White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney made a stunning admission by confirming that President Donald Trump froze nearly $400 million in US security aid to Ukraine in part to pressure that country into investigating Democrats.
Mulvaney insisted that he only knew of a US request to investigate the handling of a Democratic National Committee server hacked in the 2016 election, but text messages between US diplomats show efforts to get Ukraine to commit to an investigation into Burisma, the company on whose board former Vice President Joe Biden's son sat. There is no evidence of wrongdoing in Ukraine by either Biden.
"That's why we held up the money," Mulvaney said after listing the 2016-related investigation and Trump's broader concerns about corruption in Ukraine.
After weeks during which Trump denied the existence of any political quid pro quo in his withholding of security aid to Ukraine, Mulvaney confirmed the existence of a quid pro quo and offered this retort: "Get over it."
“Quid pro… So?” I bet he was waiting to use that one.
Amy U. I cringed, hahah, that was bad comedy Jim.
Too bad that he didn’t even mention quid pro quo or even talk about any actions that would be quid pro quo. Try listening to the full 20 min briefing, not the fake summary and sound bites by cnn.
Plot Twist:
Mulvaney is the Whistle Blower…
Mulvaney doesn’t mention quid pro quo or actions that would constitute quid pro quo which would be a back and forth of demands with Ukraine. Where is the admission? Go ahead, I’ll give you time to go watch the full 20 min briefing not the cnn frame up
YOU are fake news, and English language comprehension challenged as well. Zombie…
@Sharon Joseph Dreams are nice when they come true, alas, yours will not.
“Quid Pro So?” Come on now Jim. Stop that.
Wow. The same pattern every time: “I didn’t do it. Ok, I did it, but who cares?”
Isn’t this the same kind of impeachable action you trump chumps were chanting “Lock her up”? and are going after Biden.
You have to be the biggest fools.
@Dhendi h CNN has never claimed that. Are you that simple?
@Dhendi h even when you shout….
@Briana Anderson quo
Dhendi h , are you a tDUMP supporter?Your brain is full of maggots.
High Crimes involving Treason?
Mulvaney :
” we do them all the time”
High crimes ? Treason? When did that hapoen
@Dan chris Is that what the cult leader told you? LOL
@PauliBhoy no thats what the facts and what really happens told me. I know you democrats dont believe in facts so i do t expect you to underatand. Lol
@Dan chris So you did drink the Kool-aid. I’m not a Democrat. Most Americans want to see Trump removed. Why? They aren’t drinking the Kool-aid. You have no facts that support your case.
@PauliBhoy most Americans want him out ? Then why hasnt it happens youtlr one of those people who watches cnn and just believes what they say . a cuck that’s the word im looking for cuck
you know..back in the old days we had a way of dealing with people that conspired with foreign governments to influence US affairs and lied about it..right Don?
@Matt Foster That’s the FAKE news you continually listen to. CNN being the biggest one of all. Oh yes and lyin’ Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and the list goes on.
@Bobbi Aimar ..as I thought..you and MT here can’t debate .. cite credible facts or sources beyond a trump twitter…trumps done and when he’s out of office 5 states have indictments waiting
@Bobbi Aimar you’re about a dumbassed waste of womanhood
Nice to see that when guiliani isn’t up to smear his boss, mulvaney takes his place
fusiondog77 you might want to check out the new videos Project Veritas put out today and the past couple days. Matter of fact go back and watch their old ones too. Heads are about to roll at CNN
@DDKaraokeOutlaw remember when Obama promised to end the war….and bombed 5 more countries instead? Killed more Africans than any president in history? Sold the most guns on a global scale than any president? Or close Guantanamo? Or how he would clean up wallstreet….instead gave them 700 billion?
And turned the US into the biggest surveillance state it’s ever been in history?
@cj pI thought this was about tRump and his administration. Right!
@cj p you’re clearly a Russian bot. Good day comrade. You’re an idiot.
*There ya go,, Mulvaney admitted it.. Proves trump is and always has been, nothing but a liar..*
@Chris Sebastian wow get off of Breitbart, go up upstairs, leave your parents house, get a little sun cletus. That’s the saddest attempt at a comeback. Next let’s hear about that basement in the pizzeria.
@tree man gotcha Republicans betray Allies. Check.
@cj p Hey whatever delusional thought gets you through another day of your pitiful life
low key get back on your plantation you commie. Pay attention for a change.
@cj p yes lets address your bs. 1. That collusion investigation yielded 9 convictions, years of sentences and over 47 million dollars in fines and penalties, 10 seperate instances of obstruction of justice. You want to make threats spanky? You would crap your pants if you actually found someone.
It’s beautiful how confidently these buffoons admit to their crimes.
@Ben Bankhardt where’s Joe Biden? NO WHERE.
Its not quid pro quo unless there is some sort of back and forth with Ukraine before releasing the funds. Evaluating Ukraine’s compliance with the justice department as part of an overall evaluation for release of funds is not quid pro quo. The president released the transcript of the Ukraine phone call which completely broke the previous narrative and now we have this weak substitute which is still nothing.
@Ben Bankhardt
He said it was “part” of the reason. The full reason was given *before* what you posted.
Again, if the press secretary really said Trump withheld money for a political favor then CNN would have shown the clip. If your piece of they transcript showed Trump withheld money for political favor CNN would have shown that part as well.
@Ben Bankhardt
So now you know why CNN is called fake news. They faked a story about president trump Press secretary saying something he didn’t actualy say.
It’s like CNN doesn’t know that people have Internet. They can fact check what they claim.
That’s why CNN is not accomplishing what they’re trying to do with their propaganda. It’s probly why they’re losing ratings as well.
People have Internet they can easily look things up. When they see you are not telling the whole truth it’s a bit of a turn off. It makes you not trusted.
Did you order the Code Red?!!
@Lebogang Ratsoana name a few?
@cj p Even better, I will link you to an article with 9 pages of lies peddled by Fox: https://www.politifact.com/punditfact/tv/fox/
@cj p 61% of fox content is either extreme lies or mostly lies.
MULVANEY: “the tape…”
PRESS: “The Access Hollywood tape or the pee pee tape?
MULVANEY: ” No, the tape of the July 25th phone call to the President of the Ukraine…”
PRESS: “So there IS a tape?
MULVANEY: “I didn’t say there was a tape…”
Let’s hope there’s a tape.
I can’t wait for this week’s SNL cold opening.
@cj p low iq.. how about NO I.Q.
It’s not over for those pedophiles yet. Watch.
I thought this was SNL
They are now trying to normalize what once considered high crimes & misdemeanour because they got caught right-handedly! And “strongman” means dictator idiot!
While blind idiots like you ignored how Obama slaughtered more Africans than any president in history.. and got a piece prize…
The biggest criminals run the information networks that dim wits like you suck up without question.
Trump: who is this mulvaney I’ve never meet him
It’s funny because everyone defending Trump is citing actual facts and reports and all the CNN clowns and their viewers can do is ad homonym attacks and “clever” name calling. We have a transcript of the whole call. Game over. Now go cry on Brian Stelters man tits or worst journalist of the year Don Lemon’s vagina.
Positive Patriot
What facts?
That transcript didn’t contain the entire phone conversation. Even if it did, what happened was still inappropriate and illegal.
I don’t know what it takes for you trump fans to see the man isn’t fit to be a president. It’s mind boggling how so many could be this gullible and brainwashed…
I can go all day listing all the laws he’s been breaking and norms he’s been violating.
But I doubt I will convince a moronic cultist such as yourself.
@Zoo Man There you go again, making claims with no evidence. Must be a symptom of TDS. While you’re upset because CNN told you to be, I’ll be over here enjoying the booming economy, peace in Korea and real solutions for the border crisis my president gave us. Cheers
Positive Patriot
Haha …tds…well, unlike you at least I am not trumpsexual …
Anyway, what evidence do you want?
It’s out there for all to see. There is a clear cut evidence for obstruction of justice, violations of campaign finance laws, collusion with Russians, corruption, violations of the emoluments clause….
Just look it up. Open your eyes.
As for peace in Korea, NK is still developing and testing their nukes…not sure how that’s considered a peaceful situation.
Then again if trump says it, you will believe it just as if he tells you 1+1=3 you will be here arguing he’s right. Pathetic
And the economy was already growing before your hero took over. He did nothing but inherit a stable economy and low unemployment rate. Don’t believe me…check the stats.
The sad part is that a good portion of the country blindly supports these scumbags day after day!
A K Cringe
Saddest part is it’s not quid pro quo because even if the aid was tied to Ukrainian action. Zulensky didn’t know. They never told him. So no quid pro quo. But yall will believe what you want to i guess. Like that women are men :/
Manguy mcDudebro yeah he did, read the transcript
@Manguy mcDudebro Typical tater. 40% of them don’t even believe Trump mentioned Biden in the phone call.
When his own transcript says he did.
Mr. Cummings possessed Mulvaney and made him tell the truth. Blessings and peaceful journey on your way to paradise.
He did tell the truth. Too bad that he never actually mentioned quid pro quo or any actions that would be considered quid pro quo. Evaluating compliance with the justice department as part of an overall evaluation for release of funds is not quid pro quo. He mentions no demands placed on Ukraine or any enforcement of demands before releasing funds. CNN’s summary is fake per usual.
@Blasty Blast Show us a copy of your law degree.

He actually said “YEAH” when directly asked about the quid pro quo. I suppose you missed that part. 

@Maria Sanjurjo Quid pro quo requires interaction with another party, applying pressure in some way, which is never mentioned. No he didn’t say “YEAH”. He said “we do that all the time,” in reference to his previous statements. The reporter defined his actions as quid pro quo, but since the reporter was wrong about his actions being quid pro quo, then saying “we do that all the time” is nothing. All he admitted was that they evaluated releasing aid in the same way as any other country.
@Blasty Blast Actually, he DID say “”Yeah “. You obviously need to watch it again. I’m sure you know that Trump cannot SOLICIT. CHECK YOUR LAW LICENSE.

@Blasty Blast And while you’re at it, CHECK YOUR HEARING, as well. He definitely said ” Yeah”.
Bolton: Giuliani is a hand grenade.
Orange Idiot: “I only hire the best hand grenades.”
Bolton is worse than Dr. Strangelove. He’d like nothing more than to be strapped to a thermo-nuclear device and dropped on Moscow.
@Bruce Alan That character was called Major Kong, but I get your point… he’s a buffoon.
@Doctor Thirteen I’m hip
Lmaooo He straight up said ” get over it people” GET OVER IT PEOPLE
Isn’t “Wolf Blitzer” the friggin coolest name, ever?