CNN's Don Lemon talks with a panel of experts about the arguments from President Trump's lawyers during the Senate impeachment trial. #CNN #News
What Trump’s defense team left out of their impeachment defense

CNN's Don Lemon talks with a panel of experts about the arguments from President Trump's lawyers during the Senate impeachment trial. #CNN #News
Bob Barker, what do we have for em’ today, huh?
@Individual 1 after Our President TRUMP is NOT removed from Office and IS REELECTED in November , will CNN / MSNBC please fold up their
Circus Tents , take their ” journalists ” and Hollywood Clowns 
& relocate their ” news ” to Cuba or Venezuela ?? 
@American Nacirema
No matter how hard you try, I won’t take the bait.
@lelennyfox34 But you already did tampon.
@three monkeys It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat or not, you may as well be since you’re repeating their talking points. And since you’re looking in from the real world and you like pointing out truth, let me share some with you. Under President Trump, the US is strongest nation in the world, with by far the fastest growing economy and unquestionably the world’s best military (ask those cowards al-Baghdadi and Qasem Soleimani if you don’t believe me) and we’re only going to get better. We’re good over here
I can’t wait for CNN election night 2020
@AWretchLikeThee I know no such thing and you’re worried too, it you would be over at FOX Entertainment letting them stuff your head full of lies
@Michelle Neville that’s why Trump will win again, obviously?
Liberal tears will be flowing.Get out your row boats.
TRUMP 2020
Trump can’t investigate this pediphile but they can harass our president for a full term
Just here to remind everyone CNN had to pay the Covington kids $275 million
+MyCatDeacon How much did Trump pay out to the TU “students”? How about his bankruptcy folks? How about the veterans?
@VentusLoire Yet here you are wasting your time. Idiot.
So you are okay with CNN trying attacking a innocent child ?
Creepy Lemon voice!!
It’s Curtis,
Gotta agree with you on that one. I made a comment a couple months ago, wondering why he talks that way. Is he trying to be sexy? Should we expect him to start licking his lips soon?
Alan “I kept my clothes on.” Doucheowitz.
@just enough please do don’t do this. Please don’t i am begging you.
@Kevin NYC
Where’s the “conspiracy” here, Kevin? Please explain.
@just enough oh
Use your thinking cap
Dershowitz: “And if you pay me enough, I will contradict myself contradicting my earlier self again.”
Too dam funny
And im NOT going to be wrong, ill just be even more right then when i was more right then before.
I think you have left out one of the contradictions, and the best one at that…
Dersh : “never listen to any lawyer younger that 70… they’ll change their mind, around 70, after they study more”
They change their mind when convenient
Well, then you don’t have to worry about ANYTHING since you’ve never been able to pick up a book in your life
“…after they think everyone has forgotten what they said 20 years ago…”
Or go senile.
I hear the argument from the defense that the Founding Fathers didn’t want a president to be impeached unless they broke a law. First, I believe that argument was pulled straight from the horses rear end, and second, the Founders were guided by something else long before the current legal system was created, and that is Principles. If Trump has any principles, and I am far from certain that he does, it seems to be simply this:
”I win.”
That is a *terrible* guiding principle for a President of the United States.
nah, dufus, ….Dersh even cited his sources……mostly Federalist Papers……….pay better attention next time!…….lol
@that wasn’t.chicken keep trying, snowflake…
eurosalamander do you Pam bondie took a bride from the trump to drop the case against trump university
Dershowutz reminds me of “weird Al Yankowitz” or the character from “Young Frankenstein”
you must be a fan of FAKE NEWS cnn’s HOUSE EUNUCH stelter
L I wonder what people think of you
Keep on coming… I love comedy..,laughing all the way! And no, I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. Proud to be an independent!!!
Dave Cooke …..I guess guys must like me, cause I’m constantly turning them down
…I like being own, so I don’t care what you think cause I not interested…
L Lol if guys liked you that much you’d most likely be married. Nice try though
Guliani must going completely beserk on being called a minor player


I love to see a reporter asking him about this
I’m sure he will directly prove they are wrong
Please ask Gulianie how he feels about being referred as a minor player??
Can’t wait for his reaction

for sure he goes berserk and will scream some incriminating info by trying to prove he was Trump’s first 

Please do
please do 

he will put his phone out and show some messages that prove he wasnt minor haha
@Adi-LMNOP says the biggest loser. BLAHAHAHAHA
Before his “Upgrade”

Don was petty but is was savagely good 

Smell my fingers good.
Nancy Pelosi says “hic”.
Today the narrative should be where were you when Russia annexed the United States.?
Trump envy’s Russian Oligarchs
bob said ,hey CNN hold my WATER 
CNN ok but I may DRINK it !
Then CNN dies from a bad infection due to a
that came from Sponge Bob and they drank it all up, just like they’re doing with these lies.
Naked JayBird that’s right, they’ve poisoned the media and have everyone suffering from a lack of a oxygen to the brain, brain apoxia, sound familiar?Bunch of stupid hypocrites wanting to seek justice but for the wrong side/reasons. They’re trying to find evidence when they don’t have any. It’s their job to already have it and present it before the Senate, not try and find it during a “trial”.
Great pivot by chomo alan “ my underwear stayed on” dershowitz
C W -pivot alright, when the old fart doesn’t even wear underwear! at all!
“If ever the time should come, when vain & aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”—Samuel Adams
DC CXI ……………… Get lost, loser . Now go and piffle with your fascist butt-buddies . #Maquis will be patiently waiting .
@Ronald Soriano was it a good READ?
Thank you president Trump for being our “experienced patriot” against the “vain and aspiring”

So many idiot’s and dumb mean people on YouTube
Obumma must be deported back to kenya when he came from
“No evidence” my wrinkly bum. Guilliani has a truck full of it.
Andrew Hardy

I’ll riot for you now and forever #trump. Even if I’m the only one. #barron TRUMP. #ivanka thank you very much.
Dershowitz: “The framers did intend to limit the criteria for impeachment to criminal-type acts akin to treason, bribery …”
Impeachment article one: “Trump abused his power in a criminal-type act akin to bribery.”
Fact checker from cnn

@Jay Boh John Kerry’s son will also soon be under scrutiny
@Jay Boh Both of them on the board of Burisma Holdings the most corrupt company in Ukraine. How can you just ignore that?
@Jay Boh The fact that Hunter was working with Burisma is more than enough to justify an investigation
@Jay Boh Just because youre a democrat doesn’t mean you get a free pass on breaking the law. But it seems that dems have been pushing the limits of the constitution. Bordering on treason and sedition by definition. The impeachment process itself was poorly undertaken and will end up with poor results.
Thien Le your rationale is irrational. Lay off the drugs. Cnn is fake news.
I’m guessing they have some pretty compromising photos of Dershowitz.
Ah, Pam “The only thing bigger than my corruption – is my other corruption” Bondi.