White House monitoring ‘horrifying’ HBCU bomb threats | USA TODAY

More than a dozen bomb threats were made to historic Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) over two days.


Many impacted campuses issued "all clear" messages to their communities by Tuesday afternoon, including Jackson State, Kentucky State, Xavier, the University of the District of Columbia, Fort Valley State and Philander Smith.

Psaki said the administration wants students and the leaders of the colleges to know “that we are standing with them as they face these threats,” Psaki said.

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    1. @Marcos Juarez What slander? He had his chance in court to prove he wasn’t a lying scammer and was found GUILTY on FOUR felony counts. 1) You clearly don’t know what “slander” means and 2) that joke was hilarious.

    2. @Colorme Dubious That joke was hilarious? You and your idiotic comments. That idiot is using Jussie Smollett’s name for slander! And do you think that this is funny?

    1. @Lilly Prince what insurrection are you talking about because the FBI official statement both in the 4 hr senate hearing and on their website state no insurrection occurred? If you wanna fear monger and spread misinformed lies….. prove the FBI wrong

    2. @Alt-Wrong please enlighten the class with all of this terrorism you claim….. remember to cite your sources and they better be reputable

    1. @sargent pepper wouldnt be surprised. gonna hear about huwhite supramasee for another month while all the daily jogger shootings are ignored.

    2. @Big Huge hate to break it to you as well, it was completely called for because the police don’t released all the information for a ongoing investigation to every single person in the public simply because people have been programmed to feel entitled to everything.

    3. @Big Huge also have you read the comments in the section? Obviously you’re missing the narrative these people believe wholeheartedly and are trying to push on to everybody.

    1. @TT your TDS is quite severe you should seek professional help…… hyperfixation on a celebrity that you obsess over and want in a secual (misspelled on purpose) way is very unhealthy

    2. @Davidautofull
      _What?_ 😅
      So many of you just like to string words together in nonsensical ways. 🙄
      I cannot and will not get caught up in your web/ball of confusion. 🚫🌪🤯🕸

  1. This only benefits those who choose to divide us….so I won’t hold my breath that a culprit will be caught.

    1. Did you go to school in the 80/90s? Because that’s when I went to school and we had them all of the time too. We used to have drills too.

    2. @HayJam2020 Yes, simpler times begging friends for a quarter to use the phone. Do you ever call someone collect and giving a quick message as your name?

  2. I live in a town with an HBCU. Almost all of the schools here (both of the high schools and a middle school) all had threats called in on the same day. The HBCU wasn’t singled out.

    1. I mean… what town, we can just go look up public school cancellation and see if you’re fibbing or not?

    1. @im2tweaked Democrats yes, liberals no. Dems were conservative until the dixie dems took the klan across the podium. Liberals ended slavery, introduced child labor laws, created minimum wage and social security and are the only reason anyone of color or any women hold any politicial office but you’re right in that more than half that time, the liberals who made this country a better place were republicans.

    2. @John Crawford dems have never been conservative….. that bullshit misinformation of a paradigm shift is hilarious…… there has never been a paradigm shift…. there has been an erasing and censorship of history that paints a negative light on the left

    3. @John Crawford only women in politics are democrats? Are you high? Republican woman are in office all over the place….. the big difference is Republicans decide who is best for the position based on qualifications….. not race and gender unlike the left…..

    4. @John Crawford I grew up with these idi0ts in the South. They ALWAYS have some dumb excuse handy when you confront them with the truth. They’re passive-aggressive, racist cowards who ultimately *do not* truly believe in God, fairness, or freedom for all.

    5. @Lew Stone I don’t believe in God and I’m not a republican….. thats alot of hate filled rhetoric you just spewed with no proof to back up your claims except hearsay….. you okay man? To be filled with that much hatred in your heart someone must have hurt you….

  3. I’m pretty sure it’s students getting out of EXAMS they didn’t study for and is buying time. Nothing to see here

    1. @wettau Hate Crimes against blacks are like Bigfoot. People believe they are out there but no one has ever really seen one.

    2. @J Nix Aw yes that is what the British and French did to India and Africa and Asia and the Americas. Settling. interesting…

    3. @Electra McCain It is when we’re losing our country. Doesn’t it bother you that so many rights are being violated?

  4. Lol
    When this poor girl looks back at this job, she’s gunna laugh too!
    Joke, just like the rest of that “ team”

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