The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer tells Chris Hayes about the right-wing ecosystem that creates scandals – and might well inadvertently bring down a president. Aired on 10/11/19.
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Where President Donald Trump’s Conspiracy Theories Come From | All In | MSNBC
*Where Trump’s conspiracy theories come from: his a$$*
The guy is too stupid to figure out that he’s being played. That’s what makes him dangerous to the country, he acts on emotion too readily.
@P J At lease the FCC should have some kind of standards of ethics. Deliberately spreading false or misleading claims should be grounds of fines and then eventually, no license.
So ~~~same asJane Mayer and Chris Hayes then. (See Glenn Beck, Chalkboard talk on Ukraine, if you dare.) Beck has no loyalty to Red or Blue so
don’t start in on that lame idea. Knowledge is power to make an educated decision.
@Will S : Some countries have laws against hate speech (Canada) & Nazi’s (Germany). In America its ok today to be against neither.
@Dan Stephensen Beck has no loyalty? Really? Do you even listen to yourself?
A juicy lie is always more attractive than the boring truth.
That’s what put the Demoncrats in control of the House.
@Allen Smith the presidential circus.
The truth in this case is very interesting.
@Dan Stephensen no, a lot of people sick to death of thuggish RepubliCONS who wanted the House to fulfill its oversight responsibilities per the Constitution. And a lot of people using up shoe leather going doorbelling to get the vote out.
Which lie? A Crack addict thrown out of army getting a 50k job in Ukraine ? A lie? Really?
Trump just said; “I don’t know anybody named Rudy”.
@Shelley Dwyer-Murphy
Howdy doody Gowdy had second thoughts on offering his legal talents to Trumps defense..will be staying with. the banjo at the bridge over river
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, do I know him?
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, do I care!!
signs of dementia setting in.
Thomas Faggioni When Trump wins again in 2020, you imbeciles are going to roll around, moan and groan like old French whores.
@Hildebeast Clinton Your mom must be French. You seem to know a lot about their whores.
There is no way this goes on for another 5 years. It’s not sustainable
I doubt we can take another five months of this criminal administration.
I can hardly stand another 5 minutes.
You’re traveling to another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. Your Next stop..The stupid Trump zone.


Rod…is that you?!
There is no stopping the Donald. After that 100 Billion dollar Saudi Arabia Defense bill.
@Daisy Elmir Yup it’s me..

The Twitlight Zone.
All I know after watching Trump and his people talk on TV the last three years is that left is right, up is down, black is white, the sky is purple, the ocean is orange, C-A-T spells dog, and 2+2 = 9. The only thing they haven’t done is cover themselves in salt on account of having twisted themselves into pretzels making excuses!
And for some reason a large percentage of Americans actually believe it.
Nailed it! Sadly, no one’s hands are clean our Capitol, red or blue
@Dan Stephensen You may be right – with allowance for some exaggeration, but where you are not is making any kind of equivalence between common or garden graft and the traitorous selling out of democracy, American foreign policy and the rest by this absurd and deeply corrupt president. Trump is truly a case unto himself. Both red, blue and independents are now waking up to his subversion of democracy, his proto-fascism, his inhumanity and deeply disturbing narcissism and lack of empathy for anyone. I mean anyone, even those who supported him- but he fears may get him into trouble are immediately turned on and abandoned. He’s vile!
I don’t see where any so called left or Democratic person have ever set out to destroy our foundation of Republic Democracy…I’m embarrassed to say I was a Republican but I sure as h—- never would have voted for mobster DT. I stayed home. Now..I’m non partisan and voting Blue next election. I don’t care who it is. TULSI Gabbard is my favorite but the DNC isn’t helping her campaign. She’s the opposite of DT in every way.
Roy Cohen was Trump’s best friend!
Roy Cohn
Until he wasn’t.
Cohn, not Cohen. And yes, it tells you almost all you need to know about Trump’s true character. Cohn died a miserable death from AIDS, with horrible sores in his rectum. So there’s that.
His mentor. Not friend. Neither one of those megalomaniacs have ever had friends.
Jo-Lynn. Save & share this link……….
This could be the first time in history that the Presidential line of succession comes into play in which the Speaker of the House becomes the President. Also the first time a President or VP actually gets removed from office through impeachment.
Oh please. Do you think it could be?
That would be amazing! Nancy’s been there for 50 years!
@Blink Once on Sunday! But Pelosi would only be interrum. The really messy part is if Trump and Pence go Republicans would have to come up with a candidate for 2020 and they have already shut down , or are trying to, the Rep state primaries. Really a mess for them. The latest Trump rallies were more unhinged than ever.
@Source Fractal OOTB No, she hasn’t been there for 50 years. lol But what a turn of events. No one could have predicted anything like it in 2016. There’s a part of me that see that sees the possibility as a hilarious form of karma.
@Karen Byrd Yes, you’re right. But the GOP chose to cancel primaries on their own, so this would be another crisis of their own making. Republicans seem to be pretty good at causing problems for themselves.
Where President Donald Trump’s Conspiracy Theories Come From
From crazy, creepy, greedy, and seedy people with whom he closely identifies.
Dan Stephensen —Lol the glen beck that got fired by fox, set up blaze, never trumper, lost audience, about to declare bankruptcy and decided to convert to pro trump to save his livelihood?
You trust this liar to tell you unbiased , no spin stories? Lol
Here is the WSJ article on the Bidens on Ukraine. Please note that the Wall Street Journal is owned by fox owner, Rupert Murdoch….
@Dan Stephensen the writing is on the wall learn to read it
Sleepy creepy feely peeps Biden and Sons
@Dan Stephensen Trump the guy who ogles and comments on how he might in future be dating a young girl on an escalator (live footage), and says he would date his daughter, if she wasn’t his daughter ( live footage)…let’s not be a hypocrite Dan.
Trump did great con job. People still trying to defend this criminal.
Call the nursing home our patients have been picked up at the white house. Yes. They were impersonating the president and his lawyer again. Yeah. It’s Rudy and Donny again. Yeah it’s bad this time. Can you come and get them now?
Bring the trank gun.
Hmmm sound like Pelosi and her ilk as they are struggle to hold up their Depends. Same difference. No better or worse. Drain both swamps and start over.
@Dan Stephensen
Pence wears asbestos underwear. Is that under or over his chastity belt?
Under his gimp suit.
good one
He’ll be adding incontinence wear too soon !!
Definately over, thus his wife whom he affectionatly calls “MOTHER” doesn’t need to wash, in case he get implicated in the Ukrainian scandal.
trumps conspiracy theories comes from his master putin !!
Anybody can tweet Trump a conspiracy theory and he’d believe it and retweet it.
Wrong. Didn’t you listen at all? The real problem is that Trump is just a crisis actor and a victim of the propaganda that the Mercers, Bannon, Bolton and the Freedom Caucus are still pushing around the world through their various channels and sub brands like Qanon.
The propaganda they have been putting out to have leverage over their opponents has been pretty bold all the way and if Americans only watched the Bush funeral again, they might understand that the whole house of cards is about to crumble down – into a bloody mob war.
They still have the Cambridge Analytica resources, the data of 87 million Facebook users – the ultimate ways and means to deliver the dirt, propaganda and even national secrets to their target groups.
Yes, many members of the past and current administrations are also corrupted war criminals. The world already knows that – despite the shaky public narrative. Lifting the transparent veil violently will only cause a civil war. Just watch Bannon skyping Vatican 2014, here on YouTube – just maybe the war is the goal of their church militant. Do you really think they are going to give up and surrender? With friends like Erik Prince? What was the documentary called – the one Bannon made after leaving the White House? Boom.
The way Bolton gaslighted his way out of the White House just before the Saudi Arabia hit job is exactly the same thing Bannon did before they lauched Qanon aka the Republicans’ midterms campaign aka the public leverage.
They have been shaping the narrative all the way, while regular Americans and every kind of mainstream and whateverstream media have been paying almost zero attention to this domestic and global propaganda operation.
Thoughts and prayers, from Finland.
Definately, Putin needs to keep his “Manchurian Candidate”
, who successfully won his position as President in power as long as possible….the best ones are still under wraps, ……..
*Trump must have the worst job retention rate in the history of employment. Jeez*
yet he brags about unemployment numbers while people in his administration resign.
Lol ever worked at an Italian restaurant?
Donald Trump — “When I build something for somebody, I always add $50 million or $60 million onto the price. My guys come in, they say it’s going to cost $75 million. I say it’s going to cost $125 million, and I build it for $100 million. Basically, I did a lousy job. But they think I did a great job.”
He’s a monster….
MrGreggery May he Rot in jail …he’s harmed so many ppl. Not getting my hopes up.
Barr meets with Rupert Murdock, and all of a sudden Shep Smith resigns from Fox.
I’m just imagining some awkward senior staff meetings at Faux news.
Oh, my. Here’s his farewell speech. I’ve never seen him look happier. I wish he’d write a book about his experiences.
Murdoch is another monster enabler, him and his arsehole son money and power worshippers.
It’s clear that Barr is a corrupt criminal who trump hired to protect his crimes. This will take years to untangle. Trump should monitor from prison.
I love Jane Meyer!
This whole dreadful political discourse started with trump going after Obama and his birth certificate. That opened up the world to spreading false information, twisting the truth, trolling, etc.. here we are now.
The Trump Nation along with the Russian bots are in full force on this thread.!!!!!!
Joe Biden did the right thing and all of these GOP NUTJOB conspiracy theories on Fox news are trying to turn it completely around, LYING and saying the total opposite. I am sick and tired of the GOP PARTY OF LIES AND CONSPIRACY’s all they have been doing for years..and once they got a DEVOUT “believer in lies and conspiracy theories” in office (trump) they have been going bat sheet crazy using lie and made up stories to try to destroy all and any Democrats AND our FBI, CIA and Intelligence agencies! The majority in the Republican party have basically become nothing more than a Mafia and Mafia attack dogs and Mafia “hit men” (like barr) for trump..all of it all that they say and accuse others of doing is lies…they are the corrupt ones and it’s time the trump supporters and voters WOKE THE f UP! You are loving and cheering on a hate filled liar who is using you to keep his power and control our country like a Mafia run government! WAKE UP!
Jane Mayer is a national treasure, a true “friend of the people”
Yes, Jane Mayer is our hero. Read her New Yorker article right after the dreaded inauguration.
@Shirley Rombough I haven’t read that one but will look it up.
@Shirley Rombough Make sure that you read everything about Cambridge Analytica too and listen every word Bannon has ever said.
The real problem is that Trump is just a crisis actor and a victim of the propaganda that the Mercers, Bannon, Bolton and the Freedom Caucus are still pushing around the world through their various channels and sub brands like Qanon.
The propaganda they have been putting out to have leverage over their opponents has been pretty bold all the way and if Americans only watched the Bush funeral again, they might understand that the whole house of cards is about to crumble down – into a bloody mob war.
They still have the Cambridge Analytica resources, the data of 87 million Facebook users – the ultimate ways and means to deliver the dirt, propaganda and even national secrets to their target groups.
Yes, many members of the past and current administrations are also corrupted war criminals. The world already knows that – despite the shaky public narrative. Lifting the transparent veil violently will only cause a civil war. Just watch Bannon skyping Vatican 2014, here on YouTube – just maybe the war is the goal of their church militant. Do you really think they are going to give up and surrender? With friends like Erik Prince? What was the documentary called – the one Bannon made after leaving the White House? Boom.
The way Bolton gaslighted his way out of the White House just before the Saudi Arabia hit job is exactly the same thing Bannon did before they lauched Qanon aka the Republicans’ midterms campaign aka the public leverage.
They have been shaping the narrative all the way, while regular Americans and every kind of mainstream and whateverstream media have been paying almost zero attention to this domestic and global propaganda operation.
Thoughts and prayers, from Finland.
“Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.”………………………. Jonathan Swift, Nov. 9, 1710