The daughter of a Trump supporter who died from coronavirus tells CNN's Don Lemon what she talked about with her father right before he went to the hospital.
#CNN #News
What Trump supporter told his daughter before dying from virus

The daughter of a Trump supporter who died from coronavirus tells CNN's Don Lemon what she talked about with her father right before he went to the hospital.
#CNN #News
So sad 💔 Condolences to the family 🌹 Vote as if your life depends on it …. because it does 💙🇺🇲💙
@Hawks Fan so then moron explain why east and western Asians have a higher average income than whites.
@Mitch Wilson trump is destroying the USA get it right
TheLuxGuy 2018 💯
cjp look at almost any collage and see how “high” the Asian population is at the college
Mitch Wilson most voted for him, look what happened.
Maybe if Trump got it then we could say he is no body
@Cookie Monster what does that make fox then
@Mike Smith that’s fox
@Mike Smith that’s fox
Trump won’t get it, Trump knows HCQ works! This is so SAD, making her Father’s death POLITICAL! This far left radical, Kristin Urquiza’s primary mission on this planet since she was nine years old: to protect Mother Earth! She is a strong believer that emissions resulting from human activities are substantially increasing greenhouse gases, warming the Earth! Trying to use your dad’s death to tug on the heart strings of Americans just to change a vote to the far far left Democrats is absolutely disgusting! She is blaming Trump for her dad’s decision? Your dad was a Grown man who decided to go out to a karaoke bar when he could check on case numbers in the city, county, and area to make an informed decision to go out or not. He was 65, an older, obese person which falls under high risk category. Trump told us all that, he did not say I want you to go to a karaoke bar! MSM keeps saying DIED FROM covid. There are NO FACTS to support this, America no longer believes your BS!
@American Patriot… really!? Muck, of all definitions …??
You’re not kidding, right?
d.t., he’s “muck”, (for refraining from using better descriptive words, to what I’d really like to describe of him, this fits), he is worse.
The country still getting thousands cases per day
Big story right now should be, they had almost 100k cases a few days ago. US is holding steady 38k per day. These two countries record more cases than the rest of the world combined. I understand that India and US test a lot, I’m just saying, cases and positive rates are still up there.
India will definitely surpass US in bad ways, given enough time.
Nancy Pelosi realy trying to kill off these anti-American Communist libtards..I can’t blame her
@Mike Smith 👈 Triggered Magaturd troll farm poser spreading lies and propaganda exposed 💩😬💩
@steve222010 Australia
1000 DEATHS a day
How many more grim milestones will there be? I shudder at the thought.
Gates was on the island, visited Epstein’s mansion many times, not a true philanthropist. Be skeptical about the vaccine, alternative therapeutics are an alternative to forced vaccinations, legally.
Well the media is not your friend according to CNN head
Also Cuomo
These people.
CNN head Zucker offered Trump debate advice, floated ‘weekly show,’ leaked 2016 Cohen call reveals
CNN chief Jeff Zucker is heard praising Donald Trump, calling him “The Boss,” in a conversation with ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. Shockingly, he goes on to give Cohen political advice in how Trump should get through the CNN debate in 2016.
Just remember who is “the boss” – this is where you get your information ℹ️
Also, 🤔 Hillary bought out the DNC but an investigation and non stop slander for trump. What are they hiding? How about all of those smashed and deleted cell phones 😝
You WANNABE thugs !
——————- I provide facts not fodder like you———
(FYI we see you all as weak jokes, because you willingly flipped all of your beliefs to blindly follow the democratic regime 🤦♂️) !!!!!
Hillary Clinton colluded with major news networks to create a narrative for the 2016 election (links below)
1. Clinton Staff hosts private “off-the-record cocktail party” with 38 “influential” reporters, journalists, editors, and anchors (from 16 different mainstream media outlets including CNN, NBC, CBS, NYT, MSNBC, & more) with the stated goal of “framing the race.”
2. Donna Brazile (CNN contributor at the time, and current DNC Chairman now) leaked CNN town hall questions to Hillary Clinton’s staff prior to the debate.
3. Clinton campaign and the New York Times coordinating attack strategy against Trump
4. Glen Thrush, POLITICO’s chief political correspondent and senior staff writer for POLITICO Magazine, sends John Podesta an article for his approval. Writes: “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this. Tell me if I fucked up anything.”
5. Huffington Post contributor Frank Islam writes to John Podesta in an email titled “My blogs in the Huffington Post”, says “I am committed to make sure she is elected the next president.” “Please let me know if I can be of any service to you.”
6. Clinton staffer “Placing a story” with Politico / New York Times: “place a story with a friendly journalist” “we have a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico” “we should shape likely leaks in the best light for HRC.”
7. John Podesta receiving drafts of New York Times articles before they’re published.
Clinton staff “placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper).”
More media collusion: NYT and AP “helpful” to Clinton campaign.
8. Clinton staff colluding with New York Times and Wall Street Journal to paint Hillary’s economic policies in a “progressive” light.
9. CNBC panelist colluding with John Podesta on what to ask Trump when he calls in for an interview.
10. Clinton staff appearing to control the release times of Associated Press articles.
🇺🇸 🕊💪🙅♂️
Bill Clinton Inc.
I left your (communist) sourcing- snopes on there so you can see how irrefutable it is.
DLA Piper is a multinational law firm that says it has 30 years of experience in China, with more than 140 attorneys dedicated to its “China Investment Services” branch.
Douglas Emhoff, Vice-Presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ husband, has served as a partner in DLA Piper’s Intellectual Property and Technology practice and its Media, Sport, and Entertainment sector since 2017.
The firm says it has “long-established and embedded ‘China Desks’ in both the U.S. and Europe” to assist China-focused consulting, among other initiatives.
DLA also employs a bevy of former Chinese Communist Party officials, and has received countless prestigious awards from Chinese business and law groups.
Why do you guys love China so much?
Stop critical race theory
White privilege training by the FBI
What does the black lives matter movement actually stand for ? Look at the website.
China Struggle sessions look familiar?
A struggle session was a form of public humiliation and torture that was used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at various times in the Mao era, particularly years immediately before and after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and during the Cultural Revolution. The aim of a struggle session was to shape public opinion and humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and those deemed class enemies. 🎭
New milestone! The cases are found to be 10x more prevalent bringing the fatality rate to .04%……
THE ANGRY QUAD and? What is your point troll
The communist regime in Russia constantly denied famine, and rejected any help from the outside as “offensive”.
It is a fact, that there literally was enough food to feed everyone. But what happened was, first, the most productive farmers were killed. And then tons upon tons of corn was stolen and stored in huge silos far away from the people who were starving, while the upper elite, was having a great time with the finest of the finest meals. This corn was allowed to rotten, rather than help the starving population.
…of course it goes on from there with atrocities beyond belief. For example – let’s NOT talk about what these communists did to chrisitians.
And it all started the very same way that Burn, Loot, Murder is doing now. With paid riots, abolishment of police, hard core criminals were let out of prison to increase crime, christians were arrested for being christians. And so on.
Now… Why would you want the same to happen in the US?
Why would you vote for *_democrats who are openly communists?_*
Communism slaughtered more than 100 million people in its name, and it constributed with nothing. It is the most deadly ideology in history.
The Covid Virus is now ravaging the Midwest – Trump Land.
He never gives a sincere response to the families of those who have passed away. How heartless!
No heart soul…just a empty soul anyone” trump “who say’s he never done anything to ask for forgiveness from God that blew my mind !!! and these so-called religious people think God sent trump to save America.
@Toni Ortiz the Bible warns of a false prophet the “little horn” who will lead the faithful astray.
You can’t give what you don’t have; 45 has no heart!
@Truthful4ever This man has no soul
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” ~ Voltaire
Question for regular people (that disqualifies ANY Trump Cult Member): Why does Trump HATE and DEMONIZE Antifa??? (Trumpturds are NOT welcome to comment to me personally. I will report them for harassment because we all know they are here ONLY to spread the Trump Gospel of LIES and HATE. It’s pure harassment.)
@Phinneas Bluster …WHOOP! There it is!!!
@MrSparklespring …This chaos started with Bam Bam. !Stand your ground! while addressing the rioters in Ferguson Mo. Also…I lost my home because of Bam Bam care! I was paying deductions of $55 a week for my medical insurance before Bam Bam care and $155 a week after 8 years of Bam Bam care! But hey!!! somebody had to pay for it…right?
So many dumb maga posting🙄
Elias Ziad you sir have the brain of a paramecium if you believe all that. Elmo 2020!
Creepy VP “Pointless” Pence, aka Nazi Sgt. Schultz: “I know nothing!”
I can’t decide who’s more creepy pence or steven miller yikes they are what nightmares are made of.
Bullshite troll all lies before you come for Senator Harris she has many…many…supporters who respect her and she doesn’t have to clarify if she’s Black, White, Indian , Latino I wouldn’t care if she’s green we have a orange slimeball in the Whitehouse now so what trump has set the bar so low for President..Bozo the clown should run, I am so happy trump called Senator Harris a nasty woman ,because there are plenty of nasty women going to vote November 3…Vote…Vote Kamala Harris V.P. our time is now burn this establishment down.
@Yaya’s Playhouse- “Yeah cuz Pence knows so much that he don’t even know if he’s a man or a mamma’s boy. Oh, that’s right, he’s whatever psycho tRump wants him to be for the evangelical votes!! THERE ARE NO GOOD REASONS TO VOTE FOR PSYCHO TRUMP.”
Martha Raddatz: And they wanted more security there. ( on Benghazi)
Joe Biden: “We did not know they wanted more security” ( yeah sure….)
@Briza Ac GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON TO VOTE FOR DEMENTIA, RACIST PERVERT BIDEN AND IT CANT BE ABOUT TRUMP OR THE VIRUS?? You do nothing but listen to CNN lies and believe it your a brainwashed sheep that needs to WAKEUP!! Trump has done more for this country then ANY President and he even made peace for Israel that even CNN had to give him credit for that!! Learn Facts!! Dems don’t like Trump because he can’t be bought to LIE!! Like Biden and Harris that was calling Biden racist not even 6 months ago but now they been family since she was a little girl smh!! Harris is a chameleon she is whatever race and lies she needs votes for!!! I rather have a respectful momma boy then HARRIS!! Dems are so weak that they are trying to pay off fines for ex criminals that TRUMP released to get their votes, rig mail in votes and making lies about the virus…disgusting and pandering Dems!! You talk about Pence doing whatever Trump says I rather have a VP that listens to the PRESIDENT then BIDEN that has to be told what to do by crazy far left DEMS, he can’t remember where he is half the time, has to have pre recorded questions and a teleprompter, can’t even get his words out (actually I feel bad for him) and his son is knee deep in China and buys $ex trafficking women… yeah that going to be a wonderful PRESIDENT and first family!! Sleepy Joe hasn’t done NOTHING for America for 50 years and still has nothing to offer and him and Obama made America worse!!! Wake up!!
Fox News Poll: Biden-Trump a 5-point race in post-convention poll. Even Fox Polls show Biden with a 5 point lead!!
@Robert J. Williamson what are your sources??
@cronemagic – The Atlantic via a Trump aid. The constitution allows the President to throw out a close vote and have the governor pick the winner via the electoral college.
They plan to do this and the close states are Republican. So he will win. He doesn’t need to win even close to a majority.
They already have this plan in action. If he loses the vote they win this way.
@Robert J. Williamson women and young people are poised to vote in record numbers. One blue landslide coming through!
@MERLE JONES I ONLY mention polls to counterattack Trumpturds that troll here and write “MAGA TRUMP 2020.
@Robert J. Williamson Trump rigging and abusing any system in order to win has been my #1 worry since the day he became our Fascist Dictator, though at that time I wasn’t aware of just how Fascist he is. I hope you are totally wrong so I don’t go into deep depression and mania.
Americans need to start suing this man and any other unconstitutional official politician…
@D H Nope, they are mostly just normal, boring people wanting to get by and to help others if they can, but Trump supporters are either stupid, evil, or both, and beyond any redemption short of personal epiphany, or two to the chest and one to the head.
@Leonie Romanes Sure “Leonie”…and you’ve been Thunderstuck –
Lock up Don Lemon!
Don Lemon said the quiet part out loud, saying we’re going to have to “blow up the entire system”
@Grace Truth Boo f*cking hoo, go cry about it.
chaging1…Like! all of them?
We are a society of “ better them than me”…. therefore, supporters of Drumpf are totally fine with calling these deaths fake. Another person’s problem. There is so much division, so much hate. So much strife. And the saddest things is, it’s all been manufactured, and created to subvert our republic by those who profit from our divisions.
@Yaya’s Playhouse So you are a nurse. This post shows that not all nurses are to be admired. Yikes, what a rambling nonsense.
TLS Music Production why r u using names like “Drumpf” while typing about divisions? Does generalizing everyone against u as a supporter of ur opponent further peace & harmony? Some people support the policies, not the man, or they’re just against abortion or schools teaching that kids can choose their gender, stuff like that. Not everyone is necessarily in some cult w/“the big bad orange devil”. If ur gonna preach, omit name-calling.
Sh___ B______ you know what, you are very correct. That is a term i will no longer use. Thank you for pointing that out. I appreciate your honesty
TLS Music Production cool, & likewise, sincerely
@Yaya’s Playhouse AntiChrist Trump IS President NOT Biden and NOT a Democrat; BUT a republican. Woodrow HAS the trumpet of Satan on tape admitting how DANGEROUS this VIRUS IS. Understand that trump will turn on ALL who oppose him. Christians Will be demonized and then hunted.
Well,those who put this manin power kind of signed their own death warrant.
Martha Raddatz: And they wanted more security there. ( on Benghazi)
Joe Biden: “We did not know they wanted more security” ( yeah sure….)
@Joy Phillips Go to hell this young lady father passed and you talk about a dam security
@Joy Phillips There’s your logic a trump idiot that has not a clue or understanding the pain of the people suffering.
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups”. – George Carlin
@Scott Allen 13 Biden Gaffes Of All Time
Hunter Biden’s white privilege
Joe, have you spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings
RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets
Joe Biden’s lies are legendary.
Yeah, they are burning our country city by city right now. Damn shame isn’t it.
@hugh jorgan rapists republicans not allowed on democratic comment section
@Powder Chills, lol, I could find more gaffes from Trump easily.
A CNN convention? Oh wait, they can’t pull a thousand and neither can Biden.
I feel so bad for your FATHER rest in peace.
there ISnodeadlyVIRUS
I don’t like Biden I don’t like trump I don’t like neither of them
@Jr Master okay ?
She was paid to lie about this. Are you that gullible?
@LKD06 “its deadly, more deadly than your strenuous flu”. “I still like to play it down”.
Donald trump.
I’m so sorry for her loss. I think everyone in America has suffered a loss, we all need to pray for our Nation
@Hammi boiii “Infant prayer” can at best make someone better. As far as being a solution, a plan or a strategy for anything is ridiculous. I am not against people praying for their own personal needs, I have a problem pretending like that is a solution or for expecting me to pretend it. When you do that, you renounce all responsibility.
You said that you hope gor God to “guide me”, I hope that logic, reason, skepticicsm and critical thinking will guide you, because this is the only “reliable” thing I know that can actually keep and your loved ones save.
@trkrla 51 Not blaming theists for the virus, I am only criticizing the ridiculous idea that prayer is a plan, a solution or a strategy for anything. Total failure.
Veganpotter Thevegan Go yell at your real students! Punctuation is useless on here especially when you’re a jerk!
Veganpotter Thevegan voting doesn’t work. Watch Adam ruins everything. The Candidates are chosen for us. Democracy is an illusion.
Fake News , vote Trump
When will the media start calling for his arrest and prosecution of this corrupt and criminal administration.
Over 200k and they are still playing this balancing act of who would be a better president.
The biggest sin of people is their greed. Thanks media, let’s say goodbye to our democracy.
What in the hell is going on in the minds of people who choose Republicans?! It’s beyond bizrarre.
Well democrats ain’t helping
Dems want us to be a third world country
Republicans have jobs
Great question. I just can’t wrap my head around it.
Republicans are extremely desperate, and scrared of a changing country, so they voted for the first con man who said he could return america to some great era that never even existed. Deep down they know they are losing, and that even 5 trump terms wont be enough, everything republicans have allowed trump to get away with is going to come back on them ten fold either in 2021 or 2024 they opened a Pandora’s box by electing trump, they thought obama was liberal they havent even seen liberal compared to whats coming.
Ivan Drago: “If he dies, he dies.”
Donald Trump: “It is what it is.”
Truer words have never been spoken.
The Latest Senate Report EXPOSED Just How Corrupt Bidens Really Are
@Tips and Tricks no he want think twice. Trump doesn’t care about your life, my life, not even about his own blood brother according to his niece who said he was at the movie when his brother was in the hospital dying
If Trump were to die today, from either COVID19 or assassination, I would say: “It is what it is.”
Oh, better yet, I’d invite all my neighbors to a block party.
I never thought I would ever talk like this, however, if it were Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, I’d say the same.
For the sake of the well being of all people, he must simply go away completely.
The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to such a pass that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love, and in order to occupy and distract himself without love he gives way to passions and coarse pleasures, and sinks to bestiality in his vices, all from continual lying to other men and to himself.”
― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
Mark David such a good book!!!!!!!!
I wish I could make that Trumps epitaph
She is right.And all Trump say China,China so what a lots of bad things start from somewhere but it up to you to STOP it!!But a draft dodger wouldn’t know to win in defense.
Have you been to war?
You will see war! trump is on a headcollision whit China and he has the footbal this man is dangerous !
Trump has done more to stop it that all of the democrat mayors and governors combined….. and it is VERY FUNNY that democrats are blaming Trump rather than China for this crap that the whole country is in…. HOW DUMB ARE YOU?
it’s also up to them to alert the world of it not with hold back information for months.