The official portraits of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were removed from the Grand Foyer of the White House within the last week, aides told CNN, and replaced by those of two Republican presidents who served more than a century ago.
White House tradition calls for portraits of the most recent American presidents to be given the most prominent placement, in the entrance of the executive mansion, visible to guests during official events.
That was the case through at least July 8, when President Donald Trump welcomed Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The two stood in the Cross Hall of the White House and made remarks, with the portraits of Clinton and Bush essentially looking on as they had been throughout Trump's first term.
But in the days after after that, the Clinton and Bush portraits were moved into the Old Family Dining Room, a small, rarely used room that is not seen by most visitors.
That places the paintings well outside of Trump's vantage point in the White House. In their previous location, the pictures would have been seen daily as Trump descends the staircase from his third floor private residence or when he hosts events on the state floor of the White House. Now, they hang in a space used mainly for storing unused tablecloths and furniture.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
#CNN #News
Don’t worry billy and georgy, he’ll rot in prison without wifi and food once joey beats him!
Your IQ is lower than a potato if you think Biden has a chance.
You idiots are useless.
@Cris EX that orange pipi’s so in you, hub, brzzrs and rking’s gonna release oranged is the new blacked starring you and donna. I’ll pay premium.
@angelbabe dawg no… just incredulous at the ammount of kool-aide you’ve injested….
@potatomato :p make sense dolt…
@potatomato :p I can’t wait to get a repeat of 2016 election reactions lol
If Biden wins…I can’t wait for him to simply reverse EVERY trump decision. The “populists” (they aren’t BTW) better enjoy it while they can.
Oh you mean just like the donald did to everything President Obama Had done to Better protect America and The World ….environment, economy;Jobs{real numbers}
I can’t wait to troll the republifcks when they lose in 3 months .They will hide for a month
@Mr. painful Truth yeah, sure can’t wait for Biden to reverse Prison reform and increased border security. He’d have to get elected though
@Solstice of Snow
So your not really a Democrat, just another antitrumper.
Let’s make sure to put Trump’s portrait down in the bunker.

@Annamarie Seaman I’m sorry fox “news” is that
They are a fairly better news station, but it is fading a little.
@Zondra Terry Or as a catch all tray under my cat’s litter box.
@cj sam Why pollute the ocean?
America has turned into a really bad reality TV show. This is what happens when a reality star is elected. Trump loved to fire people on the apprentice so let’s do a reverse uno on him and fire him!
it was good …………………. then became Ok…………………….. Now its just sad
Why don’t you move to America then.
The people chose private corruption over public servant corruption. Funny how we felt a tv star would be better than a career politician. Go figure. Run Oprah! Drain the swamp.
So I’m guessing your house is full of satanic/pedophiles portraits hanging around?
they should have done an inventory on the place because grifter donny boy is gonna lift a few things on his way out.
Steal the silverware like the Clinton’s did?
@soylentdean And you really believe that. SMH
Who needs Netflix when the entire country is a show?
@cj sam Netflix is losing subs at an alarming rate. This quarters projections fell well short. I know you guys prefer feelings over facts but facts are facts. People are fleeing Netflix. That is a fact. Deal with it. Still trust those polls?
Yea, a
Jonathan Karl wrote the Book #WhatHappenedAtTheTrumpShow!!!! Which Whoopi renamed.
show needs to be cancelled asap
It’s funny how maga’s always find an exuses. Shes a close family member and a goddamn psychologist telling you this. Wtf more do you need?!?!
@Robert Houston someone with an unbiased opinion
The answer is very simple racist will always back racist

@imsrini Guess how many very corrupt “”professionals “” there are in this country????
Ever thought about just how much a publisher would offer this LOSER woman to SMEAR her famous rich uncle — so she can take in millions the easy way???
There are probably more CORRUPT therapists/psychologists/ psychiatrists etc………doctors, lawyers, etc………than the actual people of full INTEGRITY.
VERY FEW ever have full integrity. That’s the $$$$$$$$$$$ GAME of this world.
@Richard Ralph Roehl Correct. She has absolutely no integrity & nothing she ever says will hurt Trump.
@Grateful Fredly Exactly, they are basically drug pushers now.
He hears them criticizing him every time he looks at their photos. He is insane
Whispers! LOL!
What a pathetic gesture from the Failure in Chief.
If Barack Obama’s portrait was there Trump would have accidentally set fire to it on the White House lawn.
@Aingell would you like cheese with your leftist whine?
@JA Hudgens now if you had said liberal hookers, that could include all the lefts politicians, aka special interest group whores
He would probably pay some hookers to piss on the portrait.
He would have set the WH on fire just taken it down.
@J Groovy I really dont care to be honest I live were there 42 million not 345 million but all I know is I would rather have a Republican president then a party that funded Hitler and allowed slavery but u keep liking who u like really dont care
Now let’s play a game of “What Would The GOP Say If Obama Did This”
ok go!
“Obama good.”
Oh, and compare to Trumps parden on that one guy, Obama totally did not parden a thousand people that were actual terrorists or anything.
Actually, maybe ignore that part, they would not say that.
An oddly orange five year old child

….that happens to be President of the United States………..
You’re President of NAMBLA………
Lmfaaoo trump is literally something else ! He should put a pic up of his Russia buddie and his North Korea lover !
That will happen if you vote for Susan….
With that kind of thinking, you can expect to be offered a dignified position on the White House staff.
Trump acts like a very young school boy!
Move bunker boy to his safe space. The portraits are making fun of him
I am assuming that when you say, “Bunker Boy”, you are referncing the guy who was basicly in a bunker for a month, Joe Biden.
Actually, I think he was in that basment for more than a month.
Solstice of Snow
BIDEN 2020
No, I would rather not drown in Biden’s blue wave of water, thank you very much.
@Solstice of Snow I can see you have trouble with basic principles of cognition, and with the big words. The following should help . . . .
*_The truth behind Trump and the bunker:_*
He feels sad so you don’t want to upset the baby with reminders. lol
He removes anything and anyone that reminds him he is down right stupid.
@strong foot, how do you call someone stupid when you can’t even structure a basic sentence?!?!?

@Over It they think they know but in reality there so brainwashed it’s sad

@Soma Yukihira why because he doesn’t like to be told what to say or what to wear or do like all the other puppets put in power except amberham and JFK like do u know facks at all
Dimwit Donald strike again!
I’m don’t believe either side is legit! But I anti Trump people are some of the most uninformed people on the internet. Nothing factual has come from you ppl just child like comments. Literally! Not even able to create a witty put down! That’s very sad and interesting at the same time. Just understand that when your preferred candidate gets in office, the same agenda that started with Bush Senior progressed through Clinton advanced thru Bush and upraded with Obama and sped up with Trump, will be improved with your candidate! Just simply do the research. Nothing major or significant has changed whether Dem. Or Rep. Has changed period!
Next step will be move WH to Moscow.
Its not Russia, its Israhell fool.
Oh Lord, I can’t imagine what he would do to Obama’s portrait turn it into a dartboard, he’s totally losing it!
Let him lose it. Come November 3 Trump is going down
@Nathan Carabajal nah
Moves two pictures – “He’s totally losing it!” You people are the crazy ones.
I’m telling you…Trump is trying to become a dictator. He’s staging a coup
I agree… his actions with the district attorney’s in New York area, yes movies with the department of justice, and now bypassing all data from the CDC to omit COVID-19 data is very alarming!
He’s already the President. He’s staging a coup on himself? Moron.
@Richard Montgomery Moron
How? The generals implicitly stated they were against him a month ago.
Richard Montgomery do you know or understand the definition of a coup .???? Wake up tard!!!