A federal judge ordered the release of emails from Trump's former election lawyer and said they are related to the crime of conspiracy to defraud the United States. CNN's Senior Legal Analyst Elie Honig, Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger, and Senior Crime and Justice Reporter Katelyn Polantz join CNN's Wolf Blitzer to discuss what this means for Trump. #CNN #News
What new emails found by a federal judge reveal about Trump

Reasonable articulatable suspicion of a crime about to be committed, in the process of being committed or been committed?
still not in jail… 
@REDANDSILVER741 and even then they still won’t see the issue and will revolt.
That’s the standard to detain for a short reasonable time to investigate. It’s not the standard to arrest (which is what jail is for)
If you are gonna try to play lawyer, you should at least know what you are talking about
@REDANDSILVER741 Not half the country just like 33% of magamorans
@David Vaughn good your democracy is coming to an end FOR THE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC
If the DOJ already had this, why zero indictments?!?
@Darrin Crowell thanks bud, good to be appreciated.
because its tom foolery bs from california
We’re going to have to start calling the Justice Department something else like, the Justice only if your poor Department.
A line that fits towards the DOJ:
damn the American justice system is laughably slow and seem non-existent when it really needs to mean it
“You’re not the clown, you’re the entire circus”
@wokeness is a sickness Mmm joined a month ago. Funny that.
What a load of rubbish. There issues with all this but rich people are held accountable all the time. But let’s be honest. Rich people have good lawyers. It’s that simple. Poor people have whatever they are given. So maybe we need to replace lawyers with ai for equal justice.
Wow you finally got him. Just took millions and like 6 years.
All this evidence. And still nothing won’t happen. It’s sad but true
Its been over 2 months since the raid and over 6 years of constant investigations and allegations. Whats going on?
@Sun Dial laptop
@Sun Dial he was never ag
@Sun Dial he wasn’t acquitted. The gop didn’t have the balls to do the right thing.
@Steven Blocker that’s funny, tell us more jokes
“It’s a very serious crime.” …. And still we’ve yet to see consequences for Trump!
that’s bureaucracy for ya!
Watching 10 million pieces of evidence be presented over a span of 5 years for a criminal who gets away with stuff that a regular civilian would be put in hell for can really mess with your mental health.
@John Herold Sorry, child, but I handled classified myself. Your infantile view of situation you know nothing about is what the Dems are counting on.
@1 Hunnid It’s obvious you know nothing except some childish version of how classified material is handled. Don’t he such a patsy.
@Dehumanized Anomaly Total fiction, child. Take your meds.
@Civil Villain cause thats how BAD his mentasl health is effected!
There hasn’t been any evidence. Which is why this hasn’t gone to court. What’s the definition of insanity again?
TRUMP has been running out the clock trying to see if the GOP saves him.
But if MITCH wasn’t a coward and had voted for impeachment, this wouldn’t be in play.
Now, the question is how much news/information can drop and whether will it affect the voters.
I always thought lying in court was a crime but I guess I’ve been wrong my entire life.
No you just weren’t in an income bracket we’re lying in court was legal
There is only one headline I am looking for on ANY news media… “Breaking News! The US judicial system has started holding rich people and politicians from both parties AS accountable as they hold everyone else!” The rest is a waste of time
@The Reaction cut the nonsense! Old school Southern Democrats are the Republicans of today, everyone and their mother knows this.
It really must be all rich people and all politicians with new laws stating that conviction criminals cant run for office or ceo if the crimes were xyz.
Here’s another fun fact the stock market is down because of OG Reggie B. I told you guys, no one’s going to get any money until I get mine TQQQ @ 70, 35, 25 and 19. These are all my buy entries they make good trading around information. Don’t say I haven’t given you anything lately peace
So when is someone going to wake up the justice department and remind them they have an obligation to protect the country?
@John Doe Be patience. Trump is so slippery that Garland wants to make sure he has all of his ducks in a row to make Trump can not slither out of it.
@John Doe for?
@E. Rich
subhuman trash chumpansee bot
Here’s another fun fact the stock market is down because of OG Reggie B. I told you guys, no one’s going to get any money until I get mine TQQQ @ 70, 35, 25 and 19. These are all my buy entries they make good trading around information. Don’t say I haven’t given you anything lately peace
Maybe we all need to call the DOJ and overwhelmed them with calls so they can move it along.
US Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
(202) 514-2000
Lets not just shout, let’s act!
What’s the number?
Reminds me of a little chant about emails I heard in 2015…something along the lines of “Lock him up! Lock him up!”
@m “mininovolador” G I’m saying he is utterly stupid and arrogant to do the same after the Hillary debacle. Surely experience should make one wiser
EXCUSE ME, why are we acting like it isn’t possible for all three entities to have copies of the emails all at the same time.
I came to say this, are emails for rich ppl no longer electronic?!? Liiike make it make sense
“Could be evidence of a crime?” Could be, really? In baseball when a player catches a flyball they NEVER say that it “could” be an out.
Yeah, that line caught my attention too…. can’t believe she was able to say that with a straight face.
Waiting for the DOJ to do the whole Justice part of their job..
They will, just be patient
At 2:16 “It’s up to these investigators how to decide {to prosecute}” — how is that even a question at this point?!
If he doesn’t have to take responsibility it’s going to be a HUGE Problem!
Will these emails from Eastman be given to the DOJ and any other jurisdiction investigating Trump’s many crimes? It seems to me that lawyers in California could bring charges in addition to almost any attorney investigating Trump.