Republicans in four states, including a lawyer who is representing President Donald Trump in a lawsuit against a Wisconsin NBC affiliate, have been working to get Kanye West on the ballot for November’s presidential election. This has led to speculation that the Trump campaign is promoting West’s candidacy as a way to pull votes away from apparent Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Aired on 8/5/2020.
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What’s Behind The Push To Get Kanye West On The Presidential Ballot In 2020? – Day That Was | MSNBC
West is happily being used, it’s sad
@hypermetalsonic the whole world has gone mad!

it’s ironically the Gov George Wallace trick, except the racist was jockeying to get his KKK buds in. (trump has already done that) so only to steal votes away from Biden. I’m thinking, the stupid people in this country are already voting for Trump.
Very sad.
Vote.Gov .
It’s pretty revealing that tRump and gop don’t see Kanye as a potential competitor. They KNOW that their own base would never vote for a black or brown candidate.
But, but, but… Kanye is anti choice. -How can he be an alternative to Biden and the democratic party?
Would be sooo awesome if tRumps black and brown voters go to Kanye instead =)
what a sad and ultimately sick strategy! they are desperate. LOW LOW LOW!
@Jack of all Trades
Biden: “Corn Pop, Leg hair, Obama, c’mon man, you know the Thing!”
@Dave Schultz Person Woman Man Camera TV…
It is what it is
@Dave Schultz funny, Trump doesn’t seem angry when he’s mangling all of these words when attempting public speaking. What’s the rationale for him not understanding a High School freshman level vocabulary?
@Dave Schultz
Democrats can’t handle a taste of their own Hypocritical medicine. Classic.
Yep, just usual GOP cheating.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr And Trump is still a Member of the KKK & a Putin Lap Dog .Why ???
Why dosen’t this clown/joy reid mention bidens interview from yesterday where he went crazy – GO and watch here on youtube – he was totally unhinged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s not cheating. It’s just dirty trickerism and gimmickry. trump asking the Russians to hack opposition on live TV, hush-money payments, and extorting Ukraine is cheating.
@BIDEN promised amnesty to ALL illegals. Goodbye USA Why are you trying to change the subject. No need to answer. We already know.
How many different ways can Kanye embarrass himself? Dude’s a joke.
He doesn’t even play an instrument or know how to read music. His lyrics are covered by an auto-tuner and his songs are written by committee. It’s like an author who sells books using a ghost writer.
Ya and he can’t sing either
Oh so he’s a joke because you don’t agree with him? F off bud. This is America everyone has a right to do what they please. Kanye owes non of you slobs anything.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr Trump’s father was KKK
This is sick in the head. Republicans would stoop so low as to use a mentally ill bipolar wreck to split votes away. I can only hope it back fires more on taking votes from Trump.
Democrats do the same thing, Don’t play victim now. Trump 2020
@Gary Kerns poor Joe he lost black vote now he says all black have no diversity. Sorry Joe better luck 2024.
@sal been Are you in favor of police killing unarmed black Americans?
@MAGA Abdul How do you suppose blacks won’t overwhelmingly support Biden? We know the most important thing is that ANYBODY BUT TRUMP is President.
@MAGA Abdul This is Biden’s last run for President, win or lose. IF he wins (and I’m not predicting anything at this time), in late 2022 or early ’23, he’ll endorse his VP for President in ’24. IMHO.
160,000 Americans have died from covid19 under Trumps “leadership” ……………… That is 160,000 anD counting reasons to VOTE BLUE ………………. REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER
Biden is racist…he eulogized over KKK member senator Robert Byrd of west Virginia
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr BS! Rump is the racist and has always praised racist. Senator Byrd changed his stance on many of his old positions long before he died. Former Vice President Joe Biden has always managed to get along with other people even though he disagrees with them.
Everything starts on the Top ,even small & less progressive Countries did a much better than us .But we did not have a Leader just a selfish ,country clown who thinks he is a DR.Sad .
Why dosen’t this clown/joy reid mention bidens interview from yesterday where he went crazy – GO and watch here on youtube – he was totally unhinged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Half of those death you can attribute to Demorat Cuomo for sending COVID 19 patients to Nursing Homes. And the other half to Squirt bottle Pelosi for telling people to go China town right before the worst part of the pandemic.
He’s lying when he says he knows nothing (he looks down).
You can tell when Trump lies: All. The. Time.
It’s Donald F##king Trump. Lying is what he does.
You are right, also the change in his tone of voice trying to sound like an innocent seven year old who just ate all the cookies. I’m guessing he did by the way. The cookies that is. And Kanye.
wow you must be the new einstein now
It’s his grand gesture
Uncle Kanye is trying to help trump . Boycott this clown.
@MySecretMessages i did. They’re not proof of anything. Trump calling maxine waters “low iq” is not racist.
Bragging that women let him “grab them by the p*$$#” is not sexist or promoting anything illegal.
Calling MS13 “animals” is not racist.
They put babies in microwaves to extort parents money. “Animal” is a compliment. Not even an animal is capable of that level of cruelty. Ms13 are sub-animal. Its got nothing to do with race.
Animals have more humanity than ms13.
Whatever. Blind yourself. Cause no one else is buying your troll crap. Now run along an comment on that Flat-Earther page about how you need “proof” the word is round, and don’t forget to mention how the moon landings were faked and that planet Nibiru will be crashing into us soon. Folks like you love that stuff.
He’s not trying to help trump he really thinks he’s going to win, he’s delusional
@Lookie Loo he knows he probably wont. But he wants to make the attempt because breaking up the 2 party system is necessary. Its the same reason Brett Weinstein is trying to create a new party as well.
@Terminal Insanity Kenya is a very delusional narcissist, he thinks he’s gonna screw trump over and take the win
1. As a spoiler
2. His mental health is being used as a joke by the republican party to steal votes.
Trump proves his lack of said abilities each day
Trump Can’t Say ‘Anonymous’
Trump asks to look into the ‘oranges’ of the Mueller investigation
Why dosen’t this clown/joy reid mention bidens interview from yesterday where he went crazy – GO and watch here on youtube – he was totally unhinged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Dave Schultz you don’t get it…it was VP Biden being funny…he’s not like the big Orange Caligula….he has a sense of humor and can laugh at himself…..
@Kicky Also: “Yo Semite”, “thigh land” (meaning Thailand, it was hilarious) and “Minnianapolis”. He’s as dumb as a bag of hammers
boycott anything kanye or kardashian, they are literally trying to interfere in the election. This is a new low for Kanye
I boycott anything that’s wrong…. black, white or purple!!!!
@Marcin Kiersnowski Right MAGA loves minorities just dead and sold out
Yeh pretty bad .. evil , tricksters.. but karma will get them
@Sir and TRUMP alike.
I say arest them causes that election tampering
Biggest nutjob recruits second biggest nutjob to scam US voters.
@Stephen Butler – EXACTLY
Looks who he’s married to Kim the cow
Yeah man
Very well stated!
we have one mental case in the WH, we dont need another one
I know, hopefully biden loses
@LG Roots I wish Biden and Trump could both lose.
LG Roots no i o o o ooo
LG Roots I hope trump looses – by a landslide
He is there to get African American votes away from democrats. It’s so obvious.
You’re so stupid to suggest that because he’s Kanye that blacks will vote for him. What trailer park were you born at?
@Luffer Booms I’m saying because Kanye west IS Black, Which will be the main reason black Democrats will vote for him. How do you think Obama got elected? By “Qualifications”? Lmao
Honestly, Kanye is closer philosophically to Trump than to Biden, but still i have the nagging feeling that he’ll take more votes from Biden than from Trump.
@Gary Kerns Good.
Yes keep the blacks in they have to vote for us
The Republicans are desperate to try anything to save this train wreck of a presidency.
@BIDEN promised amnesty to ALL illegals. Goodbye USA WHY DON’T YOU FIND SOMETHING TO DO
Too bad u gonna have him for another 4 years my friend

@Jevonn Smith u really think Biden the plagiarizing racist is gonna win? Trump is gonna win this.. absolutely
miles deep I didn’t say Biden is going to win
Trump will win again. Good
The Trump’s west Kardashians Hilton’s all have one thing in common,that is demons
“I’m not involved ” means I’m directly choreographing this…
and bidens son hunter became a rich millionarie durings his daddys time as VP. Before his daddys time as VP he was not near rich. With ZERO experience
@BIDEN promised amnesty to ALL illegals. Goodbye USA Like Trumps kids aren’t getting richer right.
All the people out there trying to put food on their tables and we have a clown show going on. Ridiculous.
Have you every wondering how Kanye West really made an billion dollars through an recession–depression not to mention under a epidemic? Well now you know.

@Steve Fitts President plague and his satanic death cult.
Trump 2020!! Democrats will stay losing.
Yes no black people can can leave
Trump will do anything to cheat. He’s been cheating his whole life, starting with his businesses, taxes, his wives and now the election. Once a cheater always cheater.
@Denice McDaniel If you think Trump won the election because he “Cheated” and not the Democrats being Hypocritically ignorant the last 5 years since Trump first ran for presidency, Then you are sadly brainwashed.
Kanye has already revealed himself… He’s a trump cultist…!
If you’ve got friends like Trump who needs enemies. It’s disgusting how they’re using an obviously sick person to help them win the election…
As a black woman; it’s ambarrasing to see Kanye and that dr Stella being puppets to his game. They’re not stable just like him.