The Washington Post's Christine Emba and Political Science professor Stephen Farnsworth break down the White House press secretary comparing Donald Trump to Winston Churchill.
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Bringing in the military. Don’t worry, more lies and threats.
Trump is definitely no Winston Churchill.
But he is the greatest leader in the world as of right now
Churchill or Turdhill
The only church in trump is a photo op
@Bioniq Bob Churchill starve 4m Bandladesh while trump need covid to 100k death. Yeah should be offended Churchill is compared to a rookie
ask him about the bible and he will say anything, he has no clue what is in it
i can her her robot
Our English friends should be upset at this comparison, I am.
I couldn’t believe it when I saw this, what planet is your administration on?!
Fully offended mate.
At first amazed, then laughing hilariously, then completely offended. A bit like comparing a joke, orange coloured, leader, like Maduro of Venezuela, with your 34th President, Eisenhower. You too would be offended.
@Jon Stevens Churchill starve 4m Bandladesh while trump need covid to 100k death. Yeah should be offended Churchill is compared to a rookie
And the Welsh, Irish and me… a Scot
That person is on DRUGS hopefully. How dare she say the ShowBoater is like Sir Winston Churchill. hes closer to MOA
More like idi amin
Churchill! You’ve got to be joking.
I think they meant the smokes of Churchill’s cigar burning..
Maybe it was because of their similar command of the English language. LMAO.
Churchill was a hero who served his country
@Don’t Bet on It Churchill could use English he as English tosser

As if a lot of Yes Men
They are both chubby but Winston wasn’t orange!
or a moron.
Trump isn’t “chubby”. He’s “morbidly obese”.
Comparing the infantile Trump to the great Sir Winston is like comparing Bieber to Sinatra.
Churchill starve 4m Bandladesh vs trump nees covid for 100k sooo
@Eavy Eavy
What’s that in English mate?
Absolutely disgusting comparison. Takes a lot to offend me but this one managed it..
Churchill starve 4m Bandladesh while trump need covid to 100k death. Yeah should be offended Churchill is compared to a rookie
He is fit, fit to be tied.
More like Adolf
Another clown on the news, it never ends.
Yes trump has an great deal in common with Ward churchill. Both suffered delusions of grandeur
I think she got her WW2 leaders mixed up I think instead of the UK Prime Minister she meant the German Chancellor.
Unindicted co conspiritor.
Churchill was a soldier and worked his way up wtffff
Hey Donald amercca