What Prosecutors May Find In Trump’s Taxes Amidst His Loss At The Supreme Court | MSNBC

Many have speculated what Donald Trump's tax returns may reveal — and now the New York D.A. is likely to find out. The Supreme Court ruled Trump has no “immunity” to hide the returns. Award winning investigative journalist David Cay Johnson, who obtained some of Trump’s records, explains what the returns may hold – and offers clues from the new Supreme Court decisions about a separate Congressional case that could ultimately make the returns public, in this interview with MSNBC's Ari Melber. Aired on 7/9/2020.
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What Prosecutors May Find In Trump's Taxes Amidst His Loss At The Supreme Court | MSNBC

What Prosecutors May Find In Trump's Taxes Amidst His Loss At The Supreme Court | MSNBC


  1. Trump I’m under a routine audit, it will be released, and soon as the audit is finished it will be released that was in 2016.

    1. According to H&R Block… even if you are “under audit” you CAN release your tax returns… and only Trump would be “under audit” for 10 years…..!!!!

  2. Lock him up, Trump said he did not know anything about the payment his former attorney Michael Cohen made to stormy daniels .

    1. @Cody
      I raised my two boys right and now they’re raising my 6 grandkids.
      That’s family values.

    2. @Ken Bugbee The protesters weren’t involved with any of that, but you won’t hear that fact on FOX News. All of the vandalism and looting were from people in the city that had nothing to do with the protest. This is why the actual protesters all had masks on, so they could protect themselves and others from Covid-19. A good friend of mine is a police officer, and confirmed that fact with me. There will always be idiots that crash huge events. Of course, you won’t hear any truth from Trump. He doesn’t know how to be honest. He only has his re-election aspirations in mind. The law is going to catch up with him. That is as clear as day. I’m not drinking Trump’s Kool-Aid.

  3. Not only do I want to see Trump defeated in November, I want to see him spend the rest of his life in prison. 🙂

    1. “I want to see him spend the rest of his life in prison”… Since he’s so fond of Confederate General traitors I’m thinking a tree and a rope.

    2. People are talking about this election but what about the next one after? That’s when we truly don’t know what’ll happen

  4. The most corrupt President in history is trying to cover up yet another crime he’s committed without guilt!

    1. No TA I’m an independant who pays attention to both sides and what is actually going on and where the truth actually is. I base my support where the positive direction is and with whom the history shows positive accomplishments. So far the Democrats have sold out American workers and industry increasing the welfare rolls for the taxpayer. They have allowed illegal immigrants to become another taxpayer burden taking money that should be going to American citizens for education and other needs. They created a healthcare system that requires American citizens (the only citizens in the world) to purchase healthcare under threat of criminal actions including fines and forfeiture of tax returns. Uncontrolled pricing and uncontrolled deductibles ensureing the insurance companies never pay out for other than catastrophic needs. All facts you can confirm and verify. None of them are worthy of my vote based on the facts and truth of the last administration and current majority of the House

    2. @SCOTT THOMAS He has only ever been accused of corruption, but he has never been convicted. Keep dreaming

    1. @J. Noble Biden’s been in politics for 47 years. Tell me some of the good things he’s done for this country?

    2. Then lets pray that Americans that support him (unbelievable) can think about why he is hiding them – the world cant take a second term.

    3. @Raia Kousary maybe you should pray instead that Democrats stop rioting,looting, burning and killing. Just a thought

  5. Amongst all the other felonies trump committed, the 2 crimes he’s really afraid of is the Financial transaction with Jeffery Epstein in the form of payments and the fact that he’s on Russian welfare.

    1. Rachael Maddow from the very beginning said follow the 💰 💰 💰
      after all it’s his first 💘 LOVE, thanks
      to FATHER. You get his Love you
      get the road that leads to Putin.
      Vote Blue🎓🎓🎓🎓…

    2. Everybody in the world knows why Trump won’t show his taxes because he’s probably going to jail Russian hush money the where is to hookers mr. President his Web of Lies will catch up to him

    1. He’s only doing what his idiotic cousin kissing base of blockheads want him to do. Either that or he’s just an insufferable a-hole.

    2. @Terri Jones Yes good, generalize and insult half the country. But maybe your not going far enough here..
      Hey, I know, lets boycott the rights farmers and stop buying food from them!

    3. red is for freedom blue is for losers You are the other problem in this country you lack complete logic and complete understanding of basic information

    4. That was the Democrats actually. They loved the riots because it brought chaos to the President beautiful America.

      Notice none of them condemned the actions. They’re all complicit in acts of domestic terrorism and they must all be charged. Treasonous! All of the dems

    1. @Bernard M. I saw Trump on TV saying how gorgeous his daughter was. “I’d date her” he said.
      As Shakespeare wrote, “Guilt spills itself for fear of being spilt.” He just can’t help himself. In his nervousness, he just can’t stop his mouth moving.

    2. @ihave35cents take your destitution someplace else I only have thirty five ¢ you poor ignorant fool

    3. Trump is being financed by Russia he is Putin Allie thus y he always adore the Russian president who is master

  6. He could stop all the rumors, just show the taxes.
    There is nothing illegal about them, is there?????

    1. PHAT MAN y aren’t even a wee bit curious whose names are attached to these dirty dealings and where the about the money laundering everyone’s talking about Y don’t want to know who he’s in debt to? Where is trump doing business besides Russia and who is he in debt to for said favours. Y so small minded y gotta make this about political parties and care nothing about all that?

    1. @showlogicprod From the New York Times no less. Didn’t they just get called out for FAKE NEWS last week ?

    2. @OnTheLake
      Yeah probably your god trump claimed they’re fake news. But fake news to you idiots means any news that calls out your lord-and-master trump for his corrupt b.s.

    3. @Xela somar Nothing that you mentioned were any crimes. You basically said a whole lot of nonsense

  7. Trump: “It’s the accountant’s fault” , “It’s a hoax”, “I never met those accountants”, “They’re out to get me”…….blah, blah, blah

    1. @Barefoot Prof What are you referring to? I haven’t had one liberal offer any kind of a direct, cogent argument or retort.

    2. Everything Trump says whether he is telling the truth or not will always be on the spotlight as long as he is President. As president you are expected to not only carry a huge burden, but also try to keep face. In all honesty though Trump isn’t doing that well handling these current world issues

  8. It’s his foreign funding he’s trying to hide. Remember, American banks wouldn’t touch him, so his business financial dealings are outside the continental USA. It’s not how much tax avoidance as who is paying him, should make interesting reading.

    1. @cj p hey look over there! A democrat! Better go cry with your slob of a shitbag president. Never been more proud to not be an american 🙂

    2. Rothchilds bailed him out after he bankrupted…

      Rothschild says…Don we have a little favor to ask of you…you’ve been selected for President…

  9. Trump knows his taxes show he rips people off isn’t worth what he says probably shows the money he has comes from russia he’s a conman

    1. @cj p There you go again with the moron stuff. Haven’t you ever heard the saying “Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt”?

    2. @cj p – You seem to be the moron..the IRS is not charged with looking into money laundering, corruption, foreign influence, illegal campaign contributions, etc. The Criminal side of DOJ looks into that not the IRS. So, for example, if Trump sold a property for 4 times its value to a Russian Oligarch been investigated by the US, then they will dig deeper and look for a connection. The IRS will not investigate it..if they are suspicious about something criminal it is referred to other agencies that deal with that. Mr. Mueller did that too while in the process of been the Sp. Counsel and investigating Trump he ran into stuff that was not part of his mandate but there was criminal content. He handed those to other agencies.

    3. How does seeing his taxes help Covid go away or help the American people? This is just a distraction by the crooked mainstream media. Disgusting filth they all are.

    4. @Jordan Wallace – No, this is not new..it is a case that has been in the system of appeals and SCOTUS ruled on it. It is been almost a year since the first request for his taxes was made (we know the MAGA Breed are pretty uninformed). So googled it and catch-up. One way it helps is by removing Trump… that would help with just about anything including Covid.

    5. Check out Putin’s Toy[click the J to play] the lyrics echo your comment. It’s a punk rock anti Trump look at Putin’s influence on the Trump White House. The song features top Canadian musicians and female vocalists. I wrote it and do the lead vocals. Hopefully the video is a humorous diversion for you. Feel free to leave a comment Gary Dimaggio. I value your opinion.

    1. @OnTheLake – *”Let tRump screw the country into bankruptcy while breaking every law imaginable and undermining the Constitution without regard, ALL WITHOUT ANY QUESTIONS, CHECKS OR BALANCES.”* THAT’S the way of the Republicons and all the tRump supporters. He’ll, why not give tRump an AK-47 to see how many people tRump can murder “point blank”, _right, OnTheLake??_

    2. Mark of Excellence …..don’t waste your time on the “No content” Les Davies Trump Troll !!

    3. @OnTheLake pardon child killers and accomplices, oops trump just did it again, Britney spears for vp, wooo

    4. @juan vicks I’d like to see your green card sir. Sounds to me like you are a little baby jose. Now go do yourself a favor, go back outside and finish trimming those bushes.

  10. The question all Americans should be asking is why Trump wants to
    ” hide ” his taxes and ” hide ” is the issue.

    1. David Cay Johnson is a bonafide tax expert and is always right on the money, especially about Chump.

  11. Brace yourself, ORANGE MAN, seems like SCOTUS got the “balls” to hand you over to the lower courts.

    1. Roberts could have said, the law is the law, trump MUST hand over ALL requested tax documents to BOTH parties!

  12. Trump’s oldest son said a decade ago that a lot of the family’s assets came from Russia. tRump 2015 – I have never done business with Russia.

    1. The Trump brothers that got loans through Deutsche Bank which Russia funded.

      With all of Trump bankruptcies the Trump family couldn’t finance a stick of gum in New York.

    2. @Bill J Here`s the kicker: Thomas Bowers, Deutsche Bank executive, who sign off on controversial loans to tRump, hung himself around Nov. 20, 2019. I use this when people claim that Bill Clinton had Jeffrey Epstein hung:)

    3. Trump never had a business in Australia and new zealand, he was not granted a license to operate because he’s a business risk due to his scamming service providers and a business model based in bankruptcies. He’s too close for comfort also with mobs and the russian oligarchs. When russians supposedly bought units and whole floors in the trump towers and left unoccupied- that is tantamount to money laundering?

    1. @OnTheLake yah right, he’s not trying to hide his criminal activities by refusing to show the people his tax returns, there are lots of clueless people.

    1. @TS Yes. His first wife became the expert at tidying up his messes. She sourced all the fixtures and fittings for Trump Tower. She became more successful than Trump and was admired for her business acumen. She had to go. After that he married bimbos. He then went on his cheating spree. He’s up to his neck in debt and the taxman will want a vast sum which Trump doesn’t have. Bye bye Mar-a-Largo, Trump Tower and all the golf resorts. They will be liquidated to help pay his tax bills. He needs a smart woman to sort things out.

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