Steve Kornacki looks through the latest NBC News poll numbers from New Hampshire and at what states are coming next on the primary calendar.
What’s Next For The Democratic Field After New Hampshire? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Steve Kornacki looks through the latest NBC News poll numbers from New Hampshire and at what states are coming next on the primary calendar.
Just put every candidate with the required number of signatures on the election ballot ans skip this primary nonsense altogether. You know like in a Democracy.
As long as the Electoral College exists, we are not a Democracy.
@ChrisCrashNow lol. Thats the only reason we have a democracy
Mr Bean weekend at Bernie’s
*Trump hotels charge Secret Service up to $650 per night while protecting him.* He can just shut up right now. Throw the bum out.
Trump needs to be removed from office
Sorry Trump 2020
Why, did he hurt your feelings?
As watching the debate tonight their all the same take guns and wave a magic wand Triple taxes give oil drug makers and the rich the shaft and who can do it me me me who will lose us us us
Spray Tan’s Prayer (aka The Chosen Pun)
Get ’em out, get ’em out,
Let there be no doubt
That nobody cares where the truth went
Get ’em out, get ’em out
Let there be no doubt
That dishonesty’s such an improvement
Let me do as I please,
And get down on your knees
And worship my ignorance blindly
Do it all for my name
Can you guess? it’s a game,
Kicking down, cloven hooved, so unkindly
Not me. Us.
So I’m curious, how many need to die to prove socialism/communism is evil and a failure? Is 100 million plus not enough for you?
I don’t understand the question. If socialism is a failure then why is the United States the most successful socialist country in human history?
@Supernautiloid socialism
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Please show me how the provided definition supplies to the us.
This is not a socialist country it is a democratic republic.
Exactly. Thanks for proving my point that the United States is the greatest socialist success story in history.
Since the start of American taxation (collective funding of government and redistribution of wealth), we have used this wealth to fund the many socialist organizations in our country such as publicly funded and controlled social services. These include the military, police, etc. In addition, our system of corporate socialism takes money from the people (steals really, as taxation is theft) and uses it to subsidize and prop up privately owned enterprises and banks. Then when these corporations and banks fail, more is taken (stolen) and redistributed to these corporations and banks once again.
_”But wait! These corporations and banks are still privately owned!”_
True, but not privately funded. For example, every piece of technology in the Apple iPhone was developed with government funded research. So it could be argued that we socialize the risks and privatize the rewards. But that certainly has nothing to do with true capitalism. And nether does the United States.
So here we have public funding and control (via democratically elected government representatives) and redistribution of wealth. From each according to their ability and to each according to their need. The United States is perhaps the best example of practical socialism of all time.
If Buttigieg underperforms next week a lot of pundits gonna be on suicide watch. I remember when Biden was the front runner. A week seems soo long ago.
“They couldn’t even take a simple tabulation” says the stable genius who can’t even form a simple sentence….well said sir.
More Chaos as this is what they Sow!
Everything Democrat WEEDS touch turns into
which is there FRUITS!
THINK. Bernie’s critique of Trump’s economy is built into his support for a Medicare for All. He’s trying to protect the American worker from the near future ravages of “casino economy” bubbles currently on $60B a month Fed life support. That’s Trump’s “Blue Collar Boom.” QE was suppose to be a temporary stop gap measure, not a permanent policy of propping up investment banking run amok. Trump has combined the worst of the Dubya Bush and Obama eras and wants more! Private health care and private pensions could all be vaporized in a New York minute! The investment bankers say “trust us” and opt out of Social Security and Medicare. Of course, Bernie knows it probably won’t go through as planned, the private option will still be available.
Because of the disaster outcome of the 2016 elections! Can we even trust any results from our voting system as it stands now
I’ll tell you what’s next, a devastating loss to Trump in November. Trump2020
Throw all of them in the TRASH!
More delusional disappointment and continued lying to the American people.
Lol Democrats, the party of slavery and racism say they’re not the party of those things. Yet all their nominees with any chance to win are all white. Lol go figure. Cheers from Toronto
Poor MSDNC so bitter the socialists have 0 chance.

Let’s see if the waves of illegals who just settled into sanctuary cities are gonna show up to vote. The back of the middle class isn’t quite broken yet. God bless.
Mass immigration drives wages down so it’s not in the working class’s interest. This isn’t complicated.