Concerns are being raised around poor communication from province around spring break and the pandemic.
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Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results is literally the definition of insanity!
What do u expect when Republi… I mean the UCP are running the show.
Neighbouring British Columbia ran by the NDP is not doing any better
@John Wellington Intellectually dishonest. BC has done circuit breaker lockdowns, Alberta has avoided this & continued to have open restaurants. Kelowna & other spots are riddled with anti masker, conspiracy nutters… just like AB. But the BC NDP gov acted, unlike the UCP.
@John Wellington PS. If u feel like such a proud boy of merica.. Sod off!
Kenney is too busy getting smash faced drunk, to have time to lead a province.
Its the con trash way
He’s avoiding locking down because he knows its useless. Most cases happening in home, so maybe move out of your house now.
@Reg U you rther act likr texas nothing to see here folks
@garry w
They just said the “variant cases” are coming from workplaces, not homes.
Please pay attention.
PS. word check is useful in your case.
@Reg U I tried to reply 3 times. Won’t work.
@Reg U you also moving out like moving area right like another province like pei ot ontario right by yourstatement!did you likw how taxas hjad full staduim let see how tjat tuens out in 2 weeksright
@garry w Do you know how to turn on autocorrect ?
Or do you even speak english ?
He’s still trying to demand the American government to pick back up the pipeline. He should stay off the pipe.
Hiding in the the energy war room perhaps?
He’s hiding in Texas, his home away from home lol.
so we’re not allowed to go outside still
If I were incarcerated in a women’s prison, instead of my house, at least I would be provided free room, & board from the government, and get laid on a regular basis.
anybody else ready for the dislike till like ratio fix later on
dont worry Kenney wont do more restrictions lol
How is it possible that an international Brazilian variant fall through the cracks when we’re subject to such stringent lock downs?!!
“Stringent lock downs” what are u on?
Restaurants & schools are still open.
Educate yourself on what Australia deems as stringent then get back to me.
@Jonathan Edward Connect the dots and follow the bouncing ball.
@Maurey Reid Like to Matt Gaetz’s house?
Thanks Q. U really saved the children. LOL
@Jonathan Edward sounds like ur on the ball.
Kenney is so weak for Alberta. We deserve better
Weak, incompetent & willfully corrupt.
Presidents are supposed to help ppl
He’ll reappear well tanned like Do g Ford and the rest of elitist self elected gangsters!
we aren’t buying this crap anymore.
there on vacation they know that
No Lockdown
Not fit for the job