Which province is handling the COVID-19 pandemic best? | TREND LINE

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Trend Line's Michael Stittle and Nik Nanos look at the COVID-19 response across the nation and how Canadians feel about the response from Ottawa, before digging into the provincial response – has any province managed to stand out?

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Which province is handling the COVID-19 pandemic best? | TREND LINE


    1. I think you inadvertently said it right there, the covid thing is an issue, a political issue and not a real bonafide health problem. By taking our personal health out of our own hands they have stepped over the line into madness, as the next health authority will be their interpretation of our mental health.

  1. Government of Canada: Please don’t fail like I did I look bad as a teacher Now Hello Provinces and Territories for your Test get a D- or under you Fail. Let it begin
    Provinces of Ontario and The Prairies: Oh NO I did Not Study for this 😅
    They Getting an F. Government of Canada 🇨🇦: Gets Really Mad 😠 and Cuts off some of the money to those Provinces and then not offer support for other things

  2. Why no cost-benefit discussion of economic costs of each response and the loss of fundamental human rights?

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