The Supreme Court ruled that President Trump is not immune from a Manhattan district attorney’s attempt to get financial records as part of an investigation into alleged hush money payments, and therefore, he is not above the law. But it also ruled that House Democrats could not subpoena Trump’s financial records as it investigates possible ties to Russian entities. Both cases were sent to lower courts. What happens now? Aired on 7/9/2020.
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What To Know About The Supreme Court Ruling On Trump’s Tax Records – Day That Was | MSNBC
2 Justices think that he IS above the law, going by their votes. We have 2 Supreme Court Judges, a majority in the Senate, and a Justice Department who think that we have a kingdom. Not cool…
Alito and Thomas
Of course he’s not above the law. He’s not even above dog turd.
6 Feet Under!
@Trump’s trumPET McEnany trump is an unflushable turd!
He will float on, no matter how many times you flush!
@William H Music 2020 hi you old addict.
King trump is not above the law!
@William H Music 2020 <- This is a bigoted homophobic religious zealot. An objectively bad human.
@William H Music 2020 King of a bucket o’ chicken.
@riffle queen I love chicken!
Actually, after the SC’s ruling on Oklahoma, Trump is technically the federal ruler of half of Oklahoma so he is a King! LMAO! Do you think this was a ploy by Trump and Native Americans to fight child trafficking and assume mineral and gas rights in half of Oklahoma? The more you know! MAGA!
@Gooey 911 you liked your own comment. so sad.
two of those judges are so corrupt
@Dy Dayton Give me one example of how DIRT-DOGS and SCHMEG HARVEST are admirable.
No use arguing with this guy…he’s a cultist.
Don’t waste your time…
@Black Water
I’d say he’s a troll bot, maybe even a scammer.
Looks like trump’s attempts to blackmail the Supreme Court did not work.
William H Music 2020 looks like God is stepping in and exposing trump and removing him. Praise the lord
I’m offended by the fact that it’s even a question of whether or not the president is above the law. It is constitutional fact that no one is above the law. And this also includes the president. To say otherwise is against the constitution and should be viewed as treason, as it goes against the American people.
@Master Temple Maybe we don’t hear anything about Hillary’s emails…..because bunker boy’s daughter did exactly the same thing. He on the other hand, quickly committed another crime to divert attention from his daughters actions…
I am glad you find this offensive. So, do you also agree the Clinton Foundation should be investigated for fraud along with the Haiti Relief efforts and the millions embezzled, lost, stolen?
@Jason Oquinn So you agree that trump is not above the law. Great!
I agree I think the media saying, “not even the President is above the law” they should be saying “especially not the President is above the law” he forgets he is a SERVANT to America, as are all politicians, PUBLIC SERVANTS.
Another stall tactic. This is the most corrupt administration.
Most criminal president in American history.
Trump does more crimes per week than any other President in their tenure
@mokiloke debunked stupid! LOL
Are you implying that DNC is a pedophile ring
@Akela DeWolf*trump
@Gooey 911 And yet SDNY is still going after his campaign felony. And winning.
Wah! Wah! “I’ve been treated so unfairly!” Big bunker Baby is sobbing AGAIN! It will take some time but he will be exposed!
3 years always zip, fake impeachment, fake Russian collusion, fake investigation, fake agents, fake dossier, fake news, fake narratives, fake Democratic party…fake
@Master Temple Fake billionaire. Fake SAT scores. Fake bone spurs. Fake school records. Fake marriages. Fake casinos. Fake “Harder on Russia than anyone” Fake divestment from businesses. Fake NK deal. Fake tariff war. Fake CV19 stats, another day, another boat load of lies and nothing but lies.
@Master Temple fake intelligence like all Trumpwads….
@Altair IV exactly.
his house of cards are about to crumble
William H Music 2020 Just beginning it’s jail time. Troll.
Gooey 911 It’s over Gooey. Get use to it.
@Catherine Andujar Actually everyone knows Democracts are Anti-American Pro-LGBTQ.
His house ‘are’. Sure. You speak some English?
@Gooey 911 We heard that back when this case started. You act like this was some recently introduced prosecution, this never went away.
I can see the future!
News on the 21st of January 2021 – New York conman arrested, on charges of treason, trying to board flight to Russia with a one-way ticket!
@William H Music 2020 and you are pro-Orange Shitstain treasonous criminal who’s rim-jobbing his VladdyDaddy.
@James Gravil Of course…I used to also be a Democract.
@William H Music 2020 thank you!
For not being a Democrat anymore!
It would have been difficult explaining a Democrat like you!
And by the way, trump switched to the Republican party, cause there’s no way ever the Democrats could have accepted this conman as their presidential candidate!
@Fair Dinkum I’m not a Republican you complete buffoon I support the people’s president…you obviously support corrupt politicians and their Anti-American Pro-LGBTQ agenda.
He’d best escape before the 21st. Let Pence handle the Inauguration niceties…. (Although prosecutors may have some charges in mind for Pence and quite a few others, as well. Maybe we’ll see a mass migration of GOP leadership by this holiday season.)
Oh yeah. Records made public after November, just to help trump . Don’t want to hurt him before the election. Corrupt decision
Reforms need to be made, to stop people abusing the legal system, just to delay justice? And, I sure don’t trust these, “judges,” not to capitulate when trump tries to sue his way back into office? Lock Trump UP!
I guess we know why Trump fired the district attorney and tried to get his golfing buddy in
Do we? Do you think it was coincidental that immediately after Trump forced the district attorney to resign (what did Trump have on Geoffrey Berman?) Ghislaine Maxwell gets arrested? LMAO! Some questions need to be asked…
Ask the Q –
I agree this should be settled before the election as we are supposed to judge a person transparently before we put a cross by a name, its only fair we know who we are voting for and their values, if Trump was honest and above board he should have no problem in producing his financial records, otherwise if he is elected we have to go through another four years of this crap like impeachment, court and congress russia trials and investigations which will further destroy our country where we need to move forward put it behind us and build up our nation up again, this is getting weary.
Do you think there should be presidential debates this year?
Trump will plead the Fifth Amendment- that his tax returns will tend to incriminate himself!
This is Trump being the thug and trying to hide his crime(s).
Are you still giving mouth hugs to whoever votes for Joe Biden?
BREAKING NEWS: Scientists now believe to have found the two main reasons why Democrats cannot meme. In a brand new study published in *_Scientific American,_* the scientists conclude that 100 out of 100 Democrats have 0 sense of humor and 100% of Democrats have negative IQ.
@Akela DeWolf you wish!
Sorry! We don’t need “your” kinda votes!
@Fair Dinkum well, democrats do sound rather pervet, pedo and stupid. they also believe that men can get pregnant. Not the brigtest people
brilliantly said, ty everyone. and ty scotus for showing us that the rule of law has not been wiped from our land!
M ON E Y L A U N D E R I N G !!!
Enjoy your nothing burger!
wonder how many times trump changed his shorts after he got the news
He’s still sitting in his dirty dydee’s.
Extraordinary…NOT ! Still getting his “extension” due to a game of cat and mouse. Normal people DON’T FIGHT SUBPOENAS!!
I just want to know . On his last day . Will he leave in a limo or a police car….I hope a police car