart and thinks with agility and she is as sharp as a tack. And she is beautiful to boot. Your posting is ridiculous untrue trash.

    3. @ibeval5566 No she doesn’t need to “sit down.” You are disgracing yourself with that immature trash talk. She is doing a great job and you damn well know it.

    4. I am not a Trump supporter but she has been very good on the stand. Its a shame she is deluded in believing in Trump. She is very talented.

    5. @ibeval5566 wow explain in a more educated less offensive gender age bashing way.
      Please explain what being young or a women makes her unqualified?

  2. I don’t agree with her choice of a leader to follow.
    However she is very good at dealing with difficult questions.
    She is informed.
    Well prepared.
    She also does not back down from answering a question.
    If she does not know or is an irrelevant question as to why they are there she bats them off to who they should ask.
    Very taleneted, very articulate educated person.
    Shame a lot of her party are idiots.

  3. I’m a Barbie in a Spanky world! What a waste of time re-telling the lies that Trump has told us smfh gtfoh

  4. First of all, remember that she’s a lawyer. She redirects questions she can’t answer. She deflects those questions she doesn’t want to answer. Finally, she tries to discredit those that are being critical of Trump. She’s not there for the press. She’s there to handle what Trump couldn’t on his own.

    1. I agree. She is good at though. Annoys me she supports Trump she could do a lot better.
      Someone told me once to be a good manager surround yourselves with talented people. Makes your job easier.
      I am not saying Trump is good. He pays for people around him to defend him and dig him out of crap

  5. Earth might be actually star-shaped, and the sun might be a massive ball of orange glow-in-the-dark mass
    Seems these days, that the line between fact and fiction no longer borders on what is actually right, but that in which sufficient base volume believes

  6. Wow all this from the girl that said “I will not tell able.” Which of course was her first lie.

  7. She is a great BSer. It’s never acceptable to start off a White House briefing with political propaganda. I’m a republican and I still found this to be in bad taste. This was a great example of why I will not be voting for Trump again!

    She will look back at this briefing with great shame!

  8. Kayleigh McEnany is an amazing Press Secretary! She is intelligent, tough and Professional!

  9. I didn’t think she had any good news or any other kind of news, how she ever got to be a press secretary is beyond me, must be another relative

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