1. My condolences to all soldier and innocent people who are dead in Ukraine. Please stop that war please.

  2. Vladimir Putin should get himself in the battlefield as the new Russia military general

    1. @Claudio Hysi They tried levelling Ukraine but ended up doing a Special Turn Tail and Run Operation when they failed to take Kyiv and were getting demolished by Ukrainian forces.

  3. _”What Putin’s new commander reveals about his strategy”_
    That Putin doesn’t understand the problem isn’t with his generals, the problem is with the entire chain of command.

  4. His new strategy? Make a bigger pile of rubble out of ukranian cities and perpetrate worst atrocities against the people of ukraine. Hope he meets Saint Javelin

    1. @Jose Victorio Nunez i hear you but how to over rate something so relatively cheap & effective against armor?

    2. @NUNU Official irrelevant
      The link has nothing to do with the subject of the video or Rene Gonzalez comment

  5. Yes they changed commanders but it’s not going to suddenly fix the lack of maintenance of the equipment or their lack of training or teach their ncos some initiative.

    1. @kaa13Unlike in Kiev, Russians actually outnumber the Ukrainians in the south east. And the terrain is much better for the russians than in the north.

    2. @NTF From what I ve read, it s not a question of pure number of men, but a question of distribution in their “combined arms tactical groups” : while they have everything else, they lack infantry to support the other branches of the group.

    3. @Wilfried Hölscher haha I’ve been saying that if someone doesn’t open a scrap metal business and call it “Z” after the war they’re missing a great opportunity

  6. Side note: the distress call “Mayday” was derived from the French word “m’aider” that means “help me” and is a shortened form of “venez m’aider”, which means “come and help me”.

  7. Advance condolences to the family of new Russian Commander heading to the Ukrainian armies to face the challenges of death and become a hero of Vladimir Putin.

    1. We pray God confuse all the evil plan of Putin and his appointed General. God Grant’s wisdom to Ukraine Army and give them grace and inteligence to defeat Russian.

    1. So, Ghislaine Maxwell hosting an event called “Happy Family Disney Day” in 1985 have surfaced on the Internet today.

    2. @David Tekam They keep their whereabouts a secret. Wali was presumed.dead for a week because he was on a secret mission. That’s how they sneak up on enemies.

  8. I don’t see an exit strategy on this war. Such a beautiful country destroyed to ashes because of one leader that the world leaders fear. It’s pathetic.

    1. Ghislaine Maxwell hosting an event called “Happy Family Disney Day” in 1985 have surfaced on the Internet today.

    2. @Anna If you report them they’ll stop appearing in the comments. Not much point in reading their ridiculous stories anyway. They’re too stupid to understand nobody believes them anyway. 🤣

    3. @Anna; You are right. But this is not the first war Ukraine had to fight and survive and it probably won´t be the last either…there is no such thing as an “exit stragedy” when someone is trying to kill you and take all your land away anyway!…So Ukraine will fight to the death..and survive in the end!

    4. Nobody fears him. The fear is if a nuclear arsenal and a power vacuum.
      It’s not fear, it’s caution.

  9. I am glad Russia do not have generals like Mark Hertling; wow, he is superb! He is one of the reasons why the US (and Ukraina, Hertling has been there) has the best and most professial army in the world.

    1. Kathy Mitchell . I worked with Hertling and he is amazing as a military man and leader. His insights and observations and opinions are just what we need in this conflict to give us a bigger picture of this conflict. Thanks, General!

  10. Glory to Ukraine! Send these war criminals on! Democracy for the people, by the people! 🌎☮️🌻❤️

  11. Loved the “Stratego” reference! A board game I played in the 1970’s. He could at least have referenced “Risk”, which is now in video game format. Gen. Hertling needs to update his pop culture references.

    1. Ghislaine Maxwell hosting an event called “Happy Family Disney Day” in 1985 have surfaced on the Internet today.

    1. Target yes of course, but they wont make it easy for us to get him. Hes extremley ruthless and down right a criminal for what he did to aleppo

    2. ​@feffddc dude, field marshals in ww2 were always in and around battlefields, sometimes flying flimsy liaison planes surveying the terrain themselves

    3. @Gladius Pax Unfortunately those times are over, though…nowadays commanders watch everything by drone pictures only and hide from the action.

  12. So basically an Army guilty of war crimes has appointed their most infamous general known for his brutality and propensity for war crimes. So things are going to get a lot worse. Russia is definitely history’s villain here. I hope Ukrainian troops are able to find that guy and do what they have done to other generals in that war.

    1. @Volf1916 Meat You are right on that!!!! I would add, Hope he goes to the battlefield at any moment and let this Sniper Girl take care of him by giving him an AC outlet between his eyes!!!!! SLAVA UKRAINIA!!!!!!

  13. I’d honestly question how much difference this would make. From what I can gather, Dvornikov was only in command in Syria for less than a year, and that was a campaign with no large-scale Russian troop deployments. He may have served in Grozny, but that was on a far smaller scale and against far less well-equipped opponents.

    1. The first thing that came to my mind is that this recycled general might be well schooled in the type of tank warfare that will be taking place in the east.

    2. @hymns4ever What about the sea. He was discussing about operation readiness of different vessels on the black sea. I found that piece of information interesting.

  14. A key to winning the battle in the south & east is by attacking Russian logistics targeting ammo dumps, food & fuel depots behind Russian lines.

  15. God bless all the citizens of Ukraine, especially their military and President Zelensky!
    Victory to Ukraine!!!!!

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