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#WhiteHouse #PressBriefing #TodaysBriefing
I just watched this press conference. I would rather hear that things are not going well but we’re working on it.
Yeah! Me too! From the Administration that said they would not lie! And would be the most Transparent administration in history!
Where tf is my stimulus check
@Kerry Foerster uh huh right cus I was promised a check and u acting all high and mighty cus u already got urs and don’t tell me u don’t qualify
You’re like a greedy little child. That’s embarrassing.
@Kerry Foerster ur clearly and obviously insane so buh bye and carry on
@kerry didn’t they say would have over that weekend!! Some checks that came said PRESIDENT TRUMP. What does that tell you. Biden is a shadow President
@Truth Wins wow that’s wild smh isn’t that’s something else that the checks still say trump I wudnt know cus I didn’t receive mine but when trump was president I did get mine right away
Any actual hard questions: “I’ll have to circle back with you on that” – and she NEVER does

But little turd boys like james just circle around the bowl till they get flushed down.
Children should be with their parents, no plugging up our schools and cities! SEND THEM HOME! NOT OUR PROBLEM!
WELCOME THEM, they are our much needed new Americans!
Jen lies just like Dementia Joe.
@Colleen McIntosh Your laughter is obviously fake. Your ideas absent. You are in a cult. I wish the best for you. I’ll do my best to prevent you from doing any more damage to my country than you already have. Is there anything I can do for you, Colleen? (And I speak for most of the nation.)
@Kerry Foerster lol, you are NOT speaking for anyone but yourself. Appreciate your fake concern but I’m not the delusional one here. Best thing you can do is mind your own business and maybe get some help for that TDS. You have helped inspire me to double down on my support for President Trump, so thank YOU! I’ll donate (on payday) in your name, Kerry Foerster. Appreciate it!
Biden is terrible worst President EVER
@kerry you should do some research about a traitor!!! Look at Biden . This FAKE President Biden no transparency.
@Truth Wins I know what a traitor is, and Trump is a traitor. He tried to overthrow our democratically elected government, but, fortunately, he is stupid and weak, and he utterly failed. He will, however, never hold elected office in our nation again. Truth wins.
transparency? while she dodges questions and lies
Prove it or shut up.
Did you notice how she brushes her hair aside before and after lying?
Basically it’s happening every time Jen opens her mouth.
Actually she does this every time she tells the truth. Also sometimes she tells the truth and doesn’t do it.
Always more dislikes than likes ha ha
@Kerry Foerster
Where’s his “81 million supporters” to give thumbs up?
@Rick McGrath most of them were 2nd world war soldiers mate they are not really active in youtube

@Rick McGrath while I type this comment there is a white house video released an hour ago and it got 5000 dislikes and 456 likes
@MIX MAKINGS And you really believe that means anything?
@Kerry Foerster yes its means a lot do you like Hitler?? or Nelson mandela
Transparency but you refuse to give any real answers to questions? Americans are not happy. I’m so tired of hearing the racial propaganda while we have real issues that are not being taken care of. We are sending so much money overseas and spending so much money to fight discrimination and racism but there is nothing to show for this and no way to track it. Where is the money going?
would the educational and health resources she says they think the border crashers need.?????… be the same educational and health resources YOU AND I PAY FOR FOR OUR FAMILYS!
Yes plus, more “free” stuff = more votes!
Their families are our families.
The Help is here tour?
That’s already been done with dozens of court cases. You might want to climb out from under your rock.
@Kerry Foerster
I did! When Obviously you didn’t. They refused to hear the cases! And the msm just kept saying they lost! So Ok! Back under my rock I go!
Nope, court after court verified the election. It’s a DONE DEAL. Your delusion is shocking.
@kerry you might want to do some research.
@kerry court are not done what about hunter being investigated for tax fraud?? Go to judicial watch
Road rage today.
we miss Kayleigh
No, we don’t. We prefer truth.
@Kerry Foerster everyone ignoring you please get a job
B>) YOU’RE not ignoring me, so you contradicted yourself. How do you know that this isn’t my job? To counter the Deplorables. Gruesome gig, but somebody’s got to do it.
@kerry hahaha you think there is truth here ??
@Bob Dobbs psaki has a difficult job ! How in the hell can she defend these ludacris policies
How about the Boader Crisis you talked about yesterday…???
There is no crisis except in your struggling mind.
@Kerry Foerster you everywhere there is crisis and kids are kept in cage by Joe…..
@MIX MAKINGS there are no cages there
How is this not a crisis children being as sulfates and rapped. Facilities over crowed with postive Covid!! You really know nothing KERRY
Help is Here Tour???!!! WTF???!!! Ugh! Say SECOND GENTLEMAN one more time!!! I’ve NEVER heard that expression so much as I have in the last 2 months!!! Er, Uh, Um…
I wonder, Colleen, if that’s because we’ve never had a Second Gentleman before. Do you think that might be it? Just spitballing here. Work with me here, Colleen. We’re a team.
Biden should be at the border!! He couldn’t help the troops. Countries Turing against Biden!! Trump was making America great . Biden making America FALL apart
@Kerry Foerster My comment was more about how many times she said it but, you’re right, there has never been a woman VP so there wouldn’t have been a second gentleman. Do you remember hearing Second Lady for Michelle Obama or that witch Hillary? I don’t remember hearing that term, or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention.
She is so used to lying she says good morning to Joe each day and she does not mean it. Joe is no fool.
I’m scared for our children under this administration
And you weren’t under Traitor Trump???
Alix, don’t be scared.
I was raised to have compassion for all! But right now. I agree with you! I’m concerned for our children our country! I just hope! We don’t get so bad! There’s no coming back!
With all the playing with her hair,it’s a wonder there is any left.
Your ADD is very bad, Ron
When I type TRAIN WRECK DUMPSTER FIRE these press briefings keep coming up.
A bunch of liars our administration is!!