What You Need To Know About The Delta Variant of Covid-19

A new, highly transmissible strain of Covid is emerging across the United States, and it’s particularly dangerous for the young and unvaccinated. Dr. Uché Blackstock joins American Voices with Alicia Menendez to share how to protect yourself against the Delta variant.  » Subscribe to MSNBC:

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#Vaccine #COVID #DELTA

What You Need To Know About The Delta Variant of Covid-19

What You Need To Know About The Delta Variant of Covid-19


    1. We may never know the origins of COVID-19, but we do know that Toxic Trump and Republicans are responsible for the senseless deaths of over a half-million Americans by politicizing a deadly pandemic, through gross incompetence and homicidal criminal negligence, and by spreading disinformation and callous, wanton disregard for human life. Additionally, they are also responsible for most of the unnecessary suffering and long-term adverse health outcomes caused to millions of Americans contracting COVID-19. Let that just sink in for a minute.

    2. @SNOOPY COLEMAN #1 Да да да.
      Donald J. Trump: Voted “Best American President Ever” by Vladimir Putin! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🤣🤣🤣

    3. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial (VVM, or “the Wall”) is dedicated not to the war, but to the 2.7 million U.S. military men and women who served in the war zone, living and dead. It contains nearly 58,300 names of those dead or missing, on two ten-foot high granite wings, each spanning nearly 250 feet. A close uncle’s name is etched into the black rock of the Wall.

      Propose erecting a similar monument for all those who senselessly lost their lives to COVID-19 due to our Traitor-‘n-Thief, Toxic Trump, and all those Republican so-called “leaders” in Congress, SCOTUS, and the GOP, along with Reich-wing demagogues and media, who were complicit in enabling, aiding, and abetting his malfeasance, and in spreading disinformation and misinformation. In just four MONTHS, the U.S. had ALREADY needlessly lost more than TWICE as many to COVID-19 than died in all thirteen YEARS of the Vietnam war. By the time Trump left office, one out of every 800 Americans had died from COVID-19 in just ten months–over 410,000 fatalities, as many American casualties as all of WWII. To put it into further perspective, throughout Trump’s catastrophic mishandling of a deadly global pandemic, the U.S. led the world in cases and deaths, suffering nearly 25% of each, despite having only 4.25% of global population, despite having the advantage of being the richest and most advanced nation in the world.

      The memorial would also honor all those front-line ESSENTIAL workers who selflessly put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe and secure; the names of their dead to be given prominence and note upon the structure. Whether constructed in the form of a wall or something different, its principle intent would be to serve as a constant, enduring reminder to us all and to future generations; as a testament to—and a barrier against—our own American ignorance, arrogance, avarice, cowardice, and malevolence. A sort of visual prophylactic, if you will, built in hope of protecting us against inbred hubris, greed, and stupidity. It’s design should be open, with interchangeable elements that challenge—and help teach—people to reason, and to think critically and objectively, while stressing humanity, humility and humbleness.

      The VVM Wall is likewise also a monument to American ignorance, hubris, avarice, and malevolence, although erected solely to honor those military personnel. Few may think, or have thought, of it that way; and doubtless many would refuse to think of it as such, but the truth stands out in stark, prominent display for everyone to see…if they just apply a little critical, objective reasoning.

      Another thought to ponder: The VVM Wall marks the first time America fatally failed that generation; the proposed monument would mark our second time they were senselessly sacrificed. Would like to see the proposed COVID-19 monument erected adjacent to the prior monument attesting failure, the VVM Wall, to serve as symbolic bookends, as a further tribute to that ill-served generation of Americans.

    4. @wily wascal Truly, an amazing post…Will likely float over the heads of the dim witted, the ignorant, & the committed ideologues.

    1. that is fcking sad.
      she also wants all the rumors to be debunked, not fully grasping what the word rumor means.

      we got too many village idiots; we need more lions, tigers, and bears free ranging the village.

    2. @Sydni Downey – It should be different because they are not medical experts. It is frightening that young people trust some random influencer about medical procedures more than trusting their family doctor.

    3. @Sydni Downey
      Because it’s is their health. This makes me sad. My granddaughter is vaccinated, she’s Generation Z, I am thankful she is and she didn’t consult me. Why me? Her grandmother is a master’s degree registered nurse and my degree in public health nursing.

    1. @Jamey Lane Hey mate you should be greatful most of those people are also the ones who didn’t wear masks… Which according to the experts that means they’ll all die a horrible sad deaths, killing millions in the process.

  1. If that young lady needs an “influencer” to tell her to get the vaccine, we have a bigger problem. They can’t think for themselves but rely on what famous people (who are paid) will say, well, that’s really disturbing.

    1. @Gary Halliday we don’t, maybe she is, but she said this is what people are saying about the vaccine.

    2. @Paula Gray
      Yep, I don’t think it’s a controversial point. She’s just looking for more ways to get people vaccinated.

    3. Yeah, at this point we need to just let it all go. Give all the remaining vaccine doses to foreign countries where they are urgently needed. And close the hospitals to further covid admissions. And instruct the 911 operators, that if anyone calls and says “I think I have covid-19” to say “So?” and hang up. The time about caring about those who don’t care anything for themselves is over.

    4. @Night Crawler Hikes
      What’s disturbing is you took an untested vaccine because you were afraid, hiding in your home, while other people worked

  2. While I agree with what that young lady said, It’s sad that they would take the word of an influencer over a scientist or medical professional.

    1. Hugh Dougall you don’t understand what either one of them said. The young lady wasn’t saying she believed this, but that some of her peers did 🙄

    2. @Gwendolyn Williams Yes, I did click here. And? I know there will be at least one person that comes along this thread and isn’t such a sheep that they will research the truth after it’s been shared with them. You’re probably not one of them though huh?

    3. @Jamey Lane Exactly. They even discussed it during their Event 201 coronavirus pandemic “exercise” they held a month before the first case was reported. Half of these brain dead sheep have been taught by these puppets on MSM to think that’s all just CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiEs though.

  3. Unfortunately, so many people who should and (as in the case of the former POTUS) actually do understand that the vaccine is safe and crucial to establishing herd immunity chose to downplay this truth but propagate each and every scare story and conspiracy theorist’s lies

    1. Unfortunately, so many people are sheep to these paid puppets on the MSM, that they will literally let a weirdo stick a needle in them if told to do so.

    2. Don O’ Sullivan – The current President can’t even read his pre-written script without trailing off into space and drooling.

    3. Stupid people are easier to control & manipulate. But scared stupid people are the EASIEST to control and take less effort!

    4. @ghost of comments past If you’re calling people sheep who’re taking the vaccine, you might want to consider that your mindless resistance to taking a vaccine that’s 100% voluntary, makes you the sheep. You’re obsessed with something that doesn’t affect you and is frankly none of your business. Find something else to be outraged about.

    1. You hid in your house like a coward.

      COVID was awesone. Empty streets. I can go wherever I want. Laughing at people who hid away

    2. @Skankhunt36 We are in ascending Dwapara Yuga which began about the year 1700. Kali Yuga before that. See Holy Science. Things should be getting better.

  4. We need a virus that makes people who don’t get vaccinated infertile, so we can stop the spread of idiocracy.

    1. When are schools going to start taking this seriously and teach kids what real news sources are? Most of these idiots think a YouTube channel from a guy’s garage has the same validity as one from a real news organization. Talkshow hosts (Tucker, Fox and friends, etc) are not real news either, they are opinion based shows. If we continue like this, the human race will not survive.

    2. @Hector G. you’re right about that, everything on YT you have to take with a grain of salt, and people confuse the commentator shows with news. News is who/what/when/where – just facts dispensed. Commentary is the spin, and it varies strictly depending on the source.

    3. @Hector G. “the orville” did a great episode on this, where they visited a planet where social media likes & dislikes had replaced old style democracy & now controlled all society decisions, from prison sentences to government policy (well there was no “government” everything was decided by social media voting, so no longer a need for elected representatives)

    4. @Me Here I watched that episode. It was an extreme form of socialism, not the one that we know works.

      If people knew how to look for facts objectively and cared for others, something like that may work. Unfortunately, people are more selfish than they have ever been and dumb enough to not understand the difference between factual evidence and their feelings. Reality does not happen based on how you feel, no matter how much you try to negate truth.

      I mean, I tried to pretend trump was not president but was he not? And for the longest four years of my life.

  5. Not sure it was very smart of the Extremists Right to push the antivax thing, seeing the map of hospitalizations.

    1. Break it down further and you’ll see a lot of black communities with low vaxx rates. They want more black people to die.

    2. @Alfarojv so you’d rather take the chance of COVID-19 virus. That’s definitely your choice. I however, prefer to trust the epidemiologists and the CDC. Hopefully when the long haul Covid effects, effect the people not vaccinated they will push for M4A because they won’t be able to afford the hospital bills and the meds the healthcare and pharmaceutical companies will be profiting on in the next decades.

    3. @Alfarojv Quick Question: Over the last two hundred years of vaccinations, many of them with NO studies at all, how many had serious issues?

      Can you name ANY cases?

      What EXACTLY is this overwhelming fear based on? Or do you want to see more people die?

      And the death rate is currently 3% right now.

  6. Daily Reminder: The Covid vaccine has never been approved, it’s been authorized, an emergency authorization which puts it in the category of a medical experiment. (I personally don’t take any experiments)

    On December 11, 2020, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. On December 18, 2020, the FDA issued an EUA for the use of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. And on February 27, 2021 the FDA issued an EUA for the use of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. The issuance of an EUA is different than an FDA approval (licensure) of a vaccine.

    1. That is Your Right, You may not Agree with others Decisions But your Rights are no Greater or less than Theirs.

    2. I know right!

      I, for one, prefer to get my medical advice from random Youtube comments, Russian comrades and conspiracy hacks.

      They’re the best!

    3. @wnose You need to speak to a medical professional to find out the fact that the “vaccine” hasn’t been approved? It takes less than 1 minute to find that out. No wonder you people ( 🐑 ) have no clue what’s going on.

  7. I wish they would emphasize how the immune systems were of those who were not vaccinated, and caught the Delta variant. I never get flu or colds, but I still got my vaccination, yesterday, after trying to decide for months. I figured it’s better to be safe than sorry.

    1. “delay with FDA approval” Paper work. Sorry it’s mostly reading with few pictures so it’s far
      above your pay grade.

  8. Society is so screwed up that people believe influencers more than real news sources. Influencers are the problem because they are not held accountable when they lie. Schools need to do a better job at teaching kids this.

  9. See the red states? Trump states. Interesting, isn’t it?
    Needless suffering from an inept, polical hack.

  10. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial (VVM, or “the Wall”) is dedicated not to the war, but to the 2.7 million U.S. military men and women who served in the war zone, living and dead. It contains nearly 58,300 names of those dead or missing, on two ten-foot high granite wings, each spanning nearly 250 feet. A close uncle’s name is etched into the black rock of the Wall.

    Propose erecting a similar monument for all those who senselessly lost their lives to COVID-19 due to our Traitor-‘n-Thief, Toxic Trump, and all those Republican so-called “leaders” in Congress, SCOTUS, and the GOP, along with Reich-wing demagogues and media, who were complicit in enabling, aiding, and abetting his malfeasance, and in spreading disinformation and misinformation. In just four MONTHS, the U.S. had ALREADY needlessly lost more than TWICE as many to COVID-19 than died in all thirteen YEARS of the Vietnam war. By the time Trump left office, one out of every 800 Americans had died from COVID-19 in just ten months–over 410,000 fatalities, as many American casualties as all of WWII. To put it into further perspective, throughout Trump’s catastrophic mishandling of a deadly global pandemic, the U.S. led the world in cases and deaths, suffering nearly 25% of each, despite having only 4.25% of global population, despite having the advantage of being the richest and most advanced nation in the world.

    The memorial would also honor all those front-line ESSENTIAL workers who selflessly put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe and secure; the names of their dead to be given prominence and note upon the structure. Whether constructed in the form of a wall or something different, its principle intent would be to serve as a constant, enduring reminder to us all and to future generations; as a testament to—and a barrier against—our own American ignorance, arrogance, avarice, cowardice, and malevolence. A sort of visual prophylactic, if you will, built in hope of protecting us against inbred hubris, greed, and stupidity. It’s design should be open, with interchangeable elements that challenge—and help teach—people to reason, and to think critically and objectively, while stressing humanity, humility and humbleness.

    The VVM Wall is likewise also a monument to American ignorance, hubris, avarice, and malevolence, although erected solely to honor those military personnel. Few may think, or have thought, of it that way; and doubtless many would refuse to think of it as such, but the truth stands out in stark, prominent display for everyone to see…if they just apply a little critical, objective reasoning.

    Another thought to ponder: The VVM Wall marks the first time America fatally failed that generation; the proposed monument would mark our second time they were senselessly sacrificed. Would like to see the proposed COVID-19 monument erected adjacent to the prior monument attesting failure, the VVM Wall, to serve as symbolic bookends, as a further tribute to that ill-served generation of Americans.

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