White House orders hospitals to bypass CDC with data reporting

Hospital data on coronavirus patients will now be rerouted to the Trump administration instead of first being sent to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services confirmed to CNN.
#CNN #News

White House orders hospitals to bypass CDC with data reporting


  1. When EVERy decision promotes MORE death of American citizens it is time to realize this is EUTHANASIA

  2. Okay, so we slam China for hiding the Coronavirus and now tRump does this🤯 How is this any different from what China allegedly has done?

    1. we didnt hide the data in china, we even treat 10+ cases/day in bejing as outbreak and lockdown the city lately
      stop ur prejudice to china

    2. @Coppertone Goddess Indeed it is. Florida has been suppressing the actual numbers for at LEAST 2 months, if not longer, because DeSantis simply does NOT want to admit that kissing trump’s @$$ has resulted in Thousands of unnecessary deaths and the toll is steadily rising. This, plainly and simply, is CRIMINAL. The sad thing is that We The People have NO ONE to look after our interests because the people we elected, (Congress), to do exactly THAT, are too busy worshiping at the alter of the Almighty Dollar to worry about US.

    1. @Dead Grass That’s crazy talk for “if the CDC keeps putting out these number how can we hide the true disaster of how this epidemic was handled “.

    2. Plan is One World Government, national sovereignty surrendered to psychopathic corporate tyrants. Read Trans Pacific Trade Agreement first 3 pages. Good example. The communists are just a tool to disrupt, expendable fools.

    3. Jan T : Who specifically is behind this plot, Jan? Who specifically is the facilitator, Jan? Is there some Organizational Headquarters, Jan? How are they influencing the policies of all the world’s nations, Jan? Is there some sort of organizational heirarchy, Jan? Are there different operating divisions for Muslim nations, for Socialist nations, for Dictatorships, for Capitalist nations? Is there a Central agency to gather intelligence, Jan? Putin, Jung Un, Macron, Merkle, etc all on board, Jan? Help me understand, Jan. I want to believe, Jan

    4. Patricia Morgan : Just keep asking questions, Pateicia. These people have nothing but theories. It’s the same as when someone presents a business proposal – if it’s sound then questions will yield answers. If it’s bullshit then the answers will be absent or they will be deflections. Go get em!

    1. @aX20 lightning Cases are on the up in most states. You may think that’s down to paper cuts and miss reporting- but ALL of them? Just a suggestion; look at other countries around the world and see how they are managing it.
      Wear a mask and do more to social distance, cases and hospitalizations go down, schools are safer to open AND Trump looks better going in to the elections! #MASA Make America Safe Again

    2. When Winter Comes Everyone Will Be Sorry it’s Going to Be Cold and People are Going to Be Sick and Dying in Their Homes. It’s Going to Be A Long Cold Bitter Winter, Maybe without this Disrespectful WH!!!!!!!!

  3. Simple solution: Hospitals defy the order and report to the CDC as usual and let the CDC pass it forward.

    1. @Juan Valdez And everyone knows that Nixon’s southern strategy converted them to the Republican party and that PRESENT klansmen are Republican party. So, stop trying to make the present a lie because of the past.

    2. Report to both! Same E-Mail two adresses. It`s as simple as that. And then you could compare the differences and would have the proof for tinkering with the numbers by the federal Government.

    1. And some will absolutely welcome it with applause and open arms, we’re witnessing the demise of democracy

    2. @Thomas Perry American Civil War 2.0 is inevitable by the end of the year. Arm up now. The prices on firearms are going to skyrocket!

    1. D keep moving troll. You’re being paid to just troll one comment at a time. There’s more to troll. Chop chop!

    2. @D I guess you live in a totally different world if you think he’ll win 400 electoral votes. And Biden does not have dementia and is far more mentally competent than Trump is you Republikkkan!

  4. He’s made the .05% a lot of money, he should demand tips from Bezos… People think they live in a democracy? It’s a Trumpocalypse.

  5. “The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things.
    He [or she] is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” – Ronald Reagan, 40th U.S. President
    The 45th President is trying hard to accomplish the first and thus is failing miserably on both accounts.

    1. “He who controls the past, controls the present. He who controls the present, controls the future.” George Orwell, 1984

    2. Orwell did came to mind, thanks for the quote. Seems he finally controls something now.

  6. Hospitals need to defy those “orders” and report to the CDC anyways for the sake of the American people.

    1. You poor Trump haters, to live a life with that in there heart. But don’t worry you’ll have 4 more years to learn to
      Love Trump just like the over 65% of Americans that will put him back into office.God bless you all! Lol

    2. @PUCK61 LUCK bwahahahaha bwahahahaha bwahahahaha bwahahahaha bwahahahaha bwahahahaha bwahahahaha bwahahahaha bwahahahaha bwahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😆😆🖕

    1. I’ve been trying to figure this out since the day he was put in office. But of course, this seems like one of the worst, but we say this every single time something new happens. I am a very terrified American.

    2. Because a bunch of mouth breathing fly over country inhabitants think this is how you run a nation.

    3. America does not have a president. It has a supreme, absolute ruler. He is the law and he controls the prophets!

  7. Using the lives of Americans for political leverage. Hopefully he’s held accountable after he’s dragged out of office.

    1. Trumpty Dumpty isn’t Dicktator yet and has no control over private hospitals, no matter what his MisAdministration thinks.
      Not that anyone in this MisAdministration actually thinks.


  8. This administration is the worst of the worst. The swamp wasn’t drained. It was dugout deeper and more creatures were added.

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