Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley now says she would step aside and support former President Donald Trump if he wants to run for president again in 2024. In this latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains why Haley changed her tune on 2024 in just a few short months.
Nikki Haley says she'll support and not challenge Trump if he runs in 2024
Haley says she’ll back Trump, stand down if he runs in 2024
Nikki Haley makes her move against Donald Trump
Nikki Haley’s Time for Choosing
Three-quarters of Republicans believe a lie about the 2020 election
Fact checking Republicans' unsubstantiated claims that Antifa infiltrated Capitol riot
Trump, Pompeo offer praise for Haley as she announces surprise resignation
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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Paul Dwyer
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
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#CNN #Cillizza #NikkiHaley
Do you think Nikki Haley will run for president in 2024? – Chris
@Beautiful Disaster Your head has been in the sand for the last year. The Dems in office don’t trust those polls even when they are “favored”. Your not too smart…especially if you haven’t figured out that you’ve been lied to for years…CNN did just tell you they have been “lying” “creating stories” and using “propoganda (lies)” just to scare you and get high ratings…so believing them at this point is bizarre.
I hope so. I think she would be a great candidate!
It’s fitting CNN (Clown News Network
) has a big red ball as there logo. 

@C. Hunter Hughes You are a terd
Early so-called front-runners are almost never elected president. Gary Hart? Bob Dole? Jeb Bush? I am so sick of presidential elections beginning again as soon as the last one ended.
@Daniel Berger Since we’re living in the age of misinformation, I’d like to see a source for that, please. Not doubt, just healthy skepticism.
@ORANGE GENERAL “Bush was the front runner.” Correct! But the Iowa caucus Bush performed awful and a lot of people thought the Iowa caucus predicted the nominee. But yes, good catch.
@Hubert Humphrey yeah you were the early favorite in ‘72 but I ended up winning the nomination
I can’t stand her.
Nikki Haley reminds me of Susan Collins. She tries to play both sides, distance herself from Trump initially, but still continue to enable him.
@Shuiwah Lee Make America Great Again? How?
@Green party of Wakanda Zero integrity or truth finding. Pure ratings. Its the real issue but they got a-lot of people programmed to think CNN is authentic
@Green party of Wakanda Because their ratings are in the tank.
@Shuiwah Lee Can’t be done after the democrats are done destroying it.
@Jay D – try pansy Graham- he flip flopped like Haley more times than a fish out of water – prob related
She was begging dump for his endorsement, NEWSFLASH : HALEY, they will never vive you the endorsement, your a woman. Haven’t you learned anything?
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You are a product of propaganda. You’re on the wrong side
If GOP doesn’t support women, how did gop have so many women in congress?
@MRJTV what are you talking about? Eight out of 50 Republican senators are women. 16 out of 48 Democratic senators are women. For the house, 87 Democrats and 31 Republican.
@Jojo Snow TY, i didnt have the stats,but thst bonehead magat lover is probably back in his racist closet cryin by now
It’s all about her own neck.
She’s the woman who would when led to the scaffold would say the Lord’s prayer, ask for forgiveness and blame someone else, anyone else for her miscalculations.
She has bitter shorts. Sour.
just like Trumpy
When things were at their very worst:
2 Suns, Cross in the sky, 2 comets will collide = don`t be afraid – repent, accept Lord`s Hand of Mercy.
The first sign – the Earth will spin faster.
The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin.
Scientists will say it was a global illusion.
Beaware – Jesus will never walk in flesh again.
After WW3 – rise of the “ man of peace“ from the East = Antichrist – the most powerful, popular, charismatic and influential leader of all time. Many miracles will be attributed to him. He will imitate Jesus in every conceivable way.
Don`t trust „pope“ Francis = the False Prophet
– will seem to rise from the dead
– will unite all Christian Churches and all Religions as one.
One World Religion = the seat of the Antichrist.
Benedict XVI is the last true pope – will be accused of a crime of which he is totally innocent.
– banking collapse was deliberately masterminded by the Antichrist
– Antichrist will step in and create a false peace in the state of Israel by joining them with palestine in an unlikely alliance.
– „He will recite extracts from My Teachings, which he will passionately proclaim from every secular stage in the world, until people sit up and take notice of him.“
The Book of Truth
@gab michael We have guns though. There will be no world religion.
“He went down the wrong path and we followed him” – 1945 Germany. Oh wait …
nice to e-meet you
nice to e-meet you
@1984 THEBEGINING in denial much?
@1984 THEBEGINING I can live with anything accept a trump stinking the place up!
@Daniel Berger fake news. Also Tramp lost, by a LOT.
Another great segment

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Received, thank you.
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nice to e-meet you
Nicky has decided that treason and insurrection are just fine now.
*peaceful protest.
Why not it is working for the democrat communists.
You are an embarrassment to rational thought.
@Its me Quenten You can’t even spell your own name…
@Pol Pot 2024 for real though, let me say it again, you an embarrassment to rational thought also. Go communism!
Sometimes even a hen can find the seed, Haley can’t even with open eyes in clear daylight find her own house. I think it’s in this neighbourhood but I’m not sure. I have a red kitchen table at the third floor.
Thank you for your email
nice to e-meet you
Weird comments..
Nick Haley in the morning: in which side I’m going up today- left or right- ?
nice to e-meet you
nice to e-meet you
@jollyandwaylo well, that is up to you.
and; “I wish I could find a man. What’s wrong with me? I’m smart. Not like dumb, like everyone says, I’m smart and I want respect”
@Hansolovz Z Up to me? No, I was wondering how anyone could think Nikki Haley ever did or said something from the left of the majority of the country.
The woman that flip flops every time asked a question is not a woman to be trusted
Thank you for your email
nice to e-meet you
Good comment comrade!
But you voted for Kamala Harris, the queen of flip floppers. Doesn’t make you stupid ?
Kamala Harris and Nikki Haley have a lot of political similarities. Both of them are of Indian ancestry and both of them changes their mind as often as the clothes they put on. Both of them don’t have any real conviction, you can’t really tell what they believe in because they always follow the directions of the political wind. Kamala and Nikki would tell you it is okay to drink poison if they perceive that’s what voters want to hear or if it will favour them politically. They are birds of the same feather.
Kamala would tell you she support abortion in California but the same Kamala would be against abortion in Alabama. You would be confused and won’t know how to pin her down.
“I think there’s an art to manipulation…Inflection, saying things twice — there’s little subtleties to how to manipulate people…I mean, it’s enough to change the world, you know?”
@angel rodriguez k
@Its me Quenten You are completely wrong, Quenten. But since you love t-rump that goes without saying.
@Peter Nolan Yes a guy who listens to propaganda and gets emotional is telling me I’m wrong.
@Peter Nolan I don’t love trump. I hate how people react to him, no decent person would fall for this literal indoctrination.
It tells us that there are those that still follow the con man in Florida, all while he is laughing all the way to the bank
nice to e-meet you
Of course he lost 1/3 of his net worth whilst being POTUS so you are sort of stupid.
unfortunately, there are millions of them still
@Teutonic Nordwind but he is still scamming his loyal lemmings
@Teutonic Nordwind And of course your comment had absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote. But you keep the faith baby. Beleive in the con man’s rise and return
Some people have no self respect, whether someone’s right or wrong, good or bad, doesn’t matter, just suck up to whoever suits your needs…………….
It’s like seeing back to school commercial on the first day of summer break.
Sheriff: Union County teacher, coach killed in shootout with Mexican drug cartel….Did the cartel set up shop in North Carolina in the last 3 months? Or did they get in under Trump?
@ Chris Cillizza: what glasses are you wearing? I would like to get me one of those. Those are really cool.
Chris had to make it clear that he was making a “rolling the dice” gesture.
Chris had to make it clear that he was making a “rolling the dice” gesture.
She has flipped more times than a pancake at the Waffle House.
= never !