‘Where is Nancy?’: Assailant shouted before attacking Pelosi’s husband, source says

The assailant who attacked Paul Pelosi was searching for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, according to a source briefed on the attack. CNN's Jamie Gangel, Evan Perez and Manu Raju report. #CNN #News


  1. Omg how awful! I’m not her biggest fan but neither her husband nor she would deserve this. What a cruel, horrible thing to do.

    1. @Desert Medic so we should just randomly beat people with hammers. Ah, alrighty, I’m pretty certain we’re not going to agree on this so you have a good evening.

    2. @gifted_ ruler Yes that was a lie, you are correct… now 3 more please and kindly reference the Trump lies I pointed out already.

    3. @gifted_ ruler and by the way, if I’m mentally handicapped for not mentioning Joe’s exaggeration, what does you missing the 700+ Trump exaggerations and flat out lies I mentioned make you?

    1. *They must release this proud Trump patriot right now!! He is a true Trump patriot who was only trying to defend America from these evil communist deep state demonrats*
      🇺🇸 🇷🇺 *MARGA = MAKE AMERICA RUSSIA GREAT AGAIN 2024 🇺🇸 🇷🇺 TRUMP/PUTIN 2024 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 AMERUSSIA 2024*🇺🇸 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 USRU* 🇷🇺

  2. What kind of person attacks an 82 year old man with a hammer? Regardless of the reason! 🤪 Absolutely disgusting 😞

    1. @BOKC_Beast Streams Democrats want to keep their power, so they’ll do anything. If this is actually true.

    1. *They must release this proud Trump patriot right now!! He is a true Trump patriot who was only trying to defend America from these evil communist deep state demonrats*
      🇺🇸 🇷🇺 *MARGA = MAKE AMERICA RUSSIA GREAT AGAIN 2024 🇺🇸 🇷🇺 TRUMP/PUTIN 2024 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 AMERUSSIA 2024*🇺🇸 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 USRU* 🇷🇺

  3. He’s in his 80s and the guy needed a hammer? He’s 80…. Wtf is wrong with people? I hope this man survives.

    1. @Minolta Araya my point was you can use anything as a weapon to hurt or kill. Even a pencil ✏️.
      It’s not guns that kill people. It’s people that kill.

    2. @Punching Stupid People Really Hard In The Mouth!!! You ain’t no hero and Russian Orcs are being eliminated.

  4. This is appalling!
    I hope the Pelosi family will recover quickly from the physical and psychological pain that this attack has caused 🙁

    1. How about the physical and psychological pain of the Supreme Court when the democrats won’t enforce the laws on the books and allow people with a dress and a
      DIC K to stomp around in There yardI nterrupting the lives of all the kids and families in the neighborhood how about thatI

    2. @John Reidy George Soros… Why isn’t he in jail… It’s not republicans that are letting Murderers back out on the street

  5. My wife and I retired to Europe and love retirement here. But there are moments we miss home too, and thjnk about returning. But this crap makes us fear what’s coming up in the future.

    1. You’re looking at the building of a communist country being built by the KKK’pretty Boys and maggots .vote red to enjoy the ignorance

    2. The summer of love was definitely unsafe for many people in America who lost their homes & businesses & most regrettably innocent lives were lost. Very sad & tragic indeed the wounding of America. Many on the left called for demonstrations & violent push back in order to be heard they termed it & when things got out of hand, as they often do they helped further by posting bail for those doing the destruction. Safety seemed wasn’t much of a concern unfortunately for the public at large.
      Americans are mostly fair minded individuals help you out in a pinch. Being fair minded in America might be safer here if avoiding insider trading & DWI’s plus getting out of the full penalty. Just saying, to many fair minded individuals it’s upsetting to take advantage of Freedom in order to hurt or rob other persons via the system.

  6. This is completely outrageous. I am waiting for the facts without coming to conclusions, but I have seen this pattern before. The rise of bullies that believe winning an argument using force is just as good as using logic and reason is really worrying. The suggestion that their violent unreasoning threats could turn into real physical attacks is horrifying.

    1. @Bravo Six This guy left Powell River BC 20 years ago and lived in California for those 20 years. He even had a wife and kids there. I live in BC and there are no nudist colonies here. His Facebook was full of Maga conspiracy garbage and replacement theory. I guess Maga is already starting the lies and spin to blame everyone but those responsible.

    2. @Slightly Optimistic Obviously she did. Only a fool thinks they won in the 3rd quarter. You’re just cheering now because you only have 10 days left until reality hits you. Nothing has changed. Americans don’t want maga running anything.

    1. She’s a bully. I just saw film coverage her in her office saying she’d punch Trump in the face & be happy & go to jail.. Likely all the commotion, she was angry she didn’t call in the national guard when Trump offered it to her.

  7. As a conservative I do not condone this CRAP on anyone from either party.
    Hopefully he will make a full recovery and the person responsible will pay the price for his actions!

    1. It happens frequently and no one cares e cept when it happens to a politician.
      The elderly have been attacked in New York over the last year. LE sure didn’t make such a big deal when all that occurred.
      All people should have the same type of fast response and arrest that Paul Pelosi’s privilege got him.
      Hopefully he will have a full recovery.

    2. @Hour of Omni you mean have had it taken from them and put into this reactionative state of uncontextualised reactionalism unconsciously

  8. we can expect more. this is so sad not only for the pelosi family, but our country. this madness needs to stop.

    1. They brought this on themselves, so I’m not surprised… pelosi, her DNC, this government and the lefist-washington globalist parasites [the “deep state”], are really starting to push people to the edge now… YOU THINK YOUR ACTIONS AND CORRUPTION DON’T HAVE CONSEQUENCES? The only time these corrupt clueless scum ever act, is when they themselves feel they’re in danger. But the few corrupt bastards in power are no match for hundreds of millions of pissed off americans. deep state, you keep pushing to destroy people’s lives and you’ll all most likely end up like the aristocrats in france in late 1700s… on the guillotine or gallows.

  9. Breaking in to assault or kill an 80-something year old couple is utterly disgusting. People inciting political violence need to be held to account: words have consequences.

    1. @Frank Grimes : Experience, know how. Why not if they are capable. People win a Nobel prize at 80 something in many fields. Plenty of other examples of the contributions of older people if you look around.

    2. @Kingdom Freedom There’s always a clown, this time it’s you. What you actually need are laws recognising domestic terrorism and for people to realise it’s a problem.

  10. What that “Thing” that was once our president has unleashed is horrendous. My prayers are with Nancy and her husband and his complete recovery.

    1. Let’s not forget that time the left attempted to assassinate Trump and all the violence called upon his supporters. Also let’s not forget how much better our country was operating while he was in office. I didn’t want to leave the US under Trump. Sleepy Joe and his administration makes me scared for the future of our country. You can keep all your trans rights, gender study courses, transition of minors without parental consent, censorship, high gas prices, crime, and trash ridden left states. I’m done with this country if the left makes office a second term.

    2. For every child made orphan, For every wife widowed, For every parent that had to bury their child, For every pain inflicted unjustly on innocent souls all over the world, May you all suffer more and more. You all deserve it.

    3. @STALINGRAD Your statement is very powerful. Globalist have done those crimes, down the centuries a pagan priesthood seeking after power is guilty of deceiving the world. Money lovers & power lusters. Americans have been made dupes by these same perpetrators as well. May it be the suffering invoked by these pagans, is charged to the guilty of all you said & let the innocent remain in peace.

    1. It wasn’t guarded because Nancy wasn’t home. Her husband doesn’t have a guard since he’s not in country leadership.

  11. God help him recover. Nobody deserves this. Ever. Violence in our county against our fellow citizens, public officials, personal/public property is totally unacceptable. We are a nation of laws. Anyone responsible for political-related Violence must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  12. That attacker should be ashamed of himself for attacking an elderly man!!!! I’m glad Nancy wasn’t home. How awful.

    1. @Punching Stupid People Really Hard In The Mouth!!! The left will outlaw hammers & the construction industry will fall……

    2. @Kingdom Freedom A new type of nail will be mandated that doesnt not require a hammer to drive it. Pelosi will own the patent and accumulate billions through insider trading and other illegal activities that they have gotten away with for decades.

    3. @Trevor Wilson Give him a medal, along with $50 billion of pelosi’s dirty money.

    4. @Jason S Trump??? He was never mentioned. Reality isn’t part of your existence.

  13. I am very sorry to hear that this happen to get husband, I hope and pray he will have a speedy recovery. I wish people would stop hating people and show more love to what one another

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