NBC News' Geoff Bennett discusses the White House press briefing and Biden's coronavirus relief proposal. Aired on 02/01/2021.
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#CoronavirusRelief #PressBriefing #MSNBC
White House Defends Biden's $1.9 Trillion Covid Relief Proposal | MTP Daily | MSNBC
A 1.9 trillion relief seems fair…a person gets $ 1,400 and the big banks get 5 billion. How bipartisan can you get.
@Bim Bim I was agreeing but you seem to into a specific political party to even see the defects of any of it. Democrats pander to get what they want and constantly fool the idiots who vote for them “oh we for the people” just like they got you fooled too.
you dimwits don’t understand that there are way more people than there are big banks
@Young Mingo Ah see thought you were disagreeing, and no they dont have me mind controlled, just that republicanism has no progression, just setbacks and its been that way for the past over 20 years easily, but I definitely do not like Joe biden
@OHiWONder Gaming I don’t disagree with you. Are you making an argument or reading my journal? I support 2nd and 3rd world aid, and I support lifting those who are under me whenever feasible. But, we had a chance to elect a certain someone who would have taken money from large corporations, but twice we passed him in favor of other candidates as a country. This is the fate we chose.
@Young Mingo No, I’m ok getting crumbs because I am not greedy and I know that living is a society means that you must care for all of your citizens. ALL OF THEM. The difference I suppose I have with you is that my caring does not end at our borders. Humans need help and remain humans regardless of what side of the imaginary line (borders) they were born on. The world is quickly turning to the reality that we now live in a global society, and I for one am very proud of Americas humanitarian efforts, and knowing my tax dollars go to helping people around the world makes them far less pain full to pay. And since you brought up bipartisan politics… Trump is a C*UNT but I still paid my taxes willingly.
“WH: GOP Covid relief offer is not enough aid”…..they forgot to finish that caption with “To other countries and special interests”.
$2000 X 266 MILLION people ages 15 up is 532 billion. Democrats want 2+ TRILLION, which shows they’re handing out 1.5 TRILLION dollars to their special interests, including on foreign lands, all of which have NOTHING to do with COVID. Reject anything besides the 500 billion $2000 covid relief. Even that is not relief from COVID but relief from Democrats’ dictatorial anti-Constitution lockdowns destroying as many businesses and lives as they can get away with, all under the lie of drastically falsified death-by-covid claims.
Faux “Opinion news” must be selling a line on foreign aid being a problem. Well folks, if foreign aid didn’t exist, the world would be a much more BENGHAZI place. Do I expect the fauxfused to understand that, no. But I feel better, so go F yourselves!
@ForumLight Are you kidding? People here have become so stupid that they are ok with others and their buddies getting billions as long as they get their 600 bucks or 1400 bucks in “free” money. What is even sadder, very and I mean very few people I know actually used the money for “bills” or to put food on the table. Idiots would send most of it to a chain restaurant or to Amazon. Yeah yeah, people can do whatever they want with their checks. My point goes to the hypocrisy and BS from people and the government.
@pangolins I eat Lindsay Graham supported the studies, so it is the part of the GOP as well
@Jade Emerson Don’t care. My point is all the pork in these bills was put in by the GOP.
Notice how they always put the emblem circle around their heads trying to make them look enlightened. They’ve been doing this for a couple months now.
“If you believe your own b.s. enough just maybe someone else will too”
not understanding….please tell me. i am curious want to know. what emblem?
They used to do it with NObama too. These people just worship their Democrap gods…
Go somewhere with that you know Republicans you have the market on that to give you a life for a trump, Capitol Hill prove that
The people no longer matter.
@carroyo911 what do you worship?

So the building just pops out of the ground and says, ” Awe yeah boys, let’s do this!” ?
I applaud you for lightening the mood with a funny joke, there’s too much political hate in these comment sections, from both sides, it’s good to have a few people making jokes
@Cadet McGregor awe thank you.
Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?
I will definitely circle back on this
“Hey, Joe! Print me a million bucks will you?”
“Hey, come on man.”
From the person who crying about his stimulus check not arriving on time.
@PI T Okay now that one. We going to have to circle around it.
@R P c’mon man. You must be a jonesy. Are you on cocaine or something
When it comes to the price the big guy gets a slice
@Uganda Knuckles yeah I can’t believe Trump said
If you don’t vote for Trump you ain’t black. That is one of the most racist things Trump has ever said. Wait a minute that came from My boy Hunter didn’t do it dictator Joe….
@Uganda Knuckles never heard trump say the N word . I’ve heard Biden multiple times .
@Uganda Knuckles Go have a seat, your comment is idiotic! You obviously have no idea what’s going on lmao!
@Uganda Knuckles Yeah, that meanie Trump! His party started the KKK, segregation, Jim Crow and lynchings!
@Timmy Micheal shut up racist
Add what they want to the 1.9 trillion , they get their small cut we’ll still get the big one, bipartisanship
Millionaires and Billionaires in private jets shut your job down for a year, then Pelosi who heads her party, ONLY offered you a measly $600?
And no Vaseline?
Somebody’s got to line their pockets
He’s literally giving away money
Wait until the money starts flowing into the Climate Change black hole (Kerry/Biden).
@Ducklord881 He don’t give a s*** it’s not his money $1,400 ain’t going to help me get out of the Hole they can keep it
@c103110a They just recycle the money and give it back to the elite they take it from us and give it to the elite carry don’t need no money he said ketchup Queens little powder b****
They’re going to circle back to us on that…
I’m sure there’s plenty to unpack…
@Tim Mulligan Don’t even try to process it! It’s heartbreaking! I couldn’t wrap my head around it!
… broadly speaking …
“White House defend Biden’s…?” What does that mean? Biden = The White House! Of course the White House defends the White House.
and none of them defend US!
tRumpf was the
and Biden is a tired old man!
the only whyte man to trust us BERNIE
and look what they did to him!
the ofay will see us dead before they act in our favor.
@RISERPRODUCTIONS so I’m a corporation because I live here? What a dumb thing to say.
@E X 1871
The corporation was created for the District of Columbia, aka Washington, D.C. (not even a state), via the Act of 1871. THE UNITED STATES corporation operates under private international law with their own corporate constitution.
Look it up learn something….
@RISERPRODUCTIONS Oh knock it off LoL, he’s no more a dictator than trump was.
Congress hasn’t given it’s power to the president. …. yet.
Everyone in D.C. is out of touch with reality.
exactly the way they want it
@Love Pepe wow you have a qmagination
Do you have something constructive to add to the conversation or are you prone to believing dropping useless statements like that serve a purpose?
@blahbaconblah lol hilarious. this is the comment reply section not the senate floor
@LotWizzard But it is the court of public opinion, and I’m here to plead some charges.
And the number is down to $1,000.00 yet the overall price is staying the same.
@Texasjr93 I hope you are familiar with the term tongue in cheek, my friend. I want a global government like I want a terminal case of herpes.
@dingus I had to look that reference up, but it’s spot on. Democrats want a global government, and they want their savior, the Antichrist to run it.
Smart smart smart smart Black woman here!
** coming from a Black Man**
@Tom Jones For a moment I took you at your word also
. The last thing we want is a One World Government.
I’d be okay with one-world government as long as it’s a night-watchman state.
Yep Joe has been working his fingers to the bones to come up with something to stimulate the economy. Meanwhile he’s put a few thousand people out of work…..that’ll really stimulate it!
You mean those nonexistent pipeline jobs, only 30 of which would have been permanent?
Are you ignorant everyday or is just today a special occasion?
You might want to oil that BS Machine of yours…..seems to have a slight whine.
Lol, thumbnail shows a photo with Biden with the seal of the president forming a halo around his cryptic head, absolutely ridiculous
Saint joe

He is the appointed successor of the anointed One. As snow capping a dung hill, the alien righteousness of Obama has been imputed to creepy Uncle Joe.
Much more caring and experienced for the job the the puke removed
@WIGGITY WhiteFox lol, I see you’ve been enjoying the kool-aid

! It’s fine, just keep on rocking that cognitive dissonance, it’s sure to get us somewhere! I mean, that somewhere is the death of individual liberty, but you go ahead and just keep on rockin it! 

@dumdum31 esport Productions thanks
_”F! the peasants, in every possible way,”_ isn’t a counter-offer.
@Night Nurse _”Thank”_ god you replied, or you might’ve never known what quotation *_”marks”_* are
@Abby-Usive Monopoly
You are trying very hard to defend an indefensible error. The pretense is laughable.
@Mickey Sealtoe The president says so much stupid S! that that quote might even be _real._ It’d take some kind of imbecile, perpetrating a massacre-by-incompetence — or some sort of white-supremacist terrorist-sympathizing traitor, committing treason — to make _that_ guy look good.
Looks good, doesn’t he?
@Night Nurse okay
Biden this and Biden that. Where is he? Why doesn’t he do LIVE press conf where real LIVE reporters can ask real LIVE questions? Come on man! That old husk of a dying clone isn’t doing anything. Who’s really working the WH?
They just want to line there pockets from the last 4 years, and then, years to come!!!
The “food on the table” analogy is lost on these out of touch elites. When you are unemployed you get max SNAP benefits for your household. If they actually cared and/or were in touch with the people suffering the most, they’d know that.
i have friends who get SNAP and it’s only $93.00 dollars a whole mouth.