What reparations to Black descendants of slavery might look like in the US | Just The FAQs

Lawmakers have been trying to pass reparation bills for descendants of slaves. Here's why it's taken so long – and how it might work.
RELATED: These women confront a painful history of slavery, together

On June 19, Americans around the country will celebrate Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating the Emancipation Proclamation in the USA.

This year, the annual celebration of freedom comes as the country grapples with its long-standing history of systemic racism, as well as the fate of its Confederate monuments, flags and symbols amid nationwide protests against police brutality and racism after the death of George Floyd.

"Juneteenth is a unifying holiday. It is the completion of the celebration of freedom in America," said Steve Williams, president of the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation.

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  1. Blax should be paying reparations to whites. Whites have spent the last 400 years completely sustaining blax with very little return.

      Yeah, you NEVER see white people outside in the daylight. You’ve got a WHOLE LOT to be proud of when your greatest accomplishment in life is your melanin.

  2. Reparations to descendants of those who liberated the slaves, may have some merit.
    A WHOLE LOTTA lives & treasure were spent accomplishing that, with very little return on investment.

    1. Negative returns. The ONLY thing we should have done is free them and send them home. Then go home ourselves.

  3. I forget who did the math he wrote a book about how he came up with the figure, but in the West wing a black guy went to the president for 4 or 5 billion dollars and that was in the early 90s.

    1. Andrew X and  @D dub  Stop Playing! You know your families has been given reparations. Unfortunately, ancestors of Black Germans in those same camps, who were gassed, brutally beaten and murdered weren’t given anything just because of the comor of their skin.

    1. @witness for Jesus What is true? It must be nice to have your ancestors spared of repeated rapes of women, men, children and babies by your sick ancestors, mass killings, hangings, and other haneous crimes; a mother using her breast milk to feed your people and being left with nothing at the supposed end of slavery. You have stolen everything and, you can’t stop killing us wholesale to save your wicked lives! Who are you a witness for? Anyone can see you don’t follow Godliness. Stop fronting!

    1. Prayer won’t help them..it didn’t help them for 1000’s of years..definitely not gonna help them today..

  4. There have not been any slaves or slave owners in the United States for over 150 years. Thousands of Union soldiers died freeing the slaves during the Civil War. Reparations have been paid in full by their actions.

    1. @Bobby D , probably because whites make up over 70% of the states so of course that number would be higher considering whites make up the majority of the states.

    2. witness for Jesus welfare comes from the government but it is essentially funded by way of government taxation. Don’t bring up welfare though… whites have been the largest receiver of welfare. History shows this so what is your point?

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