Two COVID-19 experts weigh in on the future of our fight with the coronavirus amid global concern about the Omicron variant.
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If Omicron only has mild symptoms shouldn’t we lift all covid restrictions and strive for herd immunity by becoming infected with it to defeat Covid once and for all?
That would really, really, REALLY hurt…. Their margins!!!
Where’s the profit in that?
You expect them to actually follow science now? Have you not been paying attention? This has never been about a virus and our health.
Nailed it!
You mean like the common cold?
Nobody believes you anymore
Ive been hearing this for 14 months and yet here we are.
The only proper response is abolish the government.
By force if necessary
gonna need a lot of rope … prisoners cost money and money means taxes.
@Jaerock Chalk I don’t think we will be taking many prisoners…when the tide turns there will be chaos
The Outer Worlds theme song in the background
Hope it doesn’t affect any cats dogs or especially minks this time.
da vuture iz dey will “diskover” gov19 waz da regularr kold n vlu all along
These Clowns
have messed up so bad that they have prolonged the pandemic
1 major scariant every year
Check your government’s annual total deaths, 2020 had the same increase as 2015 here in Canada .
you can’t give the muppet masses facts and logic they aren’t capably of digesting them
Your NATURAL IMMUNITY is the MOST powerful pharmaceutical company capable of manufacturing effective ANTI-BODIES towards all variants.
In Canada we have the Trudeau variant thanks to Ontario and Quebec
This video directly benefited from no dislike button.
Still disliking dont care if I or anyone else can see it or not
@Ben Becic
Let’s talk about all the non covid related deaths of those denied medical treatment