White House Declares War On Impeachment Inquiry – The Day That Was | MSNBC

Day That Was: In an 8-page dramatic letter, the White House announced that it will no longer cooperate with the House's impeachment inquiry, calling it “partisan and unconstitutional.” On Tuesday, Democrats also subpoenaed U.S. ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland. The key witness was earlier blocked by the State Department from testifying. Aired on 10/08/19.
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White House Declares War On Impeachment Inquiry – The Day That Was | MSNBC

White House Declares War On Impeachment Inquiry - The Day That Was | MSNBC


    1. Danny Bolman …..you’ve studied the US Constitution….too bad your Crazy 😝 President cannot read….

    1. @Mark Watney – nor can the White House refuse to cooperate with an impeachment inquiry. The act itself is an impeachable offense.

    1. @zbudda you mean Renyolds wrap we use to prepare our Thanksgiving meal with? I call it aluminum foil not a tin hat. Heck far, my cap reads Rural King. It’s a farm store for us rural folk.

    2. @NOMAD Nice book, GONAD, fiction is really not the genre that appeals to the Patriots. YOU are fake news.

  1. 🍔 45 says that the impeachment is political when he’s the one asking other countries to investigate his political rivals he’s dangerous

    1. @David M 44 didn’t harrass whistleblowers or no one else including trump,he harrassed him about his birth certificate 44 stood in office like a man not like a thug,he never suggested harm to anyone who goes against him use another phrase this one is weak and old.Carry on.

    2. @Spencer Zumwalt It’s called being smart and working the system. Bottom line, he’s still a millionaire and he’s president with a better economy than 8 wasted years of Obama. Pretty good results.

    3. @Lisa tr3 Ah so many false claims you don’t know what’s true anymore. Keep watching your media, you’re getting dumber daily 😂👍

    1. @Diogenes69 Wesley He has his orders to follow, just like the serf parade trolling authentic U.S. news outlets. They’re not up to the task lately, which means Prigozhin is hiring second rate persona management specialists.

    2. Alexander L this is nothing short of a political coup Bring out the guns this is what the second amendment was all about

    3. @Jake Moeller EXACTLY! Thank you for proving my point that this whistleblower is nothing more than a snowflake LMAO. The dems are just as bad by believing it too hahaha. Incredible how gullible you lefties are. Mark my words, Trump will NOT lose his Presidency over this.

    1. @brandon moranDemocrats don’t cooperate so it works both ways. Cowering to heresay isn’t necessary but keep trying crybabies.

    2. @David M : Explain exactly how hearsay is not admissible evidence. News flash: many legal investigations rely on hearsay to establish leads. You do realize that this is an investigation, right?

  2. The rule of law was in place hundreds of years before Trump and his fellow traitors. So it will be when they’re gone.

    1. @Cole Knowles He deserves what the Republicans did to Hussein–for the sake of the OIL CORPORATIONS and munitions manufacturers that own shares of the GOP.

    2. How is America going to remove that Russian asset traitor, who is pretending to be an American president??

  3. tRump lives in a glass house built on weak and shifting sand. Obstruction of justice! Doom & Gloom for the republicans!
    lying con-MAN tRump = DEAD MAN WALKING! 😈

    1. @nancy droll – I think it’s you that doesn’t understand the separation of powers. What we have here is an assertion of executive privilege but it’s also about the Executive standing up and defending itself against a partisan attack launched from the Legislature. Eventually this fight will go to the Supreme Court so stayed tuned! This is going to be a splendid civics lesson for people like you who have absolutely no understanding of what’s going on.

    2. Once again liberals are wrong ….
      In the constitution there is this word called equal …..It means the same so you need to teach Schiff and your friends one branch does not have power over the other .
      Also its easy to cure the problem VOTE and stop being cowards and playing games ……

    3. It’s not a recurring thing, for that would imply there are times when he does understand. Actually, he’s never understood nor cared to understand. He doesn’t even understand that he doesn’t understand. Remember, as a candidate, he had to ask twice, why nukes are outlawed. He was answered by experts both times.
      You’d think he go it, right?
      Well, just weeks ago, he suggested nuking hurricanes. . . So he still doesn’t understand the power of nukes, what to speak of the Separation of Powers. Trump is so dunce, people find it beyond belief, so many conclude, “He must be real smart, because how is it possible he could be that stupid?” They are, sad to say, overwhelmed by incredulity.
      I rest my case.

    4. Dorian Shades of gray – They will impeach him. And you will go on whining like you are right now. How tediously typical.

    1. The lion and the lamb WAAAAAAAAAAAAA “Communist” WAAAAAAA “you like Trump” WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  4. According to the “UNstable Genius” in the White House it is a laudable and patriotic act to use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as one would a roll of toilet paper. What a vile, despicable vestige of a man!

    1. King Donald would never wipe with the U.S. Constitution because he can sell it for cash. True Republican that he is, he only wipes his king-sized butt with STATE Constitutions.

    1. Its not going to happen. Its just going to make it more difficult for the sitting President to get things done. The whole thing sucks!

  5. The wealthy have their own constitution and it doesn’t include playing by the rules that the little people are ruled by.

    1. @rtorres81rc Not on this level, dude. There are shades of grey. And what Trump/Republicans do now is pitch black.

    2. @Michael Kahr – I don’t support Trump at all. But what do you think we have lobbyist for? Billionaires buying off politcians for their own gains. Even on local levels, where developers pay off govenors and get them to give them land leases or permits. Its not just Trump so we ALLLL shouldn’t just ignore everyone else just because we hate him.

    3. @Michael Kahr – I say we start demanding anyone elected to be at any level in government, from judges to mayors to the President…need to start producing their tax returns and stocks portfolios or we will never really root out the corruption.

    1. @maya L As in when he stood *on live television* and did it? You Trumpist are pathetic little liars, all you have is obtuse denials of facts and conspiracy theories spun off of your other conspiracy theories. Nobody is believing you people any more; congrats for outing yourselves as craven cowards *that hate America*

    2. David M no it’s explicitly illegal. what don’t you get? *solicitation of information for political purposes is illegal regardless of whether they followed through.* he solicited information for help with a political campaign. there is obviously a cover up and why cover up something that isn’t illegal?

    3. @orange224 You and your buddies in paid media call it political but by the actual law, it’s within the law to have an investigation of the prior administration with the witnesses to the crime that Biden committed. Spin it but you won’t win it. Learn the rules before you play or you and your failed party will continue to lose. You people getting tired of losing yet? Nothing has worked so far. I believe nothing will because it’s all based on a nothing burger LMFAO 😂

    1. @William Stall – do you ALWAYS parrot tRump’s words?? Have you EVER had an original thought?? Why do you have a problem with closed door sessions?? Congress does that sort of thing all the time. It allows witnesses to say things that they might not say in public.

    2. @Beachdudeca – can you show me the rules that state that there must be a vote before an impeachment inquiry can begin?? Unless YOU can prove that there must be a vote prior to an investigation you do not have a foot to stand on.

    3. @SouthSide Chicago – Schiff is NOT the one under investigation here, tRump is. The liar here is tRump. Schiff was not lying, he was protecting a witness.

    4. @SouthSide Chicago – do you know what projection means to a psychiatrist?? Every thing that you say about democrats ACTUALLY applies to you tRumpoids. You are the angry group – tRump KKK rallies are all about ANGER and HATE. I would say that you are brainwashed by that requires a brain. You have not had an original thought in years since you decided to let tRump think for you.

      Look at the comments from your fellow tRumpoids – all you people do is PARROT what tRump has said or tweeted.

  6. This is why we fought England 200+ years ago to free ourselves of Tyrants and Kings!! He thinks he is all powerful and beyond the law!! He is about to found out the hard way how wrong he is

    1. Ever notice that Donald Jerkoffsky was born without a sense of humor? That’s why we know he wasn’t “kidding” about extorting fantasy information from Ukraine.

    2. @athena icaria – one must be imbued with some level of intelligence to have a sense of humor. Trump is not.

  7. Reminds me of the old joke:
    BAILIFF: “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”
    DEFENDANT: “Nope…”
    JUDGE: “You do realize that if you fail to tell the truth you can spend up to two years in prison for perjury?”
    DEFENDANT: “So what? If I told you the truth you’d put me away for 10…”

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