The Hill reporter Julia Manchester discusses Trump's impeachment trial and what both sides will argue.
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We’ll all just have to wait and see what cards are being played and who stacked the “DECK” in their favor!!!…Where’s the popcorn?
Why are you putting deck in quotations when you’re the one using the card metaphors.
@Ali Pennington You’d have to be in the “club” to get it. She’s the “Q”ueen of these “jokers”
@Ali Pennington because some know where the hidden ACES are!!! It’s quite obvious to me.
@Suzy McHugh I think its more likely you are a conspiracy theorist who believes they are intelligent… However what you say seems to contradict that.
@Slows that’s only because you forgot about the jokers!!!
Political theatre for the simpletons who haven’t caught on yet.
Isn’t that the truth
Zionists the lot of em’
Slight of hand, distraction so we don’t notice the crazy that Biden is doing. The democrats have the senate, the house, congress, and still Biden feels the need to rule by executive order.
Typo there, should read : Execute Order !
The NYTIMES laid out self incriminating evidence that the Capitol Hill raid and the election were planned exactly the way they went.
Yep, they followed up after the Times put out a similar piece. It’s because they know everything will be massively exposed soon and they are trying to get ahead of the story.
NY times covering their but ahead of time
Look Everyone.. Face IT and Move ON.. Democracy IS “S*****D”.. NOTHING to Report HERE.. The United Nations, SAID SO..
@NoTimeLikeThePresent Does it matter? What is anyone going to do at this point. The Dems are in power and they’ll make sure anyone that helped them are protected.
@P. Upson Agreed but I’m still going to do my best to expose it where I can. Morally I feel I must, even if the outcome is negligible…
Time magazine had a story where they admitted some interesting facts about the 2020 election
@Andrew Point is, they’re not on Trump’s side and had to admit certain things.
@Sean L That or be misinterpreted and that seems to be a major issue with society right now.
They may as well just say they flipped 10 mill votes. Not like anyone would do anything about it.
@Slows hahahahahaha
@Slows that’s delusional talk
“Go down to the Capitol “. Why did this reporter leave out “peacefully and patriotically ” .? It a rhetorical question
@Bale Bond Because he thinks Bernie is cool…
Slows it’s interesting how YOU interpret ” peacefully and patriotically ” , one way…but the word “fight” , another…I get it, you hate trump…but try and take a step back and see the big picture……and FYI: the fbi and the Capitol police have evidence that the storming of the Capitol was planned weeks prior to his speech….
@Slows You couldn’t be more of a deluded ideologue with that statement…
Go home.
@Slows “I would say”
We clicked guys … thats all they want dont waste your time here.
We clicked. We disliked. Our job here is done.
Block from recommended
We all just commented as well….
@Tom S well… we need our outrage known lol
Yeah, but don’t forget to downvote
Ronald Reagan was 100% right on about modern day “liberalism”.
It’s not that they know nothing, what they know is wrong…. I can’t remember the exact quote, but that’s the gist of it.
Anyone read the Time article essentially confirming Trump’s claims of conspiracy during the election? Why would you secretly recruit poll workers if you weren’t doing anything unscrupulous?
Mail in ballots are such a great idea
Came to see the ratio, wasn’t dissappinted
Do you mean the bias?
Love it, every time
So popular he needed it fortified.
Dayum. Shoulderpads are back!
What’s the point of publishing a one sided argument?
It’s like a sick dream and we can’t wake up!
Sounds like distraction and misfocusing.
Don’t talk about election fraud Or you will be cancelled ….so says Beijing Biden
So glad they fortified the election.
Looking forwards to Canada’s election being fortified in a similar manner.
Nancy Pelosi needs to pay her $ fine FOR BREACHING her own metal detector BEFORE the impeachment can begin !!
How about you report on Justin’s incompetence for a change?
So this is the democrats way of “uniting the country”
. I think they’re running scared and rightfully so!