1. “I like former presidents who don’t get their mugshot taken.”

    – John McCain from the grave 😆

    1. @Jamie Stewart but he sure is milking his supporters for t-shirts with his fake mugshot.

      Oh yeah and think of how small those fingerprints were.

    2. @kay armstrong Show me the law books that teach that a ham sandwich can be indicted. I’ll be waiting.

    1. The best part is once he’s proven innocent again he’s still gonna live in your heads rent free and he’s still gonna run in 2024

  2. Where is Melania?
    She must be wearing her jacket that reads: “I don’t care. Do you?”

    1. She probably doesn’t care. When he was sticking it to Stormy he was leaving her alone to shop. Win/Win 😂

  3. You want him treated like any other American?!?!?! ANY OTHER AMERICAN would have been in prison months ago, if not years.

    1. @Jose Robles No one’s above the law.
      We both know that doesn’t apply to the Clintons.
      And given time we’ll find out that applies to the Bidens also

  4. You can clearly tell those who spoke with calm rational linguistics are not part of the cult.

    1. @Masterboytothemax people over educate themselfs with politics ever since it became popculture, then get bigheaded thinking they know whats best for someone on the other side, then start yelling about how wrong they are, just vote for your self and the bills and policys they bring, dont vote based on anything elce

  5. Will they have to color adjust the camera for a photo of an orange face in an orange jumpsuit one day? Just asking…

    1. He will never see the inside of a jail cell! Worst he will get is house arrest.. After Jack and Fani convict him..

  6. My opinion is this. Do these people not have anything better to do? All NY was doing was a routine arraignment. I don’t get what was so interesting about it that it led people to stand outside the court and show support for or against Trump. Americans treat politicians and politics like sports now, where they have to root for or against someone. Regardless if you support this indictment or not, everyone should agree that the coverage on the news where Trump’s every little move was televised was silly.

    1. It was unprecedented and important, gratifying and got huge ratings.

  7. Well that’s the thing isn’t it, he’s not being treated like anyone else. He’s used his money his power and connections to avoid being treated like everyone else

  8. We have more rich folks and politicians who should go through the same experience like Trump.

    1. @Harold President Trump gave us Energy Independence, a Great Economy, No New Wars and Secure Borders. Trump 2024

  9. When smart people or those who pretend to be smart act as if they were part of a cult. This is always been dangerous and will continue to be dangerous to everyone else around them

  10. “We just want him to be treated like any other American”… Ok, put the damn cuffs on him then 😂

    1. ​@kay armstrong Because that’s how mere mortals are treated. Where have you been in the last century?

    1. That link is super intresting more intresting then the trial. Tbh I would rather watch that thank you for curing my depression

  11. “We should treat ex-presidents with respect.” Above the law. What you mean is they shouldn’t get in trouble like us, AKA they should be above the law. No.

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