Former Senator Claire McCaskill and The Bulwark Editor-at-Large Charlie Sykes discuss the many states pushing voting restrictions and how these measures could impact future elections. Aired on 04/07/2021.
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What Worries Charlie Sykes Is The Willingness Of GOP ‘To Throw Out The Popular Vote’ | Deadline
If they can’t cheat they can’t compete.
@Moe Zura Google “projection”.
@srgreeniii yes you do.
@Moe Zura
They’re willing to drag this country into their Bolshevik Abyss
@Moe Zura are you looking in the mirror you Trump puppet.
The popular vote should be the only vote
@Gary Campbell Fear and demagoguery won’t help them. Besides, their voice is already oversized in our government over other citizens in metropolitan areas (“one country, indivisible”, remember?), due the nature of the Senate and the Electoral College. I’m not sympathetic to one side losing their unfair systemic advantage. I guess the only thing left to do is cheat if you are unwilling to admit honest defeat.
@Rich Sackett : Our voice is already oversized ? WOW ! California gets 55 votes and we here in Indiana get 11 because of population. How in the world are we oversized ?
@Gary Campbell This is the germ of the problem: Republicans’ inability to stay on topic and exclude irrelevant information. I said nothing about the House, rather referenced the Senate, where the 40M of CA have the same representation as 6.75M Hoosiers. Dumb or sneaky – can’t decide.
FWIW, I’ve lived in IN the last 15 years. Your “we” also includes me.
@Rich Sackett : Go back and retake 5th grade social studies, which I taught for 9 years before switching to middle school math. Every state get 2 senators so that no one state is more important than another, whether you are mostly urban or rural. We are the united STATES of america. Also, do you know that 31 states have 10 or fewer votes, and 9 of those have 5 or fewer ? Now with numbers like that, what are dems complaining about ?
@Gary Campbell That explains why so many Hoosiers are so clueless and stupid about math and civics. Good job. You’re mediocre like Trump. That explains a lot.
It’s truly insane that anyone must wait longer than 10 minutes to vote. How come this is normal in the US? I thought that the US was meant to be a democracy, where I come from voting is compulsory and nobody waits more than 10 minutes when the entire electorate votes.
@James Ricker agreed. To me I cannot understand them never realizing,the time and energy they spend lying, stealing and cheating could be used to hear and meet the needs of the people whose votes they need. So the needs of the tax payers funding the lifestyle they’ve become so comfortable living is not as important as them getting what they want. The guy they’re following won’t even pay taxes. He openly admitted he’s fond of spending other people’s money. Sheesh. How stupid do they think we are ?
Georgians will be forbidden to receive food or water near a polling booth, Australians get free hotdogs.
pretty much no.
@rhonda drop But then they’d have to go against their own craven self interests, as they see them, long enough to make anyone else think they’re on their side… *Much* easier to just be the anti democratic party of racism and lunatic conspiracy fiends who insist the pandemic is a made up excuse for control but are too busy mouth breathing over talking points of their deep dive in that rabit hole to consider open attacks on democracy anything but a distraction from the “real” agenda… Smh. Not that more and more of the morons from column B aren’t getting themselves elected along with the conmen from column A.
@brin Joness Democracy Sausages aren’t free, but all money raised goes to charity
It’s the only play they have left… Expect things to get dirty…
Dirty? Expect democracy to be criminalized.
Or expect people to go to prison.
Or expect people to take up arms to protect American democracy. Next, you will hear about shootings at the polls!! Downward spiral due to Republican ineptness & criminal desires!!!
@Ric Szala I am just thankful every day that I live in CALIFORNIA, where we make it easy for EVERYBODY to vote. Hey Red states: your racism is showing & we don’t have our heads stuck in the sand anymore! & hey there Colorado!
Way to capitalize on Georgia’s mistakes!
There is nothing more unpatriotic and Un-American than the GOP.
@Morbidly Oppressed who? Trump? Wouldnt surprise me. He said he could execute someone on 5th Avenue and no one would care
@420KinK Burn Loot Murder. Trump doesn’t have a face tattoo or BLaMe America for his laziness
@Morbidly Oppressed No he just let 400K Americans die, told them to inject bleach and used his sheep to murder cops and go after his VP what a great guy
@Morbidly Oppressed None. Put the reich wing propaganda down. As soon as you’re done building your gallows, I mean
@1984 THEBEGINING : When since have people been able to vote without proving they can do so legally? That is baseless.
Please don’t believe Donald Trump’s ignorant lies. Yikes.
The Republican party is doing exactly what Hugo Chavez would do.
If these laws were being legislated in any other country, there would be boycotts by countries and international bodies.
It is time to ask, where is the condemnation by countries against these anti-democracy laws being passed in the USA.
Where is the UN, NATO, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CLACS), Council of Europe (CoE), European Union (EU), Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, African Union (AU), Organization of American States (OAS), Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Union of South American Nations, Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), etc etc etc.
Democracy in America is being attacked and dismantled in broad daylight by these laws. It is being watched by everyone and no one is doing anything. The world needs to speak up for Americans.
Doing what authoritarian regimes do: rig elections. The US was created to be a democracy, now one of its parties wants to institute a tyranny.
Has the GOP seized the means of production, and nationalized it, already? I missed that.
Any party with Donald Trump in it . . . shouldn’t be allowed to use the word “integrity”.
Reagan-Republicans vs. Trump-Republicans.
Empathy as well
Taking away the most sacred right any citizen has in a democratic society must just be easier than having popular policies and an actual platform beyond just:
“Be afraid. Be very afraid.”
All the GOP has any more is fear. And they have the gall to call millennials snowflakes!
I still remember in 08 that McConnell told on the news that the republican goal is to make Obama a one term president. They had no policies to demonstrate just stonewall the dems and blame them for being stone walled.
@Eddapults Tab it’s no fun when the rabbits got the gun. You’re so right, they didn’t even attempt to cloak their evil intention. I’ve never understood blind ignorance. So sad. And now out of hatred they’ve destroyed themselves from within. Man that hatred is a monster.
@rhonda drop the sad thing is they haven’t run out of hatred to harness, hold on to your butts, these 4 years are sink or swim in my opinion.
Yes, the country is in a deathmatch with the gQp which has turned its back on Democracy, The US and basic human decency. It will be either them or us.
If these laws were being legislated in any other country, there would be boycotts by countries and international bodies.
It is time to ask, where is the condemnation by countries against these anti-democracy laws being passed in the USA.
Where is the UN, NATO, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CLACS), Council of Europe (CoE), European Union (EU), Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, African Union (AU), Organization of American States (OAS), Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Union of South American Nations, Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), etc etc etc.
Democracy in America is being attacked and dismantled in broad daylight by these laws. It is being watched by everyone and no one is doing anything. The world needs to speak up for Americans.
gQp love it!
I love how Claire of Missouri thinks! She’s a former Senator! The voting restrictions are like Civil Rights era felt in the South. To treat people as not smart enough to go to the polls. It’s just dark.
If these laws were being legislated in any other country, there would be boycotts by countries and international bodies.
It is time to ask, where is the condemnation by countries against these anti-democracy laws being passed in the USA.
Where is the UN, NATO, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CLACS), Council of Europe (CoE), European Union (EU), Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, African Union (AU), Organization of American States (OAS), Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Union of South American Nations, Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), etc etc etc.
Democracy in America is being attacked and dismantled in broad daylight by these laws. It is being watched by everyone and no one is doing anything. The world needs to speak up for Americans.
Soon enough they will legislate that people must guess how many jelly beans in a random bowl before you can vote.
Whites and rural voters get a bowl with between 2 and 10 jelly beans, non-Whites and urban voters get a bowl that is full to the rim.
Of course, the law itself won’t specify race or rural and urban distinctions, because that’s unconstitutional now, but in practice this is what will be done as people reach their turn at the polls.
Good luck!
Sh was a tough as nails prosecutor before that.
Just cannot believe that people picked Hawley over Claire. The mentality of that is mind-boggling.
Those people who lined up for hours to vote THANK YOU from all decent Americans
God bless the voters of Georgia.
@ Barry Davis. Agreed. American Citizens of all races,tax brackets,faiths and yes crossing party lines, thank you. In spite of mail boxes ripped off public streets, sorting machines dismantled,angry ,gun carrying poll watchers with the intention of intimidating voters, register purging and all in the middle of a pandemic,WE THE PEOPLE exercised our Constitutional Right. And WE THE PEOPLE WILL DO IT AGAIN.
what if they voted for Trump?
@Paul Wilson there vote was counted, in the end more voted for the other side.
They are heroes.
And those in the DTGOP call themselves “Patriots”, really?
The whole American system of governance, religion, business, law and even sports survive on corruption. The desire to be rich at any cost drives them blindly.
So so true.
Why work when you can leech off your. Neighbors ?
@Morbidly Oppressed why hoard like a psycho?
Sounds like you’ve been pursuing graduate studies here. For many months.
Best Wishes from Hogtown, Florida.
We saw how the GQP viewed our democratic process on 1/6/21, so voter suppression should come as no surprise.
Ok Karen! After the nervous breakdown you Mooks had in 16’…..the world knows a crybaby when they see it.
@Kareem O’Weet , we did not attack our capital, we were not responsible for 5 deaths, we did not injure over 100 police officers, we did not cause over 30 million dollars in damages, and all to install the fraudster Trump as a dictator. That Kareem was all you MAGA maggots.
It’ll just encourages everyone to vote them out.
We hope so, but the GA law must be challenged in courts. It empowers Republicans in the state legislature to pick Republicans to put in charge of county election offices. Right now the offices are run by 1/2 R & 1/2 D officials. This means if they don’t like that bipartisan leadership, state Republicans can literally do targeted poll closures & DECIDE which votes to throw away, as “unverified”. They can essentially stop Democratic areas from voting & put their votes in the TRASH.
Thank you. I have been saying this for over a week. Voter suppression is a nuisance. Cancelling democracy by overturning elections is the biggest danger. This hateful minority wants to be our dictators.
I agree, but I have been saying it for five years since tR*** p became the nominee. I called it a fascist and suggested back then that the GOP might as well just change their name to the AFP-American Fascist Party.
Oh, yeah? Well, I’ve been saying it for several hours.
And answer in search of a problem. I am glad I live in Colorado. Voting is so easy!
@Jelly Bean2021 : Do you have to show a photo ID with mail in voting ?
@Gary Campbell – it’s a signature match, just like every other state
Oregon has been voting 100% by mail for two decades now. It’s easy and secure.
@Deborah Freedman : And that my friend is why Oregon stays blue.
@Gary Campbell – Oregon is blue because Democrats vote and republikkkans are to lazy to vote.
Making it harder for me to vote only makes me determined to do it. I’ll be damned if a politician gets away with taking away my right to vote. I’ll show’em.
@Paul Wilson One component of some of these laws won’t take away your right to vote, merely your right to have your vote actually count.
@Paul Wilson They are trying to discourage people by making it harder. Democrats barely won. If Republicans they can shave off a combined 50,000 votes in a few key states, Trump would have won.
@Emsley Wyatt bs… you have no idea what you are talking about
@Alexandros Theodorou ya… and?
@Paul Wilson No, you have no idea what I’m talking about. Are you comfortable with the idea of partisan legislators, what would be a good word, I know, canceling YOUR legitimately cast ballot?
They know that most folks know now…so don’t expect them to stop now. Stay safe out there, and vote relentlessly.
What worries Charlie is what worries me too. All the other voting restrictions are bad, but this law allowing the legislature to take control of the election and adjust it how ever they want is the GOP’s fail-safe to make sure what happened in GA in 2020/2021 doesn’t happen again. If this had been the law in AZ, M+NV, MN, MI, PA, and GA this last election, Trump would have been able to successfully steal the election. We can’t let these laws stand. They must be repealed!