The House this week released full transcripts from the deposition of former top State Department aide Michael McKinley, who recently resigned in protest. The panel discusses. Aired on 11/05/19.
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What Transcripts Say About Mike Pompeo's State Department | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Pompeo more dangerous than Trump. Convincing liar.
Really? I wasn’t convinced by his lies.
Lol…if he was my husband I know that he’s just lying
@Geo H

@E L

If that pos convinces you of anything that’s your problemm Anyone with a pulse and an IQ above 50 can see through his BS. This is the guy who defended MBS’ murdering of Kashoggi.
Pompeo it’s a joke! Trump sold USA politics to Giuliani interests and his own, of course.
Well said!
Todd Jenkins it’s a cess pool
Grant Kussky trump 2020 in prison
@Ronald Pacheo you’re some kind of stupid aren’t you
Pompeo’s lack of support to his State Department employees displays his trajectory of not honoring our US Constitution and only honoring the POTUS. Shameful and disgusting. Also, whistleblowers have always been protected. Always.
@Alan Hirschenhofer II makes one wonder why he would throw all that away for Donald J. Teabag
@Jeffrey Down I often wonder what trump has on all those who formally opposed him, who all sing his praises now? My only conclusion is that putin gave him dirt on all of them.
@Alan Hirschenhofer II greed does strange things to people.
Alan, I have thought about that a lot. Remember when Lindsey would occasionally say something about not being in total agreement with trump-way back when-but then, after a certain golf game he had with the Liar n Thief, he came back from that trip suddenly full of nothing but dripping praise and adulation? And continued to ramp it up.
There isn’t ONE person in this … what are they … group of “people” that isn’t a pathologic liar. Not one.
Wayne Grover your profile pic is dope
It was bound to happen. Trump demands loyalty to himself (over the national interest) and can’t tolerate people who disagree with him, no matter what the facts are. He therefore practically demands an administration full of people as dishonest and self-serving as himself.
@MAM long ago, and far far away. Tks anyhow. Where were you 20 yrs ago

Just playin.
They are mob members.
You’ve got to be a liar to join the team…lol
pompeeo is not government material. He’s a disgrace to West Point and the US. Lying is his forte. And he wants to be a senator? Put him in his place Kentucy.
you cant expect Kentucky’s people to be that useful in my opinion. they get hard when mitch speaks…
Are they all really that dumb?!
Pompeo’s a lousy liar. His public service career is over the day trump tweets out his dismissal.
Pompeo. He is going to a prison in Mexico. That is where Top Dotard is going to send him. Actually they both belong there without the US tax payer expense. Wow. More rice and beans for them both.
He really is a lousy liar. I was about to write that myself. Too many tells.
@Doctor Thirteen Kobach is a piece of work.
@tnargskoorb1 right? I hate that-as if he is mocking us as fools–I despise him-get his stinkin’ butt back to the gutter he came from
Remember folks, Pompeo is a Tea Party nut who was trying to rehabilitate his reputation but his true LYING self couldn’t be cleansed. He is a bold face LIAR!
@WILLIAM SANNUTO Yeap, you people have dumbed it all down to where it’s like loving your hometown football team.
#1 = peepee
@Blue Moon oh lol well I get it now sure but not all that clear
Tea Party- that explains everything!!
@Chuck Kunz no we are conservatives you commie nutjob lib. We will crush you !
I guess Pompeo follows the Lewandowski model: if you only lie on TV and not under oath then it’s cool to lie.
An oath is meaningless to them. They’ll do what they do to accomplish their goals or to cover their atsrs.
Such deviousness, and punky he is.
*When an honest man discovers he is mistaken after seeing Truth & Facts he will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest!*

*#ComplicitGOP** Vote them all into Political Extinction so we can truly MAGA!*
amen, amen
Farmer Bob a trump supporter just don’t care at all.
*Trump Supporters:* When they became obsessed with a *Lunatic,* they became the *Lunatics.*
@Jody Lowe съесть член
Jody Lowe a degree from trump university doesn’t make you smart, just gullible.
Jody Lowe : do you were duped by a bait and switch con man, it’s understandable, but don’t defend criminals, that’s lunacy! Believing Fox News! That’s lunacy ! Your choice…. belong to a cult of personality
Who can trust Pompeo after he lied for MBS in The khashoggi Killing… then laughed and smiled as he met with MBS?
Have you seen the story about Kushner green-lighting the Kashoggi arrest? Mind blowing if true
@Angela MW No, sounds more like theory than fact, but if true, it would be mind blowing.
This whole Trump administration has got to go.
For real!!
They will all go! We just want them to go sooner than later!
They all need to go to Prison for Lying for a Lying Traitor fake so-called prez.
Please include the trumpers in both senate and congress.
His republican sycophants need to go. 67 votes in the Senate, I’d love to see Trump re-elected. Maybe they could then hang him for treason. No double jeopardy in impeachment.
Pompeo lies as easily as he breaths and just as often.
@John Swo they must teach that at Harvard.
@Rich Woods : Pompeo finished #1 in his class at West Point, it’s a disgrace to the Academy what he’s become.
@Rudy Penza what a disgrace from west point
ALX Armed Liberation Xecutive Will you share his lies please.??
@Jody Lowe you weren’t paying attention? Rewind try again…
The WH transcript says that Mike Pompeo’ state department is corrupt like everything and everyone Trump touches.
Ot Gman…ruining all American agencies is puppet Trump’s agenda
No, it shows the heads of the departments are corrupt. He finally has his lackeys doing what he wanted from day 1, because the previous ones who stood up have been fired or quit.
The fact the people working are coming forward shows the department isn’t corrupt, just those in charge
Steve Bannon’s goal was to end administrative government. Trump is the ultimate tool and Pompeo is the dynamite in the State Department.
As a Kansan I have to believe Pompeo was corrupt, long before POTUS Don the con touched him.
The West Point honor code: “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
U.S. Army officers explain that “will not lie” includes what Gen. Maxwell Taylor, a superintendent of West Point, called ‘quibbling, evasive statements, or the use of technicalities…’”
Remember taking that oath, Mike?
@Rich Woods : His character was set by the time he got to Harvard law. The best Harvard could have done was hone an already corrupt character.
@Rich Woods That’s actually Wharton but in this case let’s go with WARTon as it seems more fitting.
West Point has its honor code. Individuals have theirs …. or not.
He may have taken it. But didn’t take it serious.
anyone near trump gets mnesia
Some of these characters need to be in jail.
All of these characters need to be in prison…
Trump will stand trial in NYC whenever he gets out of office..the day after.
i would bet my life that the people at trumps rally wearing “read the transcript” t-shirts have, in fact, not read the transcript.
Ashley. Tump supporters have not read the transcript.
How can they, they are a bunch of morons. Can’t read or write, that’s why they voted for the Orange Maggot.
They just went along with the cult leaders lies.
Trump brainwashed them.
Trump is evil.
Darrle Ennis, call them idiots they cheer.. amazing!
@Coffee Jesus
Shirts made in China and the proceeds of the sales of the shirts go to man baby.
ashley Wrong!
It’s not enough to just lie, you must destroy the truth. That is trump’s ethos.
The truth never changes..
Pompeo nervously laughs every time he lies every interview. He is part of the corrupt administration and should be impeached and incarcerated with all the other conspirators including Dump.
They only lock us Brown and Black folk up. It will come to past…..deja vu Rome all over again.
My immediate concern: Is the ambassador safe? This is a mobster style government driven by intimidation and corruption. And the GOP are enabling this style of government!!! This is shocking and scary!
@CMaylene It is a nightmare for us witnessing this corruption, but I fear for the whistleblower’s life with the way trump and the GOP are attempting to expose their identity. I mean there are some crazy trump supporters who will do anything for this lawless president, even murder. trump and the GOP will then say it is a ‘mental illness’ problem and not take any responsibility for inciting criminal and murderous behaviour!
Literally anyone who goes against Yrump isn’t safe. I honestly think that if he’s ever in a position, he would get the info on posters who’ve expressed negative opinions about him to teach us ” a lesson”.
@v blackwell Because what you say is true, I find it sickening. I am waiting for the next hate crime because of trump and GOP’s hate-filled rhetoric!
CMaylene, it is because in the past people lived through such administrations and learned the hard way why honor, integrity and the constitution are crucial to the USA. Others who are ignorant and sheltered thinking winning is the ultimate best thing.
Petulant Pusillanimity. so very wrong