What we know about the political turmoil in Haiti | President Moise assassinated

Akshay Tandon has the latest on the political uncertainty and risk of violence in Haiti, after President Jovenel Moise was assassinated.

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What we know about the political turmoil in Haiti | President Moise assassinated


    1. I hope the clintons paid dearly one day for what they did to your country. My heart goes out to each and everyone of you. I hope this is what will bring out what the clintons did to your country hoping it’s a big backfire all the info comes out

    1. I basically look at it as a ‘hey look over here’ type of distraction..Whenever they’re drawing you someplace you have to do the opposite or think the opposite

  1. Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with him declining any of the coof shots for Haiti….

  2. Sounds like a CIA Hit. Its not like it never happen before, America has done this in many many countries.

  3. All the politicians calling it an ‘appalling’ or ‘abhorent’ act (which is true) are such hypocrites after what they’re all doing to their own countries so that they can have total control and depopulate the masses!

  4. Well they are calling it an assassination, not a suicide, so it probably wasn’t the Clintons this time.

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