The coronavirus task force provides an update on the outbreak.
RELATED: President Trump declares national emergency
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Wish I got a £1 for every time he’s says ‘like never before’. It drives me crazy. For a stable genius he has such a small vocabulary .
Genius, that’s funny.
Karen Eagleson smaller than yours?
genius? are you serious?
tanya bailey not sure if anybody’s vocab is smaller than mine. However I don’t run around calling myself a genius stable or otherwise. He also likes to tell those who would listen what a brilliant student he was .. another lie. To be honest I’m beginning to feel a bit sorry for him. He appears to be intellectually in decline. Compare his interviews of 10 or 15 years ago, never one of the greatest speakers, he still had charm and a reasonably quick wit. Never my cup of tea but he had his fans. Now he’s just an embarrassing mess. He sticks to a few tried and tested phrases. So his off script isn’t really ‘off script’. Just the same old bs he’s been sprouting for the last 4 years. He has nothing new to offer..
wow loads of judging on here during a serious pandemic.
Notice how we never get to hear from the virus.
ShareThisFastDOTcom right? Fake news
Video start at 7:30
Kiza D WhiteHorse thank you
Thank you and stay safe make sure you wash you’re hands
All I heard was Great,successful,fantastic,beautiful,
tremendous,very very good,the big ones,
The politicians in SOYLENT GREEN only had good things to say too. Are you good at reading BODY LANGUAGE. If so you will probably see that these politicians don’t really feel confident in this situation and are worried as hell.
Right! He also said H.I.P.A.A. and anyone who is familiar knows its pronounced as one word
@Porsche McGinnis actually its HIPAA
Evergreen Landscaping What do you expect him to say? It’s a disaster. We’ve lost control. God forgive us. Hold your loved ones close. Etc etc…
Why are they so obsessed with hearing trump talk? Find the doctors that are supposed to be working on a cure and press them.
Trump does not respect the doctors or scientists trying to solve this problem. He is SUPERIOR TO THEM, RICHER THAN THEM, SMARTER THAN THEM. They are inferior to him so why the hell should he listen to them?
There is no cure, it’s a virus. You can treat a virus and you can vaccinate people to get some antibodies built up in their system. But the word cure can never be associated with viral infections.
@Michelle Markham it’s not like the flu they are just trying not to scare people
@Observe self I get that this is not the flu. I have been watching this closely since the 1st time I heard about it in mid January. And I am well aware they are trying to keep people calm. My previous comment was addressing the word cure, being used in conjunction with a virus.
God help us in this condition
Several times I’ve heard your great in his eyes leader say the virus was under control, you’ve got Donald Trump, what do you need god for?
I work for a restaurant and we had to close, how am I supposed to pay my bills and rent now?? Anyone else dealing with this?
Was the option to remain open for carry out not available to you? I do not plan on curbing my dining out for two months – I will still get it to go.
Yeah, my ex was laid off due to Covid19 as well. Told her to apply for snap and unemployment.
Dear Heavenly Father, please reach your hand down to help this family in need. Amen!
Yup, us and about 50 million more
Alexandros Theodorou
How and when will we receive money ?
Why is everyone thinking so bad about me?
You silently sneak like a ninja before we even know you have struck us. You assassin you.
if they want us americans to stay home then give us 2 FREE MONTHS worth of primetime television and 2 FREE MONTHS internet service and 2 MONTHS FREE utilities and pay HALF our rent. boom coronavirus licked we get to be entertained at home. They stop a crisis lick-a–di-split these are not unreasonable. whats unreasonable is what they are spending that money on.what’s unreasonable is when you call your physician they say you are not QUALIFIED under the medical coverage A or B and they tell me pay 850 bucks for a test. The government needs to seize control of all the pharmaceutical companies and labs who make the test. each only cost them 10 cents to produce and robots are assembling them so why do they charge 850 bucks?
@Root Beer you are bitching about free friggn tv. And have the gull to call someone else shallow? Most important time in our nation’s history!?!? You should use this time to read a history book. The civil war, ww1, ww2, and great depression. Ring any bells??
@Kaylie Sellers ive several hundred but that don’t help anyone this is the first time since the Spanish flue a disease has traveled all around the world and the first time in history it has done so in 3 months time its a new age new technology and tv wasn’t around for any other pandemic we Americans have been through so your point is mute
@Root Beer your mind is mute. Try to be deep. It’s not in your wheelhouse
@Root Beer I’m over you. Staying home is to reduce the speed of infection. It’s not a cure, soo boom! Not licked. Maybe ur not getting the depression we will be in over this whole deal. BUT FREE TV FREE INTERNET PAY MY BILLS, WHILE I CHANGE NOTHING. Weak sauce bud.
*Viruses* *are* *NOT* *alive.*
They’re either *VIABLE* or *NOT* *VIABLE.*
A virus is a biological pathogen that’s essentially a packet containing genetic material in the form of DNA or RNA. Viruses do not eat, expel waste, breath or reproduce. This is why viruses can remain viable for centuries in places where there isn’t sustenance required to maintain life.
*Viruses* *replicate,* they do not reproduce. Reproduction is (1)Sexual or Asexual between male and female.
(2)Mitosis – cells with a nucleus dividing
(3)Cellular Fission – cells without a nucleus dividing.
Unlike bacteria and fungi, which infect the host body, viruses enter and infect cells. This ability to enter cells is how viruses are able to initially go undetected. They hide inside cells.
Viruses enter a cell and inject their DNA or RNA into the cell’s nucleus. The virus DNA or RNA restructures the cell’s genetic makeup, turning the cell into a factory to make copies of the virus (replication). There 2 specialized substances *(glycoproteins)* on the virus surface that act as keys. One is used to get into the cell and the other is used to get out of the cell. For Influenza-A (H-N Flu) these two glycoproteins are *(H)Hemagglutinin* and *(N)Neuraminidase.*
By disrupting one or both of these glycoproteins, the virus’s replication cycle is disrupted.
The creation of immune cells (T-cells) that are specifically created in your body to combat viruses is the other way.
The best thing to do is to take steps to *PREVENT* infection.
(1) *Wipe* *down* surface. Don’t just spray disinfectants on surfaces. While some disinfectants are proven to destroy viruses, wiping removes them from surfaces.
(2) *Healthy* *living.* Good health = good immune.
(3) *Wash* *hand.* Washing hands under running water for 20-30 seconds. Like wiping it removes viruses from the surface.
If you take the time a do these things, this all goes away. A virus can be lethal as all hell. It means nothing if it never makes its way into your body. Stop letting these people panic you into not thinking. If you stop thinking you’ll make decisions based on emotions and not logic.
May God bless and prosper all of our wonderful leaders in government and doctors . May he continue giving them wisdom in this hard times.
Romans 13: 1-7
13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
This is going to be a bumpy one
can we get more ssi and more food stamps for disabled adults that need them
Why? Is the virus making them hungrier?
Leelee M exactly. Why would they need more money
I agree our elderly have never gotten enough to keep them selves healthy. Even harder for the ones on buses because they have to buy a little at a time and small convenient stuff that cost so much
I agree
@24:35 “Loan guarantees for critcal industries like airlines and HOTELS” you know Trump is making sure he minimizes his losses
I’m going die from no work…How the hell i can pay for food or anything…
file for unemployment benefits at your local unemployment office
They only pay u 60% of ur income. Some people don’t get much that much
Food banks and churches have programs in place and can help.
@Duhhkota Kota better than nothing I guess
No one on stage practices what they preach–social distancing.
@Guy Person Hell yeah it’s relevant moron.
These people have been working together in close proximity since this began. If one had it they would all have it.
And if they weren’t standing together but coming out one at a time everybody would gripe about that too.
@Michelle Markham The problem isn’t that they don’t have the virus, but that they MIGHT get the virus AFTER they’ve been tested! Getting tested doesn’t make them immune! AND I see the advice to distance is in the USA and these people are publicly ignoring that very good advice, as if it doesn’t apply to them. Not exactly great leadership is it now!
@Vaper NZ wow, I didn’t know that my comment ever said that they couldn’t get the virus after the had been tested. My comment was addressing their working proximity prior to this particular news conference as well as the media and therefore public perception of solidarity by appearing together as a group. You read into my comment that which was not addressed by me.
@Michelle Markham No you’re right your comment doesn’t say that, the VIDEO IMPLIES that.
sick people still can’t get a test !or their results! #facts 
may be you did not do as to see in the video …
Yea, let’s keep it 100. If we had Medicare for all every clown in this country with a cough would be at the hospital. Then it would be overburdened immediately, and people who need it would die. You dont need a friggn test! The CDC said if your experiencing symptoms that are getting worse and worse, to go to a doctor. Young people by in large are fine.
NATURALLY DOPE I AM MY HAIR if they are sick what they need a test for???? There is NO CURE…duh! You have to treat it the same way you would the flu…so everybody focused on a test is an idiot…no shade
did anyone catch the JG wentworth jingle from our treasury department? lmao
You know what I saw an administration that is competent and in control. You wouldn’t believe what my wallet looks like and this is hitting me just as much as anyone else. I’ve spent the late nights worrying about these issues and after watching that I feel a lot better and that’s really what it boils down to. That’s what the press conference is intended to do and that’s to calm the nerves of the American people.
Fasten your seatbelts people. Its gonna be a wild ride