Reporter John Heilemann weighs in on where both parties stand in terms of confidence following two weeks of conventions. Aired on 08/28/2020.
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Where Do Both Parties Stand After The Conventions? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
How many Trump supporters does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, Trump just says it’s screwed in, and they all stand in the dark and cheer.
@William H defunding the police means that murderer cops wont get pensions it doesn’t mean cops wont get paid if your brother was killed by a cop for no reason you would be paying his pension with your taxes.
@Matt Thompson LOL GOLD
Such an accurate comment.
And the silent majority will rise again…Have a good cry…AGAIN
Trump is an Environmentalist like Jack the Ripper was a Feminist.
sal been sexual deviants? Like the right isnt full of perverted freaks?
William H and?
sal been Oh great youre a qanon loser…..
Michael Whitted youre a homosexual
@William H Jerry Falwell says Hi, says you have a cute butt, and is wondering when you are coming to visit his wife. So much for your religion and principles.
“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” – Charles Bukowski
Andy Ely he not president of America he is the president over the Village Idiots…you stand corrected…now STF…up
PersonWomenManCamera Tv still trying on your confederate prime dress..Beckie
@Shellie Wolske I drive a truck OTR and I see so many trump banners everywhere that it makes me worry the Trump just might win another 4 year. We need a blue wave and then trump needs to go to prison.
@Altair IV Why do you have to go back to 1914 – 1918 war? Hitler had a good war then. OK he lost or was on the losing side but he had a strong war. And the 1917 Spanish flu? Oh. Sorry. That is when Trump thinks those things happened. So wrong!!!!!!!
Give this guy a November retirement, He is crooked.
his retirement in prison
He doesn’t deserve a retirement!!! He already took all he can SO FAR. How much more do you really think he deserves?
Anna Jorgensen three hots and a cot suits me fine.
The RNC was a thrown together sh*t show
They really scrapped the bottom of the barrel for speakers too.
My thoughts exactly
From the Goodyear Boycott to supporting the QAnon Anti-Semitic and Anti-Catholic hate group.
A stellar week for Trump costing Republicans votes.
I never thought I’d ever hear, “We have to remember, the president has trouble reading.”
@A Krenwinkle Maybe, it certainly is an unhealthy affinity either way.
@δέσμη των υποκριτών I guess when conservative starting to mean psychopath. See how shallow and stupid this form of argumentation is? Try to stick to the facts my friend.
@δέσμη των υποκριτών I think my point went right over your глава.
Your comments won’t remove him, only one thing will.
Len Ovo lol you are funny. Let me guess… you are hoping that Dems will say… yeh that true I am not voting too. Try all you want we all voting !!!
A you mean you and your 35 trolling friends.
Yes we will . Trumpn2020
This SOB chopped done Jackie Kennedy’s cherry trees that have stood for 60 years to give Melania a better camera view for her speech!
@k Gio racist pos is what u are
@O.E E Not necessarily. 3 more million of us did NOT vote for him! We’re all getting screwed.
They were crabapple trees. Susposedly, they will be replanted elsewhere. Susposedly, they were throwing too much shade on the Roses, and they were dying. Now the Rose Garden is the bla , boring garden. Red Christmas Trees, Soviet looking garden, and a military looking dress. At least she didn’t steal Michele Obamas speech again. Rush Limbaugh once mocked a caller to his show for poor English speaking skills. Melanoma has been here how long?
America is dying under Trump! — Bonnie
The only thing that l can say is that he lie, lie lie and lie and of course he keeps taking credit for bills that President Obama did.
it has no shame, so disgusting!
The fact checker couldnt keep up, he said first 30 min approx 74 lies
It’s ironic that they Call Joe Biden a Stalin, when trump is clearly a hitler. It’s ironic that they say that Joe Biden is the puppet of the left, when trump is clearly the puppet of putin.
China and Biden ring a bell?.. stop embarrassing yourself smh
Please to point out any facts proving your statements
I have often wondered what nazi Germany looked like prior to The mass extermination’s, I think we’re currently living thru this.
Yeah, like trump’s mass extermination of 170,000 Americans and counting. Oh! What I meant was the sacrifice made by patriotic Americans to save trump’s blessed economy.
By 1938 all opposition ceased to exist.With exceptions of course pretty much every one supported the nazi regime in 1939.Not only Germany – this is how it went across whole Europe.What you’re going thru is Germany 1932-34.Greetings from Sweden.
No plan for the future, just “look at me, ain’t I great”.
Your doing a great job . Lol
Trump has the reading skills of a 2 year old; he’s also making a HUGE mistake running for president again….
Trump is intellectually and linguistically challenged and all he has got is to toss names and insults to try make himself feel better because people know Trump is a loser.
All this fool knows is to use the same words over and over and over again: Strongly, quickly, tough, incredibly, strongly and more quickly. Every thing he tries to explain is done very strongly – hilarious.
Time for this con-job to end.
But it’s going to be hugely strongly, the scripians will be amazing.
I think the public will strongly back him in November. This will lead to the Nation to quickly get back on track. This will be tough on democrats but incredibly satisfying for Republicans.
@Miss Understanding oh yeah, that one too, everything is very powerfully and done very strongly and quickly and even more quickly and powerfully and strongly, ha ha
“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”
— Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany.
Like Russian collusion, covington kids, peaceful protests, dead soldiers losers, I could go on and on but it doesn’t matter because you are just a sheep and follow the crowd. You do not have the strength to step outside the norm.
I really hope every newspaper headline the day after election reads: YOUR FIRED!!!!
Coming soon: Jerry”poolboy” Farwell, I don’t know him.Does it sounds familiar
Poor, poor, nasty, angry, little man who reads like a 6th grader. Is that presidential material?
35% of population ranting about mexicans, blacks, women, LGBTQ and more … are they voters material?
Fith grader? That’s being generous.
His supporters don’t care. They really appear to be mentally deficient.
@OhPlease a So true. You should have to pass an IQ test before you can vote.
Trump doesn’t care!!! He doesn’t care about nobody but himself period
Great argument
@Eric Douglas
Trump for Federal Prison 2020