As criticism stacks up against his coronavirus response, Trump and his allies are now accusing Obama of unspecified 'crimes' in a blatant conspiracy theory the president, FOX News, and his allies are calling 'Obamagate.' Tim Miller joins to thoroughly debunk it. Aired on 05/14/2020.
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What Trump Calls 'Obamagate' Is Really A Bogus Conspiracy Theory | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
“ No more Mr. Nice Guy “ really means : “ Forget the nonsense Human Decencies and let’s win the election whatever it takes!”
“You know what the crime is. The crime is very obvious to everybody.” Really??? The only crime I see that’s obvious is that we have put a full-blown raging psychotic into the Office of the Presidency.
Wado Waleli I’m replying to Hal Gerberg, not you. Read my post more carefully please.
@Jesse James whats your point? A crime was still committed whether or not he should have been general!
@WynMills1 they didn’t investigate the incident, they investigated the trump campaign. There was probable cause to investigate the fact that russia hacked the conventions but not that trump told them to do it. There is even reason to believe that russia wanted Hillary to win
@Jesse James that was his collusion? Stop blaming Hillary’s crime on trump!!
@WynMills1 My bad, Wyn– I somehow missed the “@” tag. Carry on!
Funny how this came out when talk of his taxes being released have resurfaced.
@Hunter is totally triggered by the threat of Trump’s taxes being released
Sorry low info. This came out because Progressive news made it their job to unveil you selfish, moronic Dem neolib centrists. Deal with it.
@Alexa M Unveiling and unmasking. So much transparency from the current Administration. And still he hasn’t released any taxes. Promises made, promises broken.
What is he hiding?
Fndr R Like Has Obama 57% of the true Americans is tired of Trumps incompetence he’s unfit for office and the whole world knows it all including you people
If I had a dollar for every time Trump tried to blame or accuse Obama for his faults, I’d be a millionaire.
If you made 50 cents everytime you’d still be a millionaire.
For a 6 week period starting around the end of March trump congratulated himself over 600 times and blamed others over 100 times. In the last week it’s been nothing but his fake Obamagate mantra. trump needs to be removed permanently. His hateful lies and disinformation is worse than the virus.
But y’all blame Obama for the booming economy lmao. So I guess the good things you can blame obama, just not the mess he left behind. How to be a democrat 101
He knows his daughters voting machines will give him the presidency
I Blame The Old Losers Mueller, Hiding All The Evidences Cause Of Payoffs, I Heard He Got 4 Millions
“Obamagate, it’s terrible, never should’ve happened, you know what’s going on, I can’t tell you it’s a secret!”
Trump and his boy mitch Lindsey and the rest of Republicans who support him need to be gone asap they are destroying America.
Trump supporters need to be gone across that Bering Strait!
Democrats and their puppet media are the real people destroying America.
Not at all!
@T M Please explain how the Democrat’s have destroyed America? I’ll wait. Oh and it wasn’t Democrat’s who killed 90,000 American’s, Trump’s incompetence did.
@T M keep watching FOX bro you don’t belong here
Now Obama definitely living rent free in Trump’s head!!! LMAO. Seriously, grasping at straws !!!!!!!!!!
“What crimes were they”
“Word salad”
*gets mad at the reporter because he can’t accurately report the nonsense the president is saying*
He literally asked what he did and all he said was we know. if we know, you can remind me. How can they be honest about something with no details or evidence?
The point is that the message wasn’t for ‘us’ the people who can obviously tell he’s trying to manipulate. It’s for people who already believe the Democrats are up to no good. It just seems like a really badly written plot for a really bad film. Like it would get 3/10 stars on IMDB because the plot makes no sense and no one would actually vote for that guy again or believe in that bit where he convinced the public of Obamagate…
Also that’s fake news, Trump would never talk in word salad, he always takes that out of the burger before eating
@James Travis “Truth is stranger than fiction”
It’s all about distraction. Let’s talk about this made up rumor I started, so the news stops talking about what a bad leader I’ve been during this pandemic. That’s all this is.
They are the reporters they gotta go and look into to it.
Let’s hold a debate between Trump and Obama. I’ll watch.
Dutchy allow me to correct myself he is a drunk racist that idiots find funny.
@Michael Morthel Sadly so true
@Beck Haleen Please explain what was destroyed? I’ll wait!!
@Beck Haleen ask trump that you Delusional fool
Dredge Rivers That would be fun.
“Mr president can you tell me exactly what crime you’re accusing obama of”
Trump: obamagate!!!

Obama Billgates–+
@Frank Money just because someone tells you something it doesn’t make it true.
@Jesse James it sure doesn’t but u have to see both sides of the story. There is a left and a right??
He is only bringing this crap to hide his whistleblower testimony.
Whistleblower lmao, who the guy who got fired? The one who’s opinions weren’t listened to?
@T M Do you know why he got fired??? Do you know why Trump fires anybody. I mean literally Trump Supporters will be in history books as the most dumbest people ever. Hilarious!! Wake up

Yes Wonder Who Hides Dr Bright E-mails, Trump Cannot Stands Anyone That Smarter Then Him. The Bully Getting Outs Soon
Think4 Once Let’s see if Obama can take a little what he dish’s out.This is not a one sided deal.
Think4 Once You realize the media hates trump, the media makes him so much worse than he is. He ain’t perfect, I understand that, but the media hates him. Take it all with a grain of salt, the media is liberal so they will force those agendas.
Stupidgate has been going on for the last 3 years and 4 months
to be honest, trump perfoamcence on economy is beyond every previous president….. how is stupid ??? we know youngster love meme and make trump silly, but he is doing real business, like businessman, scienctist, and if you dunt understand trump, get more education before going to web, too native and too immature –> Jamise
Yes, and dear God can we please make to November so we can vote him out by voting Biden in!
@asd ajsh yeah, right…that’s hilarious! He’s doing business for himself. He’s trying to gain what he perceives as prestige and he turned on US. He left US sitting like sitting ducks in the face of a covid-19 pandemic. No one news media outlet had to tell me this. I saw it happen for myself as I watched numerous news outlets, even Fox!
“A slogan in search of a scandal.”
Exactly! That’s what most of his claims are. More chants for his rallies. But appreciate this summary,. We’ll see if Trump ever comes out to tell us HIS definition of what “#OBAMAGATE!” is.
Rick Wilson is a talking head in search of a brain.
‘but be careful what you wish for…’
That had an interesting ring to it. Seems Trump has more to worry about than Obama ever would.
He even borrowed that quote, most recently from Lindsey Graham, who seriously suggested he step back from this ‘idea.’ Bound and determined to stir up ‘STUPIDGGATE’ though; that would make this his latest ‘triple bogey.’ (So much for inherited intelligence)
Like Trump said if you don’t get it your not suppose to.
Word salad
Lisa W Exactly how he speaks
Get what. Plz answer
Fran Harkins Trump made up a bogus conspiracy theory just to confuse everyone. He is making up fake news.
“If Trump wins in November, will he blame everything on the first Trump administration?”
No, he would still blame it on Obama..
I pray he doesn’t win
He’s trying to divert attention from how he’s mishandled the COVID – 19 response.
Yet no Democrats have come up with any plan other than keeping the economy closed and making you all stay home LMAO
@T M Yes cause the level of stupidity by trumpidiots is DANGEROUS!! LMAO . It’s not the virus it’s the lack of comprehension. Democrats said stay home. lmao
He hasn’t mishandled it. The media just hates trump, the media is all liberal, they force their agenda on everyone. And people believe it. There is NOTHING talking about why Obama is in the wrong. Take it all with a grain of salt.
tricktaylor1983 wdym incompetence, have you seen the economy? The jobs?
@Think4 Once You’re lucky Republicans are running the show. We are going to be Venezuela with Democrats.
“You know what’s going on, it’s very obvious to everybody.”
The emperor has no clothes.
As well as No integrity, No ethics, and No shame!
Trump is hilarious. Looking for someone to look worse than he is and blabber tubbish isnot going to save his assnow for all the lives that have been lost through his ignorance This man is taking something and fantisizing
You’ve got to give it to Trump though, he really knows how to deflect from his fk up of the ongoing health issues!!
Is DJT building another “gate”, his own TrumpGate?? The lies, misspeaks, outrageous phrases, names, statements maligning others especially if they’re not saying what he wants or needs to promote his possible troubled re-election woes. Just keeps piling it on, “open mouth – change feet ” or is it both feet now? Hoof & mouth disease is what an old neighbor called it when kids tried .
“If there’s a sharper critique of America’s failed education system than the breathless, mindless Trump voter, I can’t name it.”― Rick Wilson
Jazz man well your a Democrat.